
ADPG documentation release 17.10.2024
  1. Reflected changes in the ADPG release 16.3.1 dated 17.10.2024:

    • Added Release notes.

    • Added the Upgrade a cluster to a new ADPG version article.

    • Updated the Switchover from leader to replica in ADPG article:

      • Added the sudo su - postgres command.

      • Removed sudo from all subsequent commands.

      • Replaced /etc/patroni/patroni.yml by /etc/adpg16-patroni/adpg16-patroni.yml.

    • Removed information about the Run SQL action of the ADPG service.

    • In the Configure a cluster article, updated the image and described the Ubuntu 22.04 repositories.

    • In the Requirements article, added information about the Ubuntu 22.04 support and recommended to use ADCM 2.1.2 or higher.

    • Described defragmentation in the The etcd cluster section of the ADPG high availability overview article.

    • In all paths, replaced adpg14 by adpg16 and made other necessary updates.

    • In all links to the PostgreSQL documentation, replaced 14 by 16.

  2. Reflected changes in the ADPG release 14.3.8 dated 17.10.2024:

    • Added Release notes.

    • Renamed the Enable maintenance mode and Disable maintenance mode service actions to Pause Cluster and Resume Cluster respectively.

    • In the Supported extensions article:

      • Removed the following extensions: hstore_plperl, hstore_plperlu, jsonb_plperl, and jsonb_plperlu.

      • Updated the version of the timescaledb extension.

      • Described the following extensions: plperl, plperlu, plpython3u, pltcl, pltclu.

      • Added a note with information on additional packages for procedural languages.

    • In the Configure a cluster article, updated the image and described the Cluster UUID parameter (see Primary configuration → General configuration parameters).

  3. Added new articles:

  4. Fixed a misprint on the image in the Load balancing article.

ADQM documentation release 17.10.2024
  1. Reflected changes in the ADQM release dated 17.10.2024:

  2. Added the User-defined functions and Executable tables article.

ADQM documentation release 14.10.2024

In the Read Hive data from ADQM article, fixed the test table creation example: back quotes were needed for the date keyword.

ADCM documentation release 14.10.2024
  1. Updated the ADCM API v2 usage examples article:

    • Actualized all parameters.

    • Changed some examples.

    • Added highlighting to all code snippets.

  2. Actualized the Backup & Restore article.

  3. Added several recommendations to the first admonition block in the Upgrade article.

ADS documentation release 04.10.2024
  1. In the Work with kafka-rest-security article:

    • Mentioned out-of-the-box authentication methods that can be configured in a JAAS file and can be used with the kafka-rest-security module.

    • Described how to enable the mTLS authentication.

  2. In the Configure a cluster article:

    • Renamed the Timeout to unlock package manager section to Reliability control.

    • Described the timeout field in the Reliability control section.

    • Changed default values for the retries and delay fields in the Reliability control section.

  3. In the ADS configuration parameters article, renamed all occurrences of Add key,value to Add key, value.

ADS documentation release 26.09.2024
  1. Reflected changes in the ADS release dated 26.09.2024:

  2. Updated the Network requirements article: described ports used in a monitoring cluster and divided the table with all used ports into several tabs — one tab per one product.

ADB documentation release 19.09.2024
ADS Control documentation release 12.09.2024
  1. Moved the ADS Control documentation to a separate repository and made it available via the following link: Arenadata Streaming Control. This link is also located on the ADS landing in the Connected products section (see the Read documentation button).

  2. Actualized ADS Control configuration parameters:

    • Added the following sections: Kafka Settings and JAAS template file.

    • Updated the following sections: Kafka Clusters and Basic authentication.

ADS documentation release 12.09.2024
  1. Due to moving the Arenadata Streaming Control (ADS Control) documentation to a separate repository, removed the ADS Control articles from the ADS documentation.

  2. Actualized ADS configuration parameters:

    • Added template descriptions.

    • Added the log4j advanced properties configuration group of parameters for the Kafka Broker component of the Kafka service.

    • Added parameters to the application.conf group of Kafka-Manager.

    • Added the following parameters: Ranger plugin enabled (for Kafka and NiFi), Set service checks (for NiFi and MiNiFi).

ADCM documentation release 05.09.2024
  1. Reflected changes in the ADCM release 2.3.0 dated 05.09.2024:

  2. Made the following fixes:

  3. Added information about RED OS 7.3.2 support to the Prerequisites article.

ADQM documentation release 05.09.2024
  1. Added the following articles:

  2. Added a note with information on rolling upgrade to the Cluster actions article.

ADB documentation release 05.09.2024

In the ADB ClickHouse Connector overview article, added the SELECT execution schema diagram.

ADB documentation release 29.08.2024
  1. Reflected changes in the ADB release dated 29.08.2024:

  2. Added information about supported Docker version for CentOS to the Software requirements article (see point 3).

  3. Added Accounts in ADB.

ADB Control documentation release 29.08.2024

Reflected changes in the ADB Control release 4.9.1 dated 29.08.2024:

ADBM documentation release 29.08.2024

Reflected changes in the ADBM release 2.1.2 dated 29.08.2024:

ADPG documentation release 19.08.2024
  1. Added new articles:

  2. In the Monitoring article, added the second schema (ADPG monitoring with Metrics storage from the same cluster).

  3. Updated the Work with extensions article.

  4. Added a note about the Backup: Restore cluster action to the Backup: Restore cluster and Backup and restore using pgBackRest articles.

  5. In the Configure a cluster article, updated the last image and added the following sections: Configuration groups and Ansible settings.

  6. In the Add components article, described the Hosts mode, which allows mapping components by hosts.

  7. Instead of all articles in the installation guide related to hostproviders, left only one article Prepare hosts, which contains links to the detailed documentation on each hostprovider.

ADS documentation release 19.08.2024
  1. Added new articles:

  2. In the Configure a cluster article, updated the last image, actualized parameters, and added the following sections: Configuration groups and Ansible settings.

  3. In the Add components article, described the Hosts mode, which allows mapping components by hosts.

  4. Instead of all articles in the installation guide related to hostproviders, left only one article Prepare hosts, which contains links to the detailed documentation on each hostprovider.

ADS Control documentation release 19.08.2024

In the Cluster actions, described the Manage Kerberos and Manage SSL actions.

ADH documentation release 19.08.2024
  1. Updated the Sqoop overview article.

  2. Added the Use filters in HBase article.

  3. In the Configure a cluster article, updated the last image, actualized parameters, and added the following sections: Configuration groups and Ansible settings.

  4. In the Add components article, described the Hosts mode, which allows mapping components by hosts.

  5. Instead of all articles in the installation guide related to hostproviders, left only one article Prepare hosts, which contains links to the detailed documentation on each hostprovider.

ADPS documentation release 19.08.2024
  1. In the Configure a cluster article, updated the last image, actualized parameters, and added the following sections: Configuration groups and Ansible settings.

  2. In the Add components article, described the Hosts mode, which allows mapping components by hosts.

  3. Instead of all articles in the installation guide related to hostproviders, left only one article Prepare hosts, which contains links to the detailed documentation on each hostprovider.

ADQM documentation release 19.08.2024
  1. In the Configure a cluster article, added the following sections: Configuration groups and Ansible settings.

  2. In the Add components article, described the Hosts mode, which allows mapping components by hosts.

  3. Instead of all articles in the installation guide related to hostproviders, left only one article Prepare hosts, which contains links to the detailed documentation on each hostprovider.

ADB documentation release 19.08.2024
  1. In the Add components article, described the Hosts mode, which allows mapping components by hosts.

  2. Instead of all articles in the installation guide related to hostproviders, left only one article Prepare hosts, which contains links to the detailed documentation on each hostprovider.

Yandex Cloud hostprovider documentation release 19.08.2024
  1. In the Create hosts with Yandex Cloud hostprovider article, added information on products that require FQDNs for hosts created via ADCM.

  2. In the Manage a Yandex Cloud hostprovider article, added information that the Create hosts action is not designed for products that require FQDNs for hosts created via ADCM.

SSH hostprovider documentation release 19.08.2024

In the Create hosts with SSH hostprovider article, added information on products that require FQDNs for hosts created via ADCM.

VCloud hostprovider documentation release 19.08.2024

In the Create hosts with VCloud (VMware) hostprovider article, added information on products that require FQDNs for hosts created via ADCM. Advanced hostprovider documentation release 19.08.2024
  1. In the Create hosts with Advanced hostprovider article, added information on products that require FQDNs for hosts created via ADCM.

  2. In the Manage a Advanced hostprovider article:

    • Added information that the Create hosts action is not designed for products that require FQDNs for hosts created via ADCM.

    • For the Create hosts action, changed the FQDN parameter description.

CROC Cloud hostprovider documentation release 19.08.2024
  1. In the Create hosts with CROC Cloud hostprovider article, added information on products that require FQDNs for hosts created via ADCM.

  2. In the Manage a CROC Cloud hostprovider article:

    • Added information that the Create hosts action is not designed for products that require FQDNs for hosts created via ADCM.

    • For the Create hosts action, changed the FQDN parameter description.

ADQM documentation release 05.08.2024
  1. Reflected changes in the ADQM release dated 02.08.2024:

  2. Added new articles:

ADB documentation release 05.08.2024
  1. Reflected changes in the ADB release

    • Added a description of the adb_hba_file_rules_view view to the Work with arenadata_toolkit article.

    • Added a description of Ubuntu repositories and the Timeout to unlock package manager option to the Configure a cluster article.

    • Actualized the last image in the Configure services article (caused by changes in the Advanced parameters).

    • Actualized the first image in the Expand → Run the action section of the Cluster actions article (caused by changes in the Advanced parameters).

    • Added the KEYSTORE_LOCATION and KEYSTORE_PASSWORD fields to the file that is used in the ADB to Kafka Connector installation article.

    • In the ADB to Kafka Connector configuration article:

      • Renamed the JAAS options for the SASL PLAIN mechanism list to JAAS options for the SASL PLAIN, SCRAM-SHA-256, or SCRAM-SHA-512 mechanism.

      • In the Kafka options list, added new possible values for the following parameters: SECURITY_PROTOCOL — SSL, SASL_MECHANISM — SCRAM-SHA-256 and SCRAM-SHA-512.

      • Added a file example for SASL_MECHANISM = SCRAM-SHA-256|SCRAM-SHA-512 to the JAAS_CONFIG_FILE section.

      • In the Use the SERVER option section, added the and options to the kafka-site.xml parameters list.

      • Added the Custom configuration of the SASL authentication mechanism section.

  2. Added a recommendation about usage of generic cores to the Requirements for Astra Linux section of the Software requirements article.

  3. Updated the ADB known issues article (see the first table row).

  4. Added the ADB → SSL section to the Configuration parameters article.

  5. In the Configure a cluster article, updated the last image and added the following sections: Configuration groups and Ansible settings.

ADCM documentation release 02.08.2024

In the Configure ADCM to use an external database article, fixed quote marks for DB_OPTIONS.

ADBM documentation release 01.08.2024

Reflected changes in the ADBM release 2.0.4:

ADH documentation release 23.07.2024
  1. Reflected changes in the ADH release dated 23.07.2024:

  2. Added articles for the Hive service:

  3. Added articles for the Solr service:

  4. Added articles for the Sqoop service:

  5. Added articles for the MapReduce service:

  6. For YARN, added the Configure and use GPU on YARN article.

  7. In the Configuration parameters article, added a note about filling parameters in the Custom section.

ADPS documentation release 23.07.2024
  1. Reflected changes in the ADPS release 1.1.2.b1 dated 23.07.2024:

  2. Added conceptual articles:

  3. In the Configuration parameters article, added a note about filling parameters in the Custom section.

ADB Control documentation release 22.07.2024

Reflected changes in the ADB Control release 4.8.8:

ADS documentation release 09.07.2024
  1. Reflected changes in the ADS release dated 08.07.2024:

  2. Added new articles:

  3. In the Network requirements article, described the 443 port.

ADS Control documentation release 09.07.2024
ADCM documentation release 09.07.2024
  1. Reflected changes in the ADCM release 2.2.0 dated 05.07.2024:

    • Added Release notes.

    • In the Bundle DSL article, described the flag_autogeneration parameter. Removed allow_flags.

    • In the Concerns article, extended a description of flags.

    • Added a description of the pattern property to the config section of the Bundle DSL article.

    • Described the ability to use SSL when connecting to an external database:

    • In the Configure article, updated the screenshot and removed the Ansible settings section.

    • Added a note about the ansible.cfg file to the Ansible ecosystem article.

    • Added information about Ubuntu 22.04 to the Prerequisites article.

  2. Added Ansible inventory structure.

  3. In the following articles, added a note that starting with ADCM 2.0.0 the usage of latest is not supported:

  4. Made the following fixes:

ADB documentation release 02.07.2024

Added Release notes for the ADB release

ADB Control documentation release 02.07.2024
  1. Added Release notes for the ADB Control release 4.8.8.

  2. Actualized ADB Control known issues.

ADBM documentation release 02.07.2024
  1. Added Release notes for the ADBM release 2.0.4.

  2. Actualized ADBM known issues.

ADB documentation release 14.06.2024
ADB documentation release 04.06.2024

In the Software requirements article, actualized information about Astra Linux versions supported starting with ADB

ADCM documentation release 21.05.2024

Added Release notes for the ADCM release 2.1.2 dated 20.05.2024.

ADPG documentation release 14.05.2024
  1. Reflected changes in the ADPG release 14.3.7 dated 13.05.2024:

  2. Added new articles:

ADH documentation release 27.04.2024
  1. Reflected changes in the ADH release dated 27.04.2024:

  2. Added the Logging in YARN article.

ADPS documentation release 27.04.2024
  1. Reflected changes in the ADPS release dated 27.04.2024:

  2. Added articles for Ranger:

ADQM documentation release 26.04.2024
  1. Reflected changes in the ADQM release dated 25.04.2024:

  2. Added new articles:

ADBM documentation release 26.04.2024
  1. Reflected changes in the ADBM release 1.7.3 dated 11.04.2024:

    • Created the Configure an external database for ADBM article. Added a link to this article to the Arenadata DB Backup Manager overview and Configure services articles.

    • Added a descrition of the Verified status to the Manage configurations in ADBM article.

    • In the Disaster recovery article:

      • Described the new restore type Streaming.

      • Removed a description of the manual stream launch.

      • Described the Backup Manager → Copy → History tab.

      • Described the Restore points section of a form with deatiled stream information.

      • Described the Replication lag field, which is available for streams with the Streaming type in the Streaming status on the Backup Manager → Copy → Streams tab and in the window with detailed stream information.

      • Updated the Terminate action.

      • Updated all images.

    • Added the Streaming restore type description to the View restores in ADBM article.

    • In the Configuration parameters article:

      • Actualized the ADBM → External database parameters section.

      • Removed the Database parameters section.

      • Added a description of the Xmx ram parameter GB parameter to the Database migration parameters section.

  2. Added a note about saving a configuration to the Manage configurations in ADBM article.

ADB Control documentation release 26.04.2024
  1. Reflected changes in the ADB Control release 4.7.5 dated 11.04.2024:

  2. In the Metrics offload → Structure of offloaded data section of the Configure job policies article, added a note about choosing DB.

  3. Added a note about upgrade to the Add a cluster section of the Cluster management article.

ADB documentation release 22.04.2024
  1. Reflected changes in the ADB release dated 11.04.2024:

    • In the Redistribute → Run redistribution section of the Cluster actions article:

      • Added a description of the Number of parallel processes field.

      • Updated the screenshot with parameters.

    • In the Configuration parameters for PXF:

      • Removed the Force Enable Monitoring option.

      • Added the Use custom PXF_BASE and PXF_BASE options.

      • For the JAVA_HOME option, left the default path to Java /usr/lib/jvm/jre-11-openjdk (same for all operating systems).

    • In the Configure a cluster article:

      • In the Use custom registry group of options, added the prefix field, updated the registry field.

      • For the Use custom JAVA_HOME for cluster option, left the default path to Java /usr/lib/jvm/jre-11-openjdk (same for all operating systems).

    • In the point 4 of the Software requirements article:

      • Removed Java 8 from supported versions, left only Java 11.

      • Left the default path to Java /usr/lib/jvm/jre-11-openjdk (same for all operating systems).

    • Added a description of the tablespace_location field for the db_files_current and db_files_history tables to the Work with arenadata_toolkit article.

  2. Added information about maximum supported version of ClickHouse/ADQM to the Tkhemali Connector 1.X installation article.

ADPG documentation release 18.04.2024

Updated the ADPG documentation home page. Instead of the full list of articles (which is still available in the left navigation menu), top 10 popular articles are displayed (based on the statisctics of the past month).

ADCM documentation release 18.04.2024

Updated the ADCM documentation home page. Instead of the full list of articles (which is still available in the left navigation menu), top 10 popular articles are displayed (based on the statisctics of the past month).

ADQM documentation release 18.04.2024

Updated the ADQM documentation home page. Instead of the full list of articles (which is still available in the left navigation menu), top 10 popular articles are displayed (based on the statisctics of the past month).

ADS documentation release 18.04.2024

Updated the ADS documentation home page. Instead of the full list of articles (which is still available in the left navigation menu), top 10 popular articles are displayed (based on the statisctics of the past month).

ADH documentation release 18.04.2024

Updated the ADH documentation home page. Instead of the full list of articles (which is still available in the left navigation menu), top 10 popular articles are displayed (based on the statisctics of the past month).

ADPS documentation release 18.04.2024

Updated the ADPS documentation home page. Instead of the full list of articles (which is still available in the left navigation menu), top 10 popular articles are displayed (based on the statisctics of the past month).

ADB Cloud Bundle documentation release 16.04.2024

Released the first version of the ADB Cloud Bundle documentation, which includes the following articles:

The documentation link is available in the Hostproviders section on the ADCM landing.

ADCM documentation release 12.04.2024

Added Release notes for the ADCM release 2.1.1 dated 11.04.2024.

ADS documentation release 11.04.2024
  1. Reflected changes in the ADS release dated 11.04.2024:

  2. Added articles:

  3. Added a note about configuration files to the Cluster update section of the Cluster actions article.

  4. In the Install a cluster article, added a note about installation on a clean host with no previous installations of related or similar software.

ADB documentation release 11.04.2024
  1. Added Release notes for the ADB release

  2. Added the Cluster actions article.

  3. Updated ADB known issues (see

ADB Control documentation release 11.04.2024

Added Release notes for the ADB Control release 4.7.5.

ADBM documentation release 11.04.2024
  1. Added Release notes for the ADBM release 1.7.3.

  2. Updated ADBM known issues (see 1.7.0).

ADH documentation release 27.03.2024
  1. Reflected changes in the ADH release dated 27.03.2024:

  2. Added Enable Kerberos with prepared Active Directory server and no admin permissions.

  3. In the Requirements for SSL certificates article, added a note about using FQDN as a key alias in keystore.jks.

  4. In the Configure Kerberos authentication based on FreeIPA via ADCM article, added information about FQDN usage in the KDC hosts and Kadmin server fields.

  5. Added new articles on Hive:

  6. Added new articles on YARN:

  7. Added a note about configuration files to the Cluster upgrade article.

  8. In the Install a cluster article, added a note about installation on a clean host with no previous installations of related or similar software.

ADPS documentation release 27.03.2024
  1. Reflected changes in the ADPS release 1.1.1.b1 dated 27.03.2024:

  2. Added new articles on Ranger:

  3. Extended the Manage roles in Ranger Admin UI article.

  4. Updated the Ranger → LDAP sync source for User synchronizer parameter description in the Configuration parameters article.

  5. In the Configure Kerberos authentication based on FreeIPA via ADCM article, added information about FQDN usage in the KDC hosts and Kadmin server fields.

ADB documentation release 27.03.2024
  1. Added Supported extensions.

  2. Added SQL commands not supported in ADB.

  3. In the ADB Control → Database parameters section of the Configuration parameters article, added a note for the Data dir field.

  4. Updated the ADB documentation home page. Instead of the full list of articles (which is still available in the left navigation menu), top 10 popular articles are displayed (based on the statisctics of the past month).

Yandex Cloud hostprovider documentation release 22.03.2024

Released the first version of the Yandex Cloud hostprovider documentation, which includes the following articles:

The documentation link is available in the Hostproviders section on the ADCM landing.

SSH hostprovider documentation release 22.03.2024

Released the first version of the SSH hostprovider documentation, which includes the following articles:

The documentation link is available in the Hostproviders section on the ADCM landing.

VCloud hostprovider documentation release 22.03.2024

Released the first version of the VCloud (VMware) hostprovider documentation, which includes the following articles:

The documentation link is available in the Hostproviders section on the ADCM landing. Advanced hostprovider documentation release 22.03.2024

Released the first version of the Advanced hostprovider documentation, which includes the following articles:

The documentation link is available in the Hostproviders section on the ADCM landing.

CROC Cloud hostprovider documentation release 22.03.2024

Released the first version of the CROC Cloud hostprovider documentation, which includes the following articles:

The documentation link is available in the Hostproviders section on the ADCM landing.

ADQM Cloud Bundle documentation release 22.03.2024

Released the first version of the ADQM Cloud Bundle documentation, which includes the following articles:

The documentation link is available in the Hostproviders section on the ADCM landing.

ADCM documentation release 21.03.2024
  1. Reflected changes in the ADCM release 2.1.0 dated 20.03.2024:

    • Added Release notes.

    • In the Users management article, described user blocks.

    • Actualized the Enable LDAP article:

      • Added the third point to the note before the LDAP description section.

      • Updated the figure.

      • Described the Group DN for granting ADCM Administrator rights column in the Configuration settings table.

    • Applied changes to the Ansible inventory groups article:

      • Described the PROVIDER and HOST groups in the Basic groups section.

      • All groups were assigned a bundle type (see the last column of tables on the page).

      • Added the second example to the Examples section.

  2. In the config → Types of configuration parameters section of the Bundle DSL article, actualized the structure description: added a list of available attributes and possible match values, updated the configuration example.

  3. Restructured the Ansible modules and plugins article. Added the adcm_change_flag module description.

  4. Added Concerns.

  5. In the ADCM role model article, made the Permissions and roles table view more convenient.

  6. The Maintenance mode article was moved from the How to section to Concepts.

ADPG documentation release 06.03.2024
  1. Reflected changes in the ADPG release 14.3.6 dated 05.03.2024:

  2. Added the Views and materialized views article.

  3. In the ADPG → Patroni ADPG configurations section of the Configuration parameters article, described the use_custom_location, patroni_log_dir, patroni_log_file_size, patroni_log_file_num, and patroni_log_level parameters.

ADQM documentation release 06.03.2024
  1. Added the Integration between ADQM and ADPG article.

  2. In the Service actions, described actions available for Clickhousekeeper.

  3. Information about the need for applying Reconfig and restart to ADQMDB after running Expand/Shrink for Zookeeper/Clickhousekeeper was added to the following articles:

  4. Fixed a description of the Astra Linux SE 1.7 Orel operating system in the Software requirements article.

ADB documentation release 26.02.2024
  1. Added the Use ADB DDBoost plugin article.

  2. Made changes:

    • In the Software requirements article:

      • Extended the recommendation for antiviruses.

      • Described minimal requirements for ClickHouse and PostgreSQL to be used as external databases in ADB Control.

    • In the Arenadata DB Control overview article:

      • Recommended to install Chrony.

      • Described why external databases are recommended for ADB Control in production environments.

ADB documentation release 02.02.2024
  1. Added the Work with arenadata_toolkit article.

  2. In the Network requirements article, gave information about the need for adding ports to an exception list if firewall is used.

ADH documentation release 17.01.2024
  1. Added Release notes for the ADH release

  2. Added new articles on ZooKeeper:

  3. Added the HiveServer2 UI overview article.

  4. In the ADH architecture article, updated the Hadoop ecosystem schema and its description.

ADQM documentation release 29.12.2023
  1. Reflected changes in the ADQM release

  2. Added the Integration between ADQM and Kafka article.

ADB documentation release 28.12.2023
  1. Reflected changes in the ADB release

    • Added Release notes.

    • In the Software requirements article, added specific requirements for Astra Linux related to cgroups v1.

    • In the Configure services article, updated the last figure since the PL/Python3u Extension parameter was added.

    • In the Configuration parameters article, described the PL/Python3u Extension parameter (see the Main section). Also, the Use nobarrier parameter was described (for master and segments separately).

  2. Described two ways of integration between ADB and Kafka:

  3. In the Configure a cluster article, recommended to use Java 11 in case of custom installation. The same note was added to Software requirements.

  4. In the Network requirements article, added information about ports used by ADB to ADB Connector.

  5. Updated ADB known issues.

ADB Control documentation release 28.12.2023
  1. Reflected changes in the ADB Control release 4.6.4:

    • Added Release notes.

    • Renamed the Metrics chart article to Dashboard and moved it to the lower level. All images in the article were updated.

    • In the SSL encryption article, updated images, actualized parameters in the HTTPS parameters enable section, and added some notes. Also, added new parameters to the Configuration parameters article (see ADB Control → HTTPS parameters).

    • At the beginning of the Cluster management article, added a note about the need for upgrading external ADB cluster in case of using ADB Control starting with 4.6.4.

    • In the Monitoring of sessions article, updated all images due to adding the Application name column and some fixes of the light theme in UI. The Application name description was added to the table.

    • In the Configure role mappings with LDAP groups section of the Authorization article, updated all images due to adding buttons and filters above the table in UI.

    • In the Metrics offload → Configuration section of the Configure job policies article, updated all images where the Export sessions flag is displayed.

    • In the Metrics offload → Structure of offloaded data section of the Configure job policies article, updated the offload condition for the session table due to adding the Export sessions flag.

    • In the Basic authentication article, updated all images since block and unblock icons replaced each other.

  2. Updated ADB known issues.

ADBM documentation release 28.12.2023

Reflected changes in the ADBM release 1.6.3:

ADPG documentation release 28.12.2023

In all articles where ADCM web interface is mentioned, updated all texts and figures according to ADCM 2.0.0:

ADH documentation release 26.12.2023
  1. Reflected changes in the ADH release

    • Added Release notes.

    • Updated versions in the Supported services article.

    • Actualized Hive configuration parameters: removed the External database section, added the javax.jdo.option.ConnectionDriverName parameter to the hive-site.xml section, added the default value for the javax.jdo.option.ConnectionURL parameter.

    • Actualized HDFS configuration parameters: renamed the HDFS heap memory settings section to Hadoop options and updated names and descriptions of its parameters.

    • Updated screenshots of the Airflow 2 web interface in the Airflow UI overview article.

    • In the Software requirements article, added information about support for Astra Linux 1.7 "Orel" SE with Axiom JDK (with the need for LC_TIME=en_US.utf8), fixed requirements for package managers, and gave a link to Version compatibility matrix.

    • In the description of YARN configuration parameters, said about the need to set for correct YARN operation under Astra Linux (see container-executor.cfg).

  2. Added new articles:

  3. In the Use impala-shell to connect to Impala article, described how to fix the ImportError: no module named pkg_resources error.

ADPS documentation release 26.12.2023
  1. Reflected changes in the ADPS release 1.1.0.b1:

  2. Added new articles:

  3. The Ranger audit description was updated and moved from the ADH/ADS documentation to the ADPS article Ranger audit.

  4. In the Enable SSL on ADPS cluster with Knox article, described how to clear the gateway.tls.key.alias value in ADCM 2.0.0.

  5. In all articles where ADCM web interface is mentioned, updated all texts and figures according to ADCM 2.0.0:

ADCM documentation release 25.12.2023
  1. Added Release notes for the ADCM release 2.0.0.

  2. In the Installation article, described environment variables (that can be optionally defined when a container is created) and recommended to use PostgreSQL in production.

  3. In the Set the ADCM URL section of the Installation article, updated information about setting ADCM URL.

  4. Updated the ADCM API v2 usage examples article: changed parameters and updated response examples for some queries.

  5. Added the ADCM Auditor role description to the ADCM role model article.

  6. In the Users management article, described how to unblock users.

  7. Added information about the system and status users to the Audit UI article.

  8. In the ADCM API article, gave a link to the API v2 specification and added information that API v1 is deprecated.

  9. In the following articles, described the new versioning format, which is used starting with ADCM 2.0.0:

  10. In the Upgrade article, recommended to backup ADCM data before upgrade.

  11. Restructured the Release notes article: all releases are now located at the top level.

  12. In all articles where ADCM web interface is mentioned, updated all texts and figures according to ADCM 2.0.0:

ADB documentation release 25.12.2023
  1. In the Software requirements article, recommended to switch off any antivirus software before ADB installation and during the ADB operation process (see point 6).

  2. In all articles where ADCM web interface is mentioned, updated all texts and figures according to ADCM 2.0.0:

ADB Control documentation release 25.12.2023

In all articles where ADCM web interface is mentioned, updated all texts and figures according to ADCM 2.0.0:

ADH documentation release 01.12.2023

Added Release notes for the ADH release

ADPS documentation release 01.12.2023

Added Release notes for the ADPS release 1.0.5.b2.

ADCM documentation release 29.11.2023

Added Release notes for the ADCM release 2023.11.28.07.

ADPS documentation release 20.11.2023

Added the Ranger Knox plugin article.

ADB Control documentation release 02.11.2023
  1. Reflected changes in the ADB Control release 4.5.3:

    • Added Release notes.

    • Described monitoring of ADB sessions:

      • Added the Monitoring of sessions article.

      • In the Configure job policies article, described the session table and conditions for offloading its data. Updated images (as the UI page now displays information about the need to select a database for data offloading).

      • In the General settings article, described the Sessions tab.

      • In the Authorization article, described the View sessions permission.

      • In the Arenadata DB Control overview article, mentioned monitoring of sessions as the ADB Control feature.

      • In the Audit article, described the session object type.

    • In the Cluster management article, removed information about adding a cluster manually; moved a description of cluster settings to the section that describes how to edit a cluster; updated all images (since the Create connection button was removed).

    • In the ADB Control section of the View jobs article, updated images since ADCC was replaced by Monitoring in breadcrumbs.

    • Updated figures in most articles where the light theme of the ADB Control UI was displayed.

ADBM documentation release 02.11.2023
  1. Reflected changes in the ADBM release 1.5.2:

    • Added Release notes.

    • In the Run actions in ADBM article, updated the Restore action description:

      • Changed the Skip validation flag description.

      • Added information about the Restore mirrors list.

      • Updated figures.

    • In the View actions in ADBM article, added the Warning status to the list of action statuses. Added descriptions for all action statuses.

  2. In the Hardware requirements article, changed requirements for ADB hosts during ADBM installation.

ADB documentation release 02.11.2023
  1. Reflected changes in the ADB release

  2. In the ADB to ADB Connector overview article, extended the third point of the first note — about usage of INSERT.

  3. In the Add hosts article, updated the second note — about the ability to use FQDN in host names.

  4. In the Configuration parameters article, extended a description of the JAVA_HOME parameter for PXF (described system default paths).

  5. Updated ADB known issues.

ADPS documentation release 01.11.2023
  1. Moved the ADPS documentation to a separate repository and made it available via the following link: Arenadata Platform Security. This link is also located on the ADH and ADS landings in the Connected products → Arenadata Platform Security section (see the Read documentation button).

  2. Moved the following ADPS articles from the ADH and ADS documentation (with updates):

  3. Added new articles:

ADH documentation release 01.11.2023
  1. Due to moving the Arenadata Platform Security (ADPS) documentation to a separate repository, made the following changes:

    • In the section related to authorization in ADH, left only one ADPS overview article — Arenadata Platform Security overview. This article contains links to the ADPS documentation.

    • Removed other articles that were added to the ADPS documentation.

  2. Added new articles:

  3. In the Filesystem requirements article, described the umask option (user file-creation mode mask).

ADS documentation release 01.11.2023

Due to moving the Arenadata Platform Security (ADPS) documentation to a separate repository, made the following changes:

  • In the section related to authorization in ADS, left only one ADPS overview article — Arenadata Platform Security overview. This article contains links to the ADPS documentation.

  • Removed other articles that were added to the ADPS documentation.

ADH documentation release 23.10.2023
  1. Reflected changes in the ADH release

  2. Added new articles on Spark:

  3. Added the Use JDBC to connect to Hive article.

  4. Added new articles on HDFS:

  5. Described actions available for ADH clusters via ADCM:

  6. Described actions available for ADH services via ADCM:

  7. Added Filesystem requirements.

  8. Updated a description of the dfs.internal.nameservices HDFS configuration parameter in the Configuration parameters article.

ADPS documentation release 23.10.2023

Added Release notes for the ADPS release 1.0.5.b1.

ADS documentation release 18.10.2023
  1. Reflected changes in the ADS release

  2. Added examples how to use ADS services:

  3. Described ZooKeeper concepts:

  4. Added some references:

  5. In the SSL channel security article, added a note about the need to fill in san when creating certificates. Updated the script, which is used to create self-signed certificates (considering san).

ADCM documentation release 11.10.2023

Added Release notes for the ADCM release 2023.10.10.08.

ADB Control documentation release 04.10.2023
  1. In the Metrics offload section of the Configure job policies article, added a subsection with a structure of offloaded tables and conditions for their offloading.

  2. Added the General settings article, which describes how to configure Time zone. This functionality is available starting with ADB Control 4.4.0.

  3. Updated all articles according to the current version of ADB Control (4.4.0):

    • Updated all screenshots due to changes in the left navigation menu and adding a timezone in the top right corner of ADB Control UI. The light theme of the documentation now shows screenshots corresponding to the light theme of the application.

    • Updated a description of table filters in the following articles:

    • Applied changes to the following articles:

      • Configure job policies:

        • Described the Export resource groups, Interval, and Delay fields.

        • Divided the process of configuring a JDBC connection into two steps: JDBC URL and user/password.

      • Audit:

        • Renamed ADCC tabs to ADB Control.

        • Renamed the Time (on the Operations tab) and Event time (on the Authorizations tab) fields to Operation time.

        • Described the ADB LDAP authorization type for the Authorizations tab.

        • Described the System settings object type for the Operations tab.

        • Described the ability to view changed parameters on the Operations tab.

      • View information on components:

        • Renamed ADCC tabs to ADB Control tabs.

        • Excluded Monitoring before Information from paths that are used on the page.

      • Cluster management:

        • Renamed the User field to Username.

        • Renamed the Set default cluster button to Set default.

      • Connect to ADB Control: renamed the Login field to Username.

      • View jobs: removed the Error message column description from the both Audit tabs since its functionality was moved to the Job name column.

ADBM documentation release 04.10.2023
  1. Updated all articles according to the current version of ADBM (1.4.0):

    • Updated all screenshots due to changes in the left navigation menu and adding a timezone in the top right corner of ADBM UI. The light theme of the documentation now shows screenshots corresponding to the light theme of the application.

    • Updated a description of table filters in the following articles:

    • Applied changes to the following articles:

      • Added the cifs repository type to the Add a new configuration section of the Manage configurations in ADBM article.

      • Described the Autostart, Backup type options and a note related to them in the Disaster recovery article (see step 6 in the Configure and run section).

      • Described the Action ID field in the Subaction details table of the View actions in ADBM article.

      • In the Fields of the Overview section table of the View restores in ADBM article, described the ability to head to the backup configuration details via a link. Changed the order of the Databases and Restore types columns.

      • Removed the third limitation from the Overview section of the Manage configurations in ADBM article.

  2. In the Concepts → WAL section of the Arenadata DB Backup Manager overview article, changed the incorrect size of WAL segments from 16 MB to 64 MB.

ADB documentation release 04.10.2023

In the ADB ClickHouse Connector usage examples article, described how to select data from ADQM/ClickHouse to ADB.

ADCM documentation release 04.10.2023
  1. At the beginning of the Maintenance mode article, added a note about availability conditions of this mode.

  2. In the Prerequisites article, fixed a description of minimal requirements.

ADCM documentation release 29.09.2023
  1. Added Release notes for the ADCM release 2023.09.28.17.

  2. Added articles:

  3. Changed the following articles:

    • In the Configure article, updated the image and added the Data retention policy and Statistics collection sections.

    • Updated the ADCM role model, Configure user permissions, Create policies articles since the role model is now based on groups instead of users.

    • In the UI overview article, updated the BUNDLES tab description: updated the image, described the Signature attribute.

ADB documentation release 01.09.2023
  1. Reflected changes in the ADB release

  2. Described requirements for ADB installation:

  3. Updated ADB known issues.

ADB Control documentation release 01.09.2023
  1. Added Release notes for the ADB Control release 4.4.0.

  2. Updated ADB Control known issues.

ADBM documentation release 01.09.2023

Added Release notes for the ADBM release 1.4.0.

ADB Control documentation release 10.08.2023
  1. Added Release notes for the ADB Control release 4.3.3.

  2. Added new articles:

  3. In the Audit article, added the Relation audit details section.

  4. In the table that describes access permissions in ADB Control, added links to the documentation sections where users can find details of the corresponding operations.

  5. Divided the Add a cluster section in the Cluster management article into two parts: automatically and manually. Added notes at the beginning of each section.

ADBM documentation release 10.08.2023
  1. Reflected changes in the ADBM release 1.3.3:

    • Added Release notes.

    • Updated the Disaster recovery article:

      • Described the Restore mirrors flag.

      • Updated the image that describes the Stream Info UI window.

    • Updated the ADBM known issues article. Closed problems that were fixed in ADBM 1.3.3.

  2. At the beginning of the Manage configurations in ADBM article, added a note about the need to create a new configuration when switching to standby master.

ADB documentation release 10.08.2023
  1. Added Release notes for the ADB release

  2. Updated the ADB known issues article.

ADS Control documentation release 03.08.2023

Reflected changes in the ADS Control release 2.1.1.b1:

  1. Replaced the Arenadata Streaming Command Center (ADSCC) name by Arenadata Streaming Control (ADS Control) in all texts.

  2. In the UI overview article, updated the section related to cluster management: described filters and legend.

  3. In the ADS Control overview article, described user management in a separate section.

  4. In the following articles, updated images for both themes and added icons:

  5. Added Release notes.

ADQM Spark Connector documentation release 27.07.2023
  1. Released the first version of the updated ADQM Spark Connector documentation, which includes the following articles:

  2. In comparison with the previous version:

    • Updated existing articles according to the internal style guides.

    • Added the ability to select a version like for other products (via the Select version drop-down list in the left).

    • Extended the Usage example article.

  3. Added the documentation link to the ADH and ADQM landings.

ADB Spark Connector documentation release 27.07.2023
  1. Added the ability to select a language like for other products (via the toggle in the top right corner). Translated existing article into Russian. All new articles will be published in two languages simultaneously.

  2. Added the ability to select a version like for other products (via the Select version drop-down list in the left).

  3. Updated existing articles according to the internal style guides.

ADQM documentation release 21.07.2023
  1. Reflected changes in the ADQM release

    • Added Release notes.

    • Added the Configure data storages article with a detailed description of available storage types.

    • Updated configuration parameters for the ADQMDB service:

      • Instead of the Storage Configuration parameter, added new sections: Enable additional local storage, Enable S3 storage, Enable local cache, Enable encrypted storage, and Storage policies.

      • Added the following parameters to the User password options section: Allow Implicit_NO_password, Length of password, Include Upper-case, Include Lower-case, Include Number, Include special symbols.

      • Added the Encryption codecs for tables section.

  2. Added the Configure logical clusters in the ADCM interface article.

  3. In the table of the Network requirements article, added the 9010 port for ClickHouse and the 9444, 9281 ports for ClickHouse Keeper.

ADBM documentation release 21.07.2023

Reflected changes in the ADBM release 1.3.2:

  1. Added Release notes.

  2. Updated the Disaster recovery article:

    • Updated figures according to changes in tables and filters.

    • Described filters available for the table with configurations.

    • Changed a description of filters available for the table with a list of streams.

    • In the table that describes the Overview section (stream details), added the Restore type field.

    • In the Create stream → Stream Info form description, removed the Restore mirrors flag and the note about restrictions.

  3. Updated the ADBM known issues article. Closed problems that were fixed in ADBM 1.3.2.

ADB Control documentation release 21.07.2023
  1. Added Release notes for the ADB Control release 4.3.2.

  2. Added ADB Control known issues.

ADB documentation release 21.07.2023
  1. Added Release notes for the ADB release

  2. Added ADB known issues.

ADB Control documentation release 19.07.2023
ADBM documentation release 19.07.2023

Reflected changes in the ADBM release 1.3.0:

  1. Added the Disaster recovery article.

  2. In the Manage configurations in ADBM article, updated figures and descriptions/default values of parameters. For the Full Backup schedule, Differential backup schedule, Incremental backup schedule, Restore point creation schedule, and Cleanup schedule options from the General configuration section, described switches, which define whether to perform actions manually or on schedule. Rules for parameters that specify time and data amount values were moved from tables to one place before information on adding a configuration.

  3. Updated the Run actions in ADBM article:

    • Updated images due to adding two tabs: Copy and Backup.

    • For the Backup action, described the Delta flag.

    • For the Restore action, described the Processes parameter and the Delta, Force, Skip Validation flags.

    • Changed names of actions (e.g. Start Backup. StartStart 'Backup' action and so on).

  4. In the View backups in ADBM article, updated images and filters. Added the Delta flag description to the backup details.

  5. In the View restores in ADBM article, updated images, described the Restore type field (with possible values Self-restore and Copy). In the section with detailed restore information, described the Processes, Restore type, Action parameters; updated the Flags field.

ADB documentation release 19.07.2023

Reflected changes in the ADB release

  1. Updated the ADB ClickHouse Connector installation article. There is no more need to load packages manually.

  2. At the beginning of the Tkhemali Connector 1.X installation article, added a note about the connector status.

  3. In all articles of the ADB installation guide, updated images and names of services/components due to renaming ADCC to ADB Control and Tkhemali to ADB ClickHouse Connector.

  4. In the Configuration parameters article, updated names of the ADB Control parameters.

ADS documentation release 18.07.2023
  1. Reflected changes in the ADS release 1.8.2.b1:

    • Added Release notes.

    • Added information about the Astra Linux support to Software requirements.

    • Updated a description of the Basic and SASL PLAINTEXT authentication:

      • In the Configure a cluster article, added a block with images that explain how to configure different types of authentication (as well as for offline).

      • In the Basic authentication and SASL PLAINTEXT articles, updated a description of the authentication configuration and user management.

      • In the Use SASL PLAINTEXT in Kafka article, updated a description of user management.

      • In the Cluster actions article, removed a description of actions related to the Basic and SASL PLAIN authentication.

      • Replaced SASL PLAIN by SASL PLAINTEXT in all texts.

  2. Added new articles on NiFi:

  3. Described configuration best practices for Kafka and NiFi:

  4. Added the KsqlDB usage example article.

  5. Added the Kafka REST Proxy usage example article.

ADCM documentation release 11.07.2023
  1. Added Release notes for the ADCM release 2023.07.10.17.

  2. Extended the Bundle DSL article. Added a description of the optional parameter requires.

  3. Updated the Configure article. Changed the structure of parameters and described settings for authentication policies (to counteract brute-forcing methods).

  4. Added examples of using the APT manager (in addition to YUM) to the Prerequisites article.

  5. In the Users management article, described the ability to reset the login attempts counters of other users.

  6. Added the Integration with the bundle article, which contains sequence diagrams for bundle load and action launch.

  7. Removed incorrect quotes from examples in the Configure ADCM to use an external database article.

ADPG documentation release 30.06.2023
  1. Reflected changes in the ADPG release 14.3.4:

  2. Added new articles on the ADPG data model:

ADQM documentation release 30.06.2023
  1. Added new articles with data query examples to the How to → Data querying section:

  2. Described Kerberos authentication:

  3. Described the Enable Kerberos, Disable Kerberos, and Reconfig Kerberos actions in the Manage a cluster section of the article that describes ADQM cluster actions.

  4. Described the purpose and usage details of the following coordination services:

ADH documentation release 30.06.2023
  1. Added the Work with Livy article.

  2. Extended the planning guide:

  3. Described how to add HDFS data directories.

  4. Updated the ADH installation guide:

    • Actualized images and service descriptions in all articles.

    • Updated a description of parameters in the Configure a cluster article.

ADB documentation release 30.06.2023
ADH documentation release 22.06.2023
  1. Reflected changes in the ADH release 2.1.10.b1:

  2. Described monitoring metrics available for ADH services.

ADPS documentation release 22.06.2023

Added Release notes for the ADPS release

ADCM documentation release 15.06.2023
  1. Added Release notes for the ADCM release 2023.06.14.16.

  2. Added the Bundle DSL article.

  3. Updated the Ansible modules and plugins article. Described adcm_change_maintenance_mode.

  4. Added the Ansible inventory groups article.

ADB documentation release 31.05.2023

Added Release notes for the new ADB releases: and

ADB documentation release 26.05.2023
  1. Renamed the new ADQM/ClickHouse connector from Tkhemali connector 2.0 to ADB ClickHouse Connector in the following articles:

  2. In documentation on the previous connector version Tkhemali 1.X, replaced the Tkh profile name by TKH. The profile name should be written in uppercase.

  3. Added Release notes for one of the previous ADB Control versions — 3.1.3.

ADQM documentation release 17.05.2023
  1. Updated configuration parameters according to the ADQM release

    • ADQMDB:

      • In the SSL section, described the Enable https, Enable tcp secure parameters.

      • In the Engine section, described possible values of the System parameter.

      • Renamed the Clickhouse Keeper section to Clickhouse Keeper (integrated). Added the Enable IPv6 parameter to this section.

      • In the Limits section, changed the Max concurrent threads parameter description, added the Max server memory usage, Max thread pool size parameters.

      • In the Network section, described the Enable http, Enable tcp, ClickHouse tcp port parameters.

      • In the Intra-cluster communication security section, added the Interserver protocol, Interserver protocol’s port parameters.

      • Added the Kerberos configuration section.

      • In the Log settings section, described the Logging level, Log file size, MB, Log files count, metric_log, asynchronous_metric_log parameters.

      • Added the User password options section.

      • Added the Data compression section.

      • In the Other section, described the Time zone parameter.

    • Chproxy:

      • Renamed the Server configuration section to Network configuration. Added new parameters to this section.

      • Added the Proxy wildcarded users section.

    • Described the Clickhousekeeper parameters.

  2. Updated descriptions of the parameters in the Proxying and Enable SSL encryption articles.

  3. In the Add services article, added the Clickhousekeeper service to the table with ADQM services.

ADB documentation release 28.04.2023
  1. Reflected changes in the ADB release dated 27.04.2023:

  2. Added information on the previos connector version Tkhemali 1.X. You can use the new connector version in the beta mode simultaneously with the previous version. In comparison with old documentation, the new Tkhemali 1.X documentaion was actualized, populated with examples, and divided into three sections:

ADBM documentation release 28.04.2023
  1. Reflected changes in the ADBM release 1.2.1 dated 27.04.2023:

    • Described the Restores tab, which allows users to view Restore actions.

    • In the Connect to ADBM article, added information about the need to change the admin password when a user first logs in.

    • On all figures, replaced Arenadata DB Command Center (ADBCC) by Arenadata DB Control (ADB Control).

    • Added Release notes.

  2. Added a note about limitations for adding a configuration. See the CAUTION block before the Add a new configuration section in the Manage configurations in ADBM article.

ADQM documentation release 27.04.2023
  1. Reflected changes in the ADQM release

  2. Added new articles to How to → Data querying → Query types:

  3. In the Add components section, added information that when installing Clickhouse JDBC Bridge (optionally), a user should install it on all hosts with the Clickhouse Server component.

ADCM documentation release 24.04.2023
  1. Added Release notes for the ADCM release 2023.04.21.12.

  2. Removed extra ALTER USER command from the Configure ADCM to use an external database article.

ADPS documentation release 20.04.2023
ADH documentation release 20.04.2023
  1. Updated the Supported services article.

  2. Added the AD Kerberos common problems article (with a description of ways to resolve them).

  3. Fixed a typo with the Solr name on the second figure in the ADH architecture article.

ADS documentation release 17.04.2023
  1. Reflected changes in the ADS release 1.8.1.b1:

  2. In the ADS configuration parameters article, added the Basic Auth properties group of parameters for ksqlDB, Kafka REST Proxy, Schema-Registry and the MiNiFi Agent bootstrap.conf group of parameters for MiNiFi.

  3. Added new articles on NiFi:

ADCM documentation release 17.04.2023

Added Release notes for the ADCM release 2023.04.10.22.

ADB documentation release 31.03.2023

Released the first version of the ADB documentation, which includes the following articles:

  1. ADB installation guide (via ADCM):

  2. Articles on the ADB data model:

  3. Description of work with tables:

  4. Overview of server configuration parameters (Global User Configuration, GUC): Configure via GUC.

  5. Overview of ADB parameters that can be configured via ADCM: Configuration parameters.

  6. Release notes divided by services:

ADBM documentation release 31.03.2023

Released the first version of the ADBM documentation, which includes the following articles:

  1. Overview of the ADBM features, architecture, and main concepts: Arenadata DB Backup Manager overview.

  2. Description of connecting to ADBM via web interface: Connect to ADBM.

  3. Overview of configurations that are used to launch backups and other actions: Manage configurations in ADBM.

  4. Description of cluster actions: Run actions in ADBM.

  5. How to view backups and their details: View backups in ADBM.

  6. How to view actions and their details: View actions in ADBM.

ADCM documentation release 29.03.2023
  1. Reflected changes in the ADCM release 2023.03.27.20:

  2. Added the Ansible modules and plugins article.

  3. Added the Import/export of services article.

  4. Described how to view ADCM API.

  5. Added author names to all articles.

ADPG documentation release 17.03.2023
  1. Reflected changes in the ADPG release 14.3.3 dated 16.03.2023:

  2. Added the Logical replication article.

  3. Added the Use cases article.

  4. Added articles related to the ADPG data model:

  5. Updated and populated with usage examples the following articles:

  6. Updated and added examples to the Use tables and column aliases in queries article.

  7. Removed the following articles:

  8. Added author names to all articles.

ADQM documentation release 10.03.2023

Released the first version of the ADQM documentation, which includes the following articles:

ADH documentation release 06.03.2023
  1. Added Release notes for the ADH release 2.1.8.b3.

  2. Added the Cluster upgrade article, which describes the minor/major upgrade principles.

  3. Added articles on FreeIPA:

  4. Translated and fixed articles from the Hadoop Command-line section (with subsections)

  5. Added author names to all articles.

  6. Fixed the following:

    • In the Software requirements article, added information about support for AltLinux 8 SP and minimal versions of Java and ADCM.

    • In the ADH architecture article, changed a caption for the second image.

    • On the product home page, removed the user level selector (due to the insufficient number of articles for such division).

ADS documentation release 17.02.2023
  1. Reflected changes in the ADS release 1.8.0.b1 dated 02.02.2023:

  2. Described NiFi authorization:

  3. Extended the Cluster actions article. Described actions that become available after running other actions (Create/Update/Delete user, Manage Basic Auth users, and several Disable actions).

  4. Restructured articles related to authorization:

  5. Fixed the following:

    • Corrected the Shrink description for the MiNiFi service (in the DN description).

    • In the Mirror Maker 2 article, fixed an error with the /bin duplicate in one of the paths used.

ADS documentation release 27.01.2023
  1. Added the NiFi Server UI overview and NiFi Registry UI overview articles.

  2. Added the NiFi service authentication article.

  3. Reflected changes in the ADS release 1.7.2.b2 dated 10.01.2023:

  4. Restructured articles related to authentication:

    • Moved the common part (related to the authentcation configuration via ADCM) from How to → Kafka → Access management → Authentication to Tutorials → Access management → Authentication. This part includes the following articles:

    • In the How to → Kafka → Access management → Authentication and How to → NiFi → Access management → Authentication sections, left descriptions that are specific for the Kafka and NiFi services accordingly. Linked these descriptions with common articles mentioned above.

  5. Added author names to all articles.

ADSCC documentation release 27.01.2023
  1. Added Release notes for the ADSCC release 1.0.0.b2 dated 10.01.2023.

  2. Added author names to all articles.

ADH documentation release 25.01.2023
  1. Added the ability to select a language like for other products (via the toggle in the top right corner). Translated existing article into Russian. All new articles will be published in two languages simultaneously.

  2. Added the ability to select a version like for other products (via the Select version drop-down list in the left).

  3. Updated existing articles according to the internal style guides, fixed some articles based on the technical review.

  4. Restructured the left navigation menu (TOC) and the product home page:

    • Expanded article titles so that users could clearly understand what services they work with when navigating from the search results. Removed duplicate titles, such as Example, How it works, etc.

    • Standardized names of articles in the left menu, on the home page, in article titles, and in cross links.

    • On the product home page, extended a number of articles for quick access. The sections are named according to other products.

    • In the left navigation menu, moved all articles related to concepts (architectural schemas, work principles) from How to to Concepts.

    • Added intermediate sections to the How to guide. Previously, all articles were located at the top level.

    • In the Concepts section of the left menu, stopped to divide ADH services into core and other. All services are located at the top level like in How to. All architectural schemas were moved to ADH architecture.

  5. Added new materials:

    • In the Release notes article, described all ADH releases starting with 2.1.7.b1.

    • Added the High availability in Hive article.

    • In the Solr collections article, updated commands that are used to work with Solr collections. Described two ways to run commands: via the /usr/lib/solr/bin/solr script and the solrctl utility.

    • Moved configuration parameters of all ADH services to a single article Configuration parameters like in other products. Added parameters implemented in the latest ADH releases.

ADPG documentation release 29.12.2022
  1. Reflected changes in the ADPG release 14.3.2 dated 29.12.2022:

    • Described the high availability (HA) mode based on Patroni for the Enterprise edition of ADPG: ADPG high availability overview.

    • Described offline installation of ADPG, which is available in the Enterprise edition of ADPG: Offline installation (with subsections).

    • Described new service actions: Enable maintenance mode, Disable maintenance mode, Expand.

    • In the ADPG installation guide, updated the articles that describe how to add services, map components, and install a cluster: described the Etcd service, updated the example of mapping components, updated final service statuses.

    • In the ADPG installation guide, updated articles related to monitoring (online, offline): removed the Monitoring Clients service; described the Enable monitoring option and the Install monitoring agents cluster action. The updated guide on the monitoring configuration is available in the following articles: online, offline.

    • Updated the architectural schema in the ADPG architecture article. On the schema, new components related to HA were highlighted.

    • Updated options in the Configuration parameters article. Added parameters related to HA (see ADPG → Patroni ADPG configurations).

    • Added Release notes.

  2. Added new articles related to data backups:

  3. Removed the How to → Working with actions article. Instead of it, added new articles:

    • Cluster actions — description of actions available at the cluster level.

    • Service actions — with subsections that describe service actions (one action per one page).

ADCM documentation release 29.12.2022

Added Release notes for the ADCM release 2022.12.26.18 dated 26.12.2022.

ADSCC documentation release 26.12.2022

Released the first version of the Arenadata Streaming Command Center (ADSCC) documentation, which describes the ADSCC release 1.0.0.b1 dated 23.12.2022:

ADS documentation release 26.12.2022
  1. Reflected changes in the ADS release 1.7.2.b1 dated 06.12.2022:

  2. Added new articles:

ADCM documentation release 08.12.2022
  1. Reflected changes in the ADCM release 2022.12.07.10 dated 07.12.2022:

    • Added the Audit UI article, which describes two new tabs in the ADCM interface (Audit operations and Audit logins).

    • Moved the Maintenance mode article from Concepts → ADCM objects → Host → Maintenance mode to How to → Managing ADCM → Maintenance mode. Also, added information about MM for ADCM services and components.

    • In the UI overview article, described how to load logs on the JOBS tab.

    • Added Release notes.

  2. Added the Creating a simple bundle article.

  3. Restructured Release notes for previous releases by moving some notes from New features to Improvements and Misc/Internal.

ADPG documentation release 24.08.2022
  1. Added new articles:

  2. Restructured and extended the Password authentication article.

  3. Updated the left navigation menu structure (to reduce a number of elements at the top level):

    • Moved articles related to database access to How to → Manage database access.

    • Moved articles related to database connections to How to → Connect to ADPG.

    • Moved articles related to data queries to How to → Data querying.

  4. Added links for new articles to the product home page.

ADPG documentation release 01.07.2022
  1. Added the ability to select a product version via the Select version drop-down list in the left.

  2. Reflected changes in the ADPG release dated 30.06.2022:

  3. Restructured the How to → Recommended ADPG settings and References → postgresql.conf articles. Instead of them, left one article References → Configuration parameters, which includes all ADPG parameters that can be configured via ADCM.

  4. Added Logging.

ADH documentation release 01.07.2022
  1. Updated the Requirements for SSL certificates article.

  2. Updated figures in the Tutorials → Security section (sizes and dark mode effects).

  3. Actualized Release Notes.

  4. Replaced the hadoop name in the documentation links by ADH.