Flink UI overview

Flink Dashboard is a built-in monitoring interface for Flink applications. You can monitor your running, completed, and stopped Flink jobs on the dashboard. You reach the Flink UI via ADCM using the main page of the Flink service.

The Flink UI acts as a single point for monitoring all the jobs running on a YARN cluster. It shows all the running, failed, and finished jobs. The URL to the Flink UI looks as follows: http://FQDN:8081. The Flink UI is shown below.

flink ui dark
Flink Dashboard
flink ui light
Flink Dashboard

You can add a jar file on the Submit new Job page.

flink jar submit dark
Submit new Job
flink jar submit light
Submit new Job

After uploading the jar file you can run it with parameters.

flink jar run dark
Uploaded Jars
flink jar run light
Uploaded Jars

You can specify the parameters and submit the job. When job is completed, you will see all the details on the Completed jobs page.

flink jar complete dark
Completed Jobs
flink jar complete light
Completed Jobs

If you click on Completed Jobs, you get the detailed jobs overview.

flink job complete dark
Jobs Overview
flink job complete light
Jobs Overview
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