Configure a cluster

There is usually no need to change cluster configuration parameters. You can leave all parameters at the default values.

After creation a new cluster, you can configure it by performing the following steps:

  1. Select a cluster on the Clusters page. To do this, click a cluster name in the Name column.

    Select a cluster
    Select a cluster
  2. Open the Configuration tab on the cluster page and switch on the Show advanced toggle.

  3. Fill in all necessary parameters and click Save.

    The cluster Configuration page includes the following settings:

    • The Reliability control section. It is displayed if the Show advanced checkbox is enabled. It contains the following parameters:

      • retries — the number of retries for cluster operations (20 by default);

      • delay — the delay between retries in seconds (10 by default);

      • timeout — timeout for checks of network ports in seconds (60 by default).

    • Paths to the repositories for CentOS, Red Hat, and ALT Linux 8 that are used in the process of installing — depending on the cluster operation system:

      • monitoring — monitoring components repository;

      • zookeeper_repo — Arenadata Zookeeper YUM repository;

      • arenadata — Arenadata YUM repository;

      • arenadata_postgres — Arenadata PostgreSQL YUM repository;

      • ranger — Ranger client repository.

    • The Docker registry parameter that specifies a Docker Registry address. The default value is — Docker Registry from the Arenadata repository.

    • The Kerberos section that includes settings listed in the table below. Some options are visible only with the Show advanced option enabled.

      Parameter Description Default value

      Enable Kerberos

      Enables the Kerberos authentication


      Authentication on WEB UIs

      Enables the Kerberos authentication on WEB UIs


      SPNEGO Signature Value

      A secret key that is used to generate and verify the signature in the HTTP authentication protocol SPNEGO (in the Base64 format)


      Kerberos KDC type

      A KDC type. For more information, see Kerberos


      KDC hosts

      One or more KDC hosts with running FreeIPA server(s)



      A Kerberos realm to connect to the FreeIPA server



      One or more domains associated with FreeIPA


      Kadmin server

      A host where kadmin is running


      Kadmin principal

      A principal name used to connect via kadmin, for example admin@RU-CENTRAL1.INTERNAL


      Kadmin password

      An IPA Admin password


      Keytabs directory

      A directory with keytab files


      Additional realms

      Additional Kerberos realms


      Delay between kinit invocation attempts

      Delay between kinit invocation attempts


      Number of retries for kinit invocation attempts

      Number of retries for kinit invocation attempts


      Trusted Active Directory server

      An Active Directory server for one-way cross-realm trust from the MIT Kerberos KDC


      Trusted Active Directory realm

      An Active Directory realm for one-way cross-realm trust from the MIT Kerberos KDC


      Custom krb5.conf

      Enables adding custom parameters to the krb5.conf file



      Additional parameters to write to the krb5.conf file


      Admin DN

      A full DistinguishedName of the admin user with rights to create/modify/delete/pwdchange user accounts in the target Organizational Unit


      LDAP URL

      LDAP URL that consists of the ldap:// or ldaps:// protocol prefix, hostname or IP address and port of an AD server. For example, ldaps://


      Container DN

      A container distinguished name


      TLS CA certificate Path

      A CA certificate path on the host filesystem that is pre-located or should be written from the TLS CA certificate field


      TLS CA certificate (optional)

      A CA certificate that is written on a host by the path from TLS CA certificate Path during the execution of the Manage Kerberos action. The certificate is not saved in ADCM


      Custom ldap.conf

      Enables adding custom parameters to the ldap.conf file



      Additional parameters that are written to the ldap.conf file


      IpaClient No NTP Autoconf

      Disables the NTP configuration during the IPA client installation


      IpaClient No DNS Lookup

      Disables the DNS lookup for the FreeIPA server during the IPA client installation


      Number of retries for kinit invocation attempts

      Number of retries for kinit invocation attempts


      Set up Kerberos utils

      Enables installation or removal of Kerberos clients and utils. Affects the Expand and Install actions


      Configure Kerberos on hosts

      Enables cluster configuration, including krb5.conf, ldap.conf


      Set up principals and keytabs

      Enables creation, recreation, or removal of principals and keytabs. Passwords for principals are generated randomly before keytab creation. Affects the Expand and Install actions. ADCM bundle will set up owner and permissions for keytabs only if this checkbox is selected in the cluster configuration. In case of absence of admin permissions, a customer should provide the prepared keytabs with correctly set owner and permissions (see Custom keytab recommendations)


      Configure services and clients

      Enables updating of services and clients configuration


      Run service checks

      Enables service check runs


    • The ssl_default_config section with the settings listed in the table below.

      Parameter Description Default value

      Keystore path

      A path to the keystore file


      Keystore password

      A password for the keystore file


      Truststore path

      A path to the truststore file


      Truststore password

      A password for the truststore file


      TLS Version

      Version of the TLS protocol. See Set TLS version for an ADH cluster


    • The parameter that specifies an environment variable to control for YARN, HBase, Hive, Spark.

The cluster configuration window
The cluster configuration window
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