User agreement

Licensing agreement for granting the right to use the website and documentation published thereon (hereinafter — the "Agreement")

This Agreement shall govern the terms and conditions of use of the Documentation published on the Internet at: (hereinafter referred to as the "Website"), as well as the terms and conditions of using the Website.

The User/Licensee shall be deemed to have accepted the terms and conditions of the Agreement and shall be deemed a party hereto upon commencing use of the Website (performing any actions on the Website).


Administrator (Licensor) — Arenadata Software OOO, TIN 7713468845, OGRN 1197746413160, registered address: 129085, Moscow, intracity territory — Ostankinsky municipal district, Godovikov str., bld. 9, str. 17, 8th floor, prem. 4, as the owner of the Website and the Documentation published on the Website.

User — a person using the Website and the Documentation published on the Website without a license to the software owned by Arenadata Software OOO.

Licensee — a person using the Website and the Documentation published on the Website with a license to the software owned by Arenadata Software OOO.

Documentation — all user manuals, administrator’s manuals, and other technical documentation related to operation of the software owned by Arenadata Software OOO, and published on the Website.


2.1. In accordance with this Agreement, the Licensor shall grant the User the right to use the Documentation free of charge as follows:

  • to view the Documentation in order to become familiar with the contents of the Website online.

2.2. In accordance with this Agreement, the Licensor shall grant the Licensee the right to use the Documentation as follows:

  • to view the Documentation in order to become familiar with the content of the Website and to use the software owned by Arenadata Software OOO;

  • to reproduce the Documentation for the sole purpose of using the software, owned by Arenadata Software OOO, and for which the license is granted to the Licensee under a separate license agreement. In this case, the Licensee has no right to reproduce the Documentation for other purposes, as well as to distribute copies of the Documentation, make changes, additions and comments to it.

No remuneration shall be charged for the use of the Documentation.

Upon expiration of the term of the Licensee’s right to use the software owned by Arenadata Software OOO, the Licensee undertakes to destroy all copies of the Documentation within 1 (one) business day.

2.3. Documentation is provided "as is" and the Administrator makes no warranty that it will meet Licensee’s requirements and/or expectations.


3.1. The Administrator shall be entitled to take measures in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation to protect the exclusive rights to the Documentation.

3.2. The Administrator shall have the right to modify any software of the Website, perform necessary preventive or other works, suspend the operation of the Website from time to time at its sole discretion, without prior notice to the User/Licensee.

3.2.1. The Administrator shall have the right to make changes to the Documentation at any time and in any manner (shorten, add, comment, delete, revise, etc.) without notice to the User/Licensee and without compensation.


4.1. The User/Licensee shall not be entitled to modify the Website, make changes, decompile, decrypt and perform any other action with the object code of computer programs included in the Website.

4.2. The User/Licensee undertakes to cease using the Website in case of disagreement with the terms and conditions of the Agreement.

4.3. The User/Licensee shall have no right to interfere with the normal operation of the Website or any individual service of the Website.

4.4. The User/Licensee shall be obliged to independently monitor the amendments to this Agreement.


5.1. The Administrator shall not be responsible and shall not have any direct or indirect obligation to the User/Licensee in connection with any possible or incurred loss or damage related to any content of the Website.

5.2. The Administrator shall not be liable to the User/Licensee or any third party for, and shall not indemnify any damages, including but not limited to, loss of profits, loss of data, injury to honor, dignity or business reputation, or any other damages arising out of or in connection with the use of the Website or the Documentation.

5.3. The Administrator shall not be liable for any error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in processing or transmission, communications line failure, theft, destruction, or unauthorized access to User information posted on the Website or elsewhere (if applicable). The Administrator shall not be liable for any technical failures or other problems of any telephone network or service, computer system, server or provider, computer or telephone equipment, software, email service or scripts due to technical causes.

5.4. The Administrator shall not warrant that:

  • the Website will meet the User’s requirements and/or expectations;

  • the Website will be uninterrupted, fast, reliable;

  • all errors on the Website will be corrected.

5.5. The Administrator shall not guarantee the complete absence of technical errors and failures in the operation of the Website, including for reasons caused by equipment malfunction, incorrect operation of software or software environment.

5.6. The Website or its services may be partially or completely unavailable at one time or another due to maintenance work or any other technical reasons.


6.1. The Administrator shall be entitled to unilaterally cancel this Agreement out of court without reimbursement of losses to the User/Licensee. Notice of termination of this Agreement may be given by publishing the said information on the Website.

6.2. The User/Licensee agrees that this Agreement may be unilaterally changed by the Administrator by posting the updated text of the Agreement on the Website. In this case, the User/Licensee confirms its consent to the changes in the terms and conditions of the Agreement by continuing to use the Website. If the User/Licensee does not agree with the new terms of the Agreement, the User/Licensee shall be obliged to stop using the Website.

6.3. All amendments, supplements, annexes to this Agreement or other information shall form an integral part hereof and shall be binding on the User/Licensee from the moment of their publication on the Website, unless otherwise established by the Administrator.

6.4. Disputes between the Administrator and the User/Licensee shall be settled by negotiations, or otherwise shall be referred to the court of the Administrator’s location in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation, unless otherwise provided in the Software License Agreement between the Administrator and the Licensee.

6.5. The relations of the parties hereunder shall be governed by the laws of the Russian Federation.

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