The XML data type

You can use the XML data type to store XML data. For this data type, PostgreSQL validates the input value structure and provides functionality to perform type-safe operations.

The XML type can store well-formed XML documents and content fragments, whose root node is not a document node. A content fragment also can have more than one top-level element.

The PostgreSQL XML data type and processing functions have compatibility limitations. For more information, refer to XML Limits and Conformance to SQL/XML.

Create XML values

You can use the options described below to generate values of the XML data type. To test these options, create a new table with an XML column:


The xmlparse function

The xmlparse function produces XML from character data. It has the following syntax:

xmlparse ({ DOCUMENT | CONTENT } <value>)

The first argument determines the type of value. It can be an XML document (DOCUMENT) or a content fragment (CONTENT).


 INSERT INTO xmldocs (xmldata)
        (xmlparse (DOCUMENT '<?xml version="1.0"?><book><title>Hyperion</title><author>Dan Simmons</author></book>')),
        (xmlparse (CONTENT '<title>1984</title><author>George Orwell</author>'))

The result:

 id |                             xmldata
  1 | <book><title>Hyperion</title><author>Dan Simmons</author></book>
  2 | <title>1984</title><author>George Orwell</author>

PostgreSQL-specific conversion

The following syntax allows you to convert character strings to XML:

xml <value>

Note, the XML type conversion does not validate input values against a document type declaration (DTD) and other XML schema languages.


 INSERT INTO xmldocs (xmldata)
        (xml '<?xml version="1.0"?><book><title>Hyperion</title><author>Dan Simmons</author></book>'),
        ('<title>1984</title><author>George Orwell</author>'::xml)

The result is the same:

 id |                             xmldata
  1 | <book><title>Hyperion</title><author>Dan Simmons</author></book>
  2 | <title>1984</title><author>George Orwell</author>

Convert XML to a character string

To create a character string value from XML, use the xmlserialize function:

xmlserialize ({ DOCUMENT | CONTENT } <value> AS <type>)

type can be the character, character varying, or text data type.


SELECT xmlserialize (CONTENT xmldata AS text )
FROM xmldocs;

The result:

 <?xml version="1.0"?><book><title>Hyperion</title><author>Dan Simmons</author></book>
 <title>1984</title><author>George Orwell</author>

According to the SQL standard, the xmlserialize function is the only way to convert XML to character types, but PostgreSQL also allows you to cast the value:

SELECT CAST(xmldata AS text)
FROM xmldocs;

When a character string value is cast to or from the XML type without using the xmlparse and xmlserialize functions, the xmloption session configuration parameter determines the type of XML value. It can be DOCUMENT or CONTENT. The default value is CONTENT. Use the SET command to change the xmloption parameter:

SET xmloption TO DOCUMENT;
/* or */

Create XML content elements

This section describes functions and expressions that create XML content from SQL data. You can use them to format query results into XML documents.


The xmlcomment function creates an XML comment with the specified text.

xmlcomment ( <text> ) → xml

The text cannot contain -- or end with -, otherwise the result is not a valid XML comment. If the argument is null, the result is null.


SELECT xmlcomment ('This is a comment');

The result:

 <!--This is a comment-->


The xmlconcat function concatenates a list of individual XML values to create a single value containing an XML content fragment.

xmlconcat ( <xml> [, ...] ) → xml

Null values are omitted. The result is null, if all individual XML values are null.


SELECT xmlconcat('<title>Hyperion</title>','<author>Dan Simmons</author>');

The result:

 <title>Hyperion</title><author>Dan Simmons</author>


The xmlelement expression creates an XML element with the given name, attributes, and content.

xmlelement ( NAME <name>
    [, XMLATTRIBUTES ( <attvalue> [ AS <attname> ] [, ...] ) ] [, <content> [, ...]] ) → xml


  • name and attname are identifiers;

  • attvalue and content are expressions that can return any PostgreSQL data type;

  • xmlattributes are attributes of the XML element;

  • the content values are concatenated to form the element content.


SELECT xmlelement (name book,
    xmlattributes('novel' as genre, current_date as record_date), 'Leo Tolstoy,', ' War and Peace');

The result:

 <book genre="novel" record_date="2022-09-06">Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace</book>

If an attribute value is a column reference, you do not need to specify the attribute name, xmlelement uses the column name as the attribute name.


SELECT xmlelement (name book, xmlattributes(b.genre, b.public_year as year),, ', ',b.title)
FROM books as b, authors as a
WHERE b.author_id =;

The result:

 <book genre="novel" year="1960">Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird</book>
 <book genre="novel" year="1925">F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby</book>
 <book genre="fantasy" year="1955">J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings</book>
 <book genre="sci-fi" year="1949">George Orwell, 1984</book>
 <book genre="fantasy" year="1937">J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit, or There and Back Again</book>
 <book genre="novel" year="1869">Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace</book>
 <book genre="sci-fi" year="1989">Dan Simmons, Hyperion</book>
 <book genre="sci-fi" year="1895">Herbert Wells, The Time Machine</book>


The xmlforest expression creates an XML sequence of elements with the given names and content.

xmlforest (<content> [ AS <name> ] [, ...] ) → xml

Where name is an identifier, content can have any data type.


SELECT xmlforest(b.title, b.public_year as year, as author)
FROM books as b, author as a
WHERE b.author_id =;

The result:

 <title>To the Lighthouse</title><year>1927</year><author>Virginia Woolf</author>
 <title>Mrs. Dalloway</title><year>1925</year><author>Virginia Woolf</author>
 <title>To Kill a Mockingbird</title><year>1960</year><author>Harper Lee</author>
 <title>The Great Gatsby</title><year>1925</year><author>F. Scott Fitzgerald</author>
 <title>The Hobbit, or There and Back Again</title><year>1937</year><author>J.R.R. Tolkien</author>
 <title>The Lord of the Rings</title><year>1955</year><author>J.R.R. Tolkien</author>
 <title>1984</title><year>1949</year><author>George Orwell</author>
 <title>War and Peace</title><year>1869</year><author>Leo Tolstoy</author>
 <title>Hyperion</title><year>1989</year><author>Dan Simmons</author>
 <title>The Time Machine</title><year>1895</year><author>Herbert Wells</author>

Note that an XML forest is not a valid XML document if it consists of more than one element. You can wrap an xmlforest expression in xmlelement to make it valid.


The xmlpi expression creates an XML processing instruction.

xmlpi ( NAME <name> [, <content> ] ) → xml

Where name is an identifier, content can have any data type. Also, content cannot contain the ?> characters.


SELECT xmlpi(name php, 'echo "hello world";');

The result:

 <?php echo "hello world";?>


The xmlroot expression changes the properties of the XML root node.

xmlroot ( xml, version {text|NO VALUE} [, standalone {YES|NO|NO VALUE} ] ) → xml

If version and standalone settings are specified, they replace values in the root node’s version declaration.


SELECT xmlroot(xmlparse(document '<?xml version="1.1"?><content>example</content>'),
        version '1.0', standalone yes);

The result:

 <?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?><content>example</content>


The xmlagg function is an aggregate function. It concatenates the input values across rows.

Call xmlagg for the xmldocs table created above:

SELECT xmlagg(xmldata) FROM xmldocs;

The result:

<book><title>Hyperion</title><author>Dan Simmons</author></book><book><title>1984</title><author>George Orwell</author></book>;

Check XML value properties

XML predicates in this section allow you to determine whether an XML value is a document or a content fragment, if it contains the specified XML element and has the well-formed structure.


The IS DOCUMENT/IS NOT DOCUMENT expressions determine if an XML value is an XML document or content fragment.

<xml> IS DOCUMENTboolean
<xml> IS NOT DOCUMENTboolean

If xml is a document, IS DOCUMENT returns true and IS NOT DOCUMENT returns false. If xml is not a document, IS DOCUMENT returns false and IS NOT DOCUMENT returns true.


SELECT xmldata IS DOCUMENT FROM xmldocs;

The result:


The result:



The xmlexists function evaluates an XPath 1.0 expression (the text argument), with the specified xml value. The function returns false if the evaluation result is an empty node-set. If the evaluation returns any other value, the xmlexists result is true.

xmlexists ( <text> PASSING [BY {REF|VALUE}] <xml> [BY {REF|VALUE}] ) → boolean

xml must be an XML document, not a content fragment or non-XML value. The function returns null if any argument is null.

Update the xmldocs table to make XML data valid:

UPDATE xmldocs
SET xmldata = xmlparse (DOCUMENT '<?xml version="1.0"?><book><title>1984</title><author>George Orwell</author></book>')
WHERE id = 2;

Call the xmlexists function to determine whether title with the Hyperion value exists:

SELECT xmlexists('//title[text() = ''Hyperion'']' PASSING BY VALUE xmldata)
FROM xmldocs;

The result:


The SQL standard supports two mechanisms to pass an XML argument from SQL: BY REF and BY VALUE. According to SQL standard, PostgreSQL accepts the BY REF and BY VALUE clauses, but ignores them. For additional information, see Incidental Limits of the Implementation.

In the SQL standard, the xmlexists function also evaluates an expression in the XML Query language. PostgreSQL allows only an XPath 1.0 expression as described in Queries Are Restricted to XPath 1.0.


These functions check whether a text string is a well-formed XML and returns a Boolean result.

xml_is_well_formed ( <text> ) → boolean
xml_is_well_formed_document ( <text> ) → boolean
xml_is_well_formed_content ( <text> ) → boolean

xml_is_well_formed_document verifies whether a text string is a well-formed document, while xml_is_well_formed_content checks for well-formed content.

xml_is_well_formed verifies a text string according to the xmloption value.


SELECT xml_is_well_formed ('<book><title>Hyperion</title><author>Dan Simmons</author></book>');

The result is true.

You can use xml_is_well_formed to check if the cast to the XML type will be successful. The xml_is_well_formed_document and xml_is_well_formed_content functions help you to determine if the xmlparse function can convert a text string to XML.

Process XML data

To process XML values, PostgreSQL offers xpath and xpath_exists functions that evaluate XPath 1.0 expressions. xpath extracts XML values and xpath_exists determines if the specified XML values exist. PostgreSQL also provides the xmltable expression that creates a table based on an XML value.

Extract XML values

The xpath function returns an array of XML values corresponding to the XPath expression. If the XPath expression returns a scalar value, xpath returns a single-element array.

xpath ( <xpath_expression> text, <xml> xml [, <nsarray> text[] ] ) → xml[]


  • xpath_expression is a XPath 1.0 expression given as text.

  • xml is a well-formed XML document, it must have a single root node element.

  • nsarray is an array of namespace mappings (optional). It should be an array of arrays that consists of two elements. The first element of each nested array is the namespace name (alias), the second one is the namespace URI.


SELECT xpath('/my:a/text()', '<my:a xmlns:my="">test</my:a>',
ARRAY[ARRAY['my', '']]);

/* a default (anonymous) namespace */
SELECT xpath('//mydefns:b/text()', '<a xmlns=""><b>test</b></a>',
             ARRAY[ARRAY['mydefns', '']]);

The result of both statements is the same:


The xpath_exists function returns a Boolean value that determines whether any value other than an empty node-set is returned.

xpath_exists ( <xpath_expression> text, <xml> xml [, <nsarray> text[] ] ) → boolean

This function is equivalent to the xmlexists predicate with additional support for a namespace mapping argument.

SELECT xpath_exists('/my:a/text()', '<my:a xmlns:my="">test</my:a>',
ARRAY[ARRAY['my', '']]);

The result is true.

Create a table based on an XML value

The xmltable expression creates a table based on an XML value. You can use it only in the FROM clause.

The xmltable expression has the following syntax:

xmltable (
[ XMLNAMESPACES ( <namespace_uri> AS <namespace_name> [, ...] ), ]
<row_expression> PASSING [BY {REF|VALUE}] <document_expression> [BY {REF|VALUE}]
COLUMNS <name> { <type> [PATH <column_expression>]
            [DEFAULT <default_expression>] [NOT NULL | NULL] | FOR ORDINALITY }
[, ...]
) → setof record


  • XMLNAMESPACES (optional) — is a comma-separated list of namespace definitions, where each namespace_uri is a text expression and each namespace_name is a identifier. XMLNAMESPACES specifies the XML namespaces and their aliases used in the document. A default namespace specification is not supported.

  • row_expression is an XPath 1.0 expression given as text. xmltable uses document_expression as row_expression context to obtain a set of XML nodes and transform them into output rows. If the document_expression is null or row_expression returns an empty node-set or any value other than a node-set, xmltable returns no rows.

  • document_expression is a context for row_expression. It must be a well-formed XML document.

  • COLUMNS specifies the columns created in the output table. name and type are required for each column. The PATH, DEFAULT, and NOT NULL | NULL clauses are optional. A column with the FOR ORDINALITY attribute is populated with row numbers, starting with 1. At most one column can have the FOR ORDINALITY attribute.

  • column_expression is an XPath 1.0 expression that is evaluated for each row, with the current node from the row_expression result. If no column_expression is set, the column name is used as an implicit path.

  • default_expression is used if column_expression returns an empty node-set for a current row. The column value is set to null, unless default_expression is specified.

Run the following query that converts the XML data into the booklist table:

      <book id="01">
         <author>Dan Simmons</author>
      <book id="02">
        <author>George Orwell</author>
   </books>$$ AS books;

The query below returns a table from the XML value listed above:

SELECT xmltable.*  FROM booklist,
   XMLTABLE ('/books/book' PASSING books
         id CHAR(2) PATH '@id' NOT NULL,
         title TEXT PATH 'title' NOT NULL,
         author TEXT PATH 'author' NOT NULL,
         price FLOAT PATH 'price' NOT NULL);

The result:

 id |  title   |    author     | price
 01 | Hyperion | Dan Simmons   |    60
 02 | 1984     | George Orwell |    45

You can use aggregate functions with the xmltable expression:

SELECT count(id) as total_books, avg(price) as avg_price FROM booklist1,
   XMLTABLE ('/books/book' PASSING books
         id CHAR(2) PATH '@id' NOT NULL,
         title TEXT PATH 'title' NOT NULL,
         author TEXT PATH 'author' NOT NULL,
         price FLOAT PATH 'price' NOT NULL);

The result:

 total_books | avg_price
           2 |      52.5

Export tables to XML

The following functions create XML values based on relational table contents:

table_to_xml ( <table> regclass, <nulls> boolean,
               <tableforest> boolean, <targetns> text ) → xml
query_to_xml ( <query> text, <nulls> boolean,
               <tableforest> boolean, <targetns> text ) → xml
cursor_to_xml ( <cursor> refcursor, <count> integer, <nulls> boolean,
                <tableforest> boolean, <targetns> text ) → xml

The table_to_xml function creates an XML value from the content of the table, passed as the table parameter. The regclass type accepts strings that identify tables.

The query_to_xml function executes the SQL query passed as the query parameter and creates an XML value from the result set.

The cursor_to_xml function fetches the specified number of rows (the count parameter) from the cursor passed as the cursor parameter and creates an XML value from them. Since results of these functions are built up in memory, use cursor_to_xml if you need to export a large table.

All these functions have the following common parameters:

  • The nulls parameter determines whether null values should be included in the output.

  • The targetns parameter specifies the XML namespace. If you do not need to define a namespace, pass an empty string.

  • If the tableforest parameter is false, the resulting XML document has additional <row> nodes:


    If tableforest is true, the result contains multiple <tablename> nodes instead of <row>:


For example, we have the authors table:

 id |        name         |    country
  1 | Harper Lee          | USA
  2 | F. Scott Fitzgerald | USA
  3 | J.R.R. Tolkien      | Great Britain

Execute the following statement to convert the authors table to XML:

SELECT table_to_xml ('authors', false, true, '' );

The result:

 <authors xmlns:xsi="">+
   <id>1</id>                                                   +
   <name>Harper Lee</name>                                      +
   <country>USA</country>                                       +
 </authors>                                                     +
 <authors xmlns:xsi="">+
   <id>2</id>                                                   +
   <name>F. Scott Fitzgerald</name>                             +
   <country>USA</country>                                       +
 </authors>                                                     +
 <authors xmlns:xsi="">+
   <id>3</id>                                                   +
   <name>J.R.R. Tolkien</name>                                  +
   <country>Great Britain</country>                             +
 </authors>                                                     +
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