Arenadata Platform Security

Arenadata Platform Security (ADPS) is a combination of two security components: Apache Ranger and Apache Knox. Together, ADPS provides a comprehensive security framework that includes policy-based access control, fine-grained authorization, and secure access to the platform and its services. This helps organizations protect sensitive data and ensure compliance with regulations.

TOP-10 popular articles

This article describes how to make Ranger use an external PostgreSQL database to store its metadata.

Ranger allows you to set up additional authentication source via AD/LDAP — learn how to do it from this article.

Learn how to configure the Ranger User Sync component that allows you to import users from external systems via LDAP.

ADPS release notes. Learn about new features, improvements, bug fixes, etc.

ADPS consists of several services. In this article, you can see their currently used versions and the versions planned for the next release.

Roles are an important part of Ranger. In this article, you can learn how to create and manage roles in Ranger Admin UI.

SSL encryption is an important part of cluster security. This article describes how to manage SSL in ADPS.

SSL management in ADPS is done via Knox. This article will help you understand the prerequisites and guide you through the process of the SSL activation.

ADPS has a lot of changeable parameters that control its workflow. You can find their description here.

Learn about the network requirements for an ADPS cluster.

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