SSM UI overview

SSM provides a web interface (AD.SSM) where you can manage SSM rules, run SSM actions, monitor storage state, view action execution logs, and so on.

By default, the web UI is available at http://<host>:7045/ where <host> is the ADH host with the SSM Server component installed. You can change the port number (7045 by default) using the smart.server.http.address configuration property.

SSM UI includes the following tabs:

At the bottom of the left panel, there are three options:

  • icon docs light icon docs dark Documentation — a link to the SSM documentation.

  • icon user light icon user dark — a user profile indicator that shows the name of the current logged in user.

  • icon exit light icon exit dark Log Out — an option that closes the current user’s session and redirects to the login screen.

Cluster Info

This page displays three tables:

  • The nodes table displays information about the SSM Server/SSM Agent activity.

  • The file statistics tables display information about all files and the files in cache:

    • Hottest files in last hour — displays top hot (frequently accessed) files in the last hour with the accessCount counter.

    • Files in cache — displays information about cached files.

To view either one of the file statistics tables, select Hottest files in last hour or Files in cache option over the table.

Cluster Info
The Cluster Info page
Cluster Info
The Cluster Info page
Nodes table
Field Description


The ID of the node, which has the <component>@<host> format. Where:

  • <component> — the name of the component installed on the host;

  • <host> — the FQDN of the host.

Register Time

The component start time in the DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss format


The number of executors per node

You can sort table rows by clicking on a column’s header. The Register Time column supports a filter, which can be accessed via the filter light filter dark icon that you can use to select specific date range.

To reset all filters, click Reset.

Hottest files in last hour table
Field Description


The numerical ID of the file

File path

The path to the file

Access count

The number of times the file was requested

You can sort table rows by clicking on a column’s header. The File path column supports a filter, which can be accessed via the filter light filter dark icon that you can use to search for a specific file path. To reset all filters, click Reset.

Files in cache table
Field Description


The numerical ID of the file

File path

The path to the file

Cached Time

The time when the file was cached

Last Accessed Time

Last time the file was accessed

Access count

The number of times the file was requested

You can sort table rows by clicking on a column’s header. Some columns support filters, which can be accessed via the filter light filter dark icon:

  • File path — provides the ability to search for a specific file path;

  • Cached Time — allows filtering by the time a file was cached;

  • Last Accessed Time — enables selecting the date of the last time a file was cached.

To reset all filters, click Reset.


On this page, you can create a rule, view all the defined rules, change their status, and view the rules execution details. The widgets at the top of the page display the total number of existing rules and the number of active rules. The rules table contains the statistics on rules.

The Rules page
The Rules page
The Rules page
The Rules page
Rules table
Field Description


The numerical ID of the rule

Rule Text

The rule’s expression

Submission Time

The time the rule was created in the DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss format

Last Check Time

Last time the rule checked the condition in the DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss format

Checked number

The number of times the rule checked the condition

Cmdlets Generated

The number of generated cmdlets


The rule’s activity indicator. Can be either Disabled or Active


The actions available for the rule:

  • btn play light btn play dark — activate the rule;

  • btn pause light btn pause dark — pause the rule;

  • btn delete light btn delete dark — delete the rule.

You can sort table rows by clicking on a column’s header. Some columns support filters, which can be accessed via the filter light filter dark icon:

  • Rule Text — provides the ability to search for rules with specific words or symbols;

  • Submission Time — allows filtering by the time a rule was created;

  • Last Check Time — enables selecting the date of the last time a rule checked conditions;

  • Status — allows filtering by the rule status.

To reset all filters, click Reset.

To create a rule:

  1. In the AD.SSM interface, go to the Rules section.

  2. Select the Create rule option.

  3. In the window that appears, describe the desired rule and click Create.

Newly created rules appear on this page with the DISABLED status, meaning that even if a rule’s condition is satisfied, no data movement actions take place. For a rule to become effective, you should activate it by clicking btn play light btn play dark.

Reversely, to stop the rule’s activity, click btn pause light btn pause dark. If you want to delete a rule, click btn delete light btn delete dark.


This page lists all the submitted actions triggered by a rule or started manually.

The Actions page
The Actions page
Actions table
Field Description


The numerical ID of the action


The action’s expression


The node that ran the action

Create Time

The time the action was created in the DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss format

Finish Time

The time the action was finished in the DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss format


The action’s activity status. Can be one of the following:

  • Running

  • Successful

  • Failed


The type of action depending on its trigger. It can be either triggered by a rule (Rule action) or a user (User action)


The operations available for the action. Currently, the only available operation is btn reset light btn reset dark Repeat action

You can sort table rows by clicking on a column’s header. Some columns support filters, which can be accessed via the filter light filter dark icon:

  • Action — provides the ability to search for actions with specific words or symbols;

  • Host — enables displaying the actions that were executed by a specific node;

  • Create Time — allows filtering by the time an action was created;

  • Finish Time — allows filtering by the time an action was finished;

  • Status — displays actions with a specific status;

  • Type — displays actions of a specific type.

To reset all filters, click Reset.

To run an action:

  1. In the AD.SSM interface, go to the Actions section.

  2. Select the Submit action option.

  3. In the window that appears, describe the desired action and click Run.

The action runs immidiately. If you want to repeat the action, click btn reset light btn reset dark.


This page displays a table with information about user actions in AD.SSM.

The Audit page
The Audit page
Audit table
Field Description


The numerical ID of the event


The name of the user who performed an action


The date and time of the event in the DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss format

Object Type

The type of object that performed the action: a rule or a cmdlet

Object ID

The ID of the object


The operation performed by the user


The result of the operation: success or failure

You can sort table rows by clicking on a column’s header. Some columns support filters, which can be accessed via the filter light filter dark icon:

  • User — provides the ability to search for user names with specific words or symbols;

  • Date — allows filtering by the time of the event;

  • Object Type — displays events with a specific type of object;

  • Operation — allows filtering by a specific type of operation: Create, Delete, Start, Stop;

  • Result — displays events of a specific result.

To reset all filters, click Reset.

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