SSM UI overview

SSM provides a web interface where you can manage SSM rules, run SSM actions, monitor storage state, view action execution logs, and so on.

By default, the web UI is available at http://<host>:7045/#/notebook where <host> is the ADH host with the SSM Server component installed. You can change the port number (7045 by default) using the smart.server.http.address configuration property.

SSM UI includes the following tabs:

Smart Notebook

This is the home page of the SSM web UI that has the following view.

Smart Notebook
The Smart Notebook page
Smart Notebook
The Smart Notebook page

The main sections on the page are as follows:

  • Rule List — displays a list of recently defined SSM rules. You can click a rule to modify it in the Add Rule pane.

  • Add Rule — a text area to define new rules. To add a rule, enter the rule text in this pane and click play outline dark play outline light or hit Shift + Enter.

  • Run Action — use this pane to submit SSM actions. The action execution result is displayed as FINISHED or ERROR in the top right corner of the pane.


Several pages are available under this tab and are described below.

Storage Usage

On this page, you can view storage utilization charts for individual storage types. You can click a graph to view more details or to change the time scale.

Storage Usage
The Storage Usage page
Storage Usage
The Storage Usage page

Node Info

This page represents text information about the SSM Server/SSM Agent activity.

Data Temperature

The following pages are grouped under this tab:

  • Hot Files — displays top hot (frequently accessed) files in the last hour with the accessCount counter.

  • Files in Cache — displays information about cached files.

Database Monitor

The page includes details on interaction with the Metastore database used by the SSM Server.

User Rules

On this page, you can view all the defined rules, change their status, and view the rules execution details.

User Rules
The User Rules page
User Rules
The User Rules page

Newly created rules appear on this page with the DISABLED status, meaning that even if a rule’s condition is satisfied, no data movement actions take place. For a rule to become effective, you should activate it by clicking icon play. Reversely, to stop the rule’s activity, click icon pause. To view details about the actions that have been triggered by a given rule, click icon info.


This page lists all the submitted actions triggered by a rule or started manually.

The Actions page
The Actions page

To view action details including execution logs, use icon info.

Data Mover

This page displays a list of triggered rules which resulted in data movement actions.

Data Sync

On this page, you can view data sync rules (rules involving the sync action).

Data Sync
The Data Sync page
Data Sync
The Data Sync page

Just like a regular rule, newly created sync rules appear with the DISABLED status. To activate a rule and initiate data movement actions, click icon play. To pause the rule’s sync activity, use icon pause. To view details about the sync actions triggered by a specific rule, click icon info.


Use the Rule Grammar and Action Usage pages under this tab to get extra information on rules syntax and examples.

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