Hardware requirements

External database

Sizing for an external PostgreSQL/MySQL database used for Ranger Metadata depends, among other things, on the following factors:

  • Workload. Estimate the concurrency of queries and the number of users who will access the system simultaneously.

  • Size of metadata. Try and predict the size of metadata that is going to be stored.

  • Expected growth rate. Consider your data’s historical growth rate and expected future growth. Regularly monitor the database size and scale it as needed.


The following system requirements are minimal. The target sizing should be calculated based on the customer requirements.

The table below shows some recommendations.

External database minimal requirements
Requirement Minimum Value

System Architecture

64-bit is recommended


8 GB

Disk space



4 cores and 2.4 GHz

Ranger admin

Minimum RAM required for operation — 1.5 GB.


Apache Ranger uses Apache Solr to store and index logs. Apache Solr nodes can be installed on the same hosts as Apache Ranger components.

Ensure that enough resources are allocated for Solr instances. For example, a cluster of 10 nodes consisting of about 15-20 components can generate 1 GB of audit logs in one day.

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