Arenadata Hadoop

Arenadata Hadoop is a full-fledged enterprise distribution package based on Apache Hadoop and designed for storing and processing semi-structured and unstructured data.

TOP-10 popular articles

A cheatsheet that describes the most common HDFS commands with examples.

The article shows how to create and run your first DAG to process CSV files.

The section provides reference information on configuration parameters that can be used to configure ADH services via ADCM.

ADH release notes. Learn about new features, improvements, bug fixes, etc.

The section provides examples and recommendations on using supported Hive window and analytical functions.

A list of Arenadata Hadoop network requirements: ADH service ports, JMX ports, ports redefined by Kerberos, and client ports.

A guide on using DBeaver to connect to Hive with Kerberos authentication enabled.

Working with Airflow logs in Arenadata Hadoop. The location of log files and their contents.

Hive provides several ways to work with tables. You can use data manipulation language (DML) queries to import or add data to a table. Also, you can directly ingest data to a Hive table using HDFS commands.

The tutorial guides you through the process of installing an Arenadata Hadoop (ADH) cluster using the online and offline installation types.

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