Kyuubi UI overview
Kyuubi has a built-in web server that enables access to Kyuubi REST API, server status information, and details about sessions, operations, and working engines.
The Kyuubi web UI is an experimental feature and is not available by default. To enable it, set the value of the |
The web interface is available from the URL: http://<server‑hostname>:10099/, where <server‑hostname>
is the IP address or FQDN of the host with the installed Kyuubi server.
For secure clusters, use https://
instead of http://
You can also find the link to Kyuubi UI in ADCM:
On the Clusters page, select the desired cluster.
Go to the Services tab and click on Kyuubi.
Select Info.
To change the default web UI port, provide a new value in the
property in the kyuubi-defaults.conf configuration file manually or via ADCM.

The Management section displays information about sessions, operations, Kyuubi engines, and Kyuubi servers.

The Session page displays a table with details about user sessions:
User — the name of the user who created the session;
Engine ID — the ID of the engine used by the user;
Client IP — the IP address of the client that made a request;
Kyuubi Instance — the FQDN and port of the Kyuubi server, which registered the session;
Session ID — the ID of the session created by the user;
Create Time — the time when the session has been created;
Operation — the actions available for that session via web UI.

The Operation page displays a table with details about operations performed by users:
User — the name of the user who started the operation;
Operation ID — the ID of the operation requested by the user;
Statement — the SQL of the statement;
State — the current state of the operation;
State Time — the amount of time the operation has spent in its current state;
Completed Time — the end time of the operation;
Duration — the time that the operation has been running;
Operation — the actions available for that operation via web UI.

The Engine page displays a table with details about Kyuubi engines:
Engine Address — the IP address of the engine’s server;
Engine ID — the ID of the engine;
Engine Type — the type of the engine (the current version of web UI only shows SPARK-SQL engines);
Share Level — the share level of the engine;
User — the name of the user who created the engine;
Version — the version of the Kyuubi server associated with this engine;
Operation — the actions available for that engine via web UI.
Not all available engines are displayed by default. You can select which engines to display by setting the filter conditions at the top of the page.

The Server page displays a table with details about Kyuubi servers:
Server IP — the Kyuubi server’s IP address;
namespace — the namespace to which the server belongs;
Kyuubi Instance — the FQDN and port of the server;
Version — the version of the Kyuubi server;
State — the current state of the server (for example,