Ranger HBase plugin

Enable HBase plugin

To enable the Ranger HBase plugin, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to the Clusters → <ADH_cluster> → Services page.

  2. Find HBase and click the actions default light actions default dark icon in the Actions column. In the drop-down menu, select the Manage Ranger plugin action.

    The Manage Ranger plugin action
    Cluster services
  3. Select the required state of the Plugin enabled flag. Also, here you can set the name of the Ranger service that will be added. If a service with such name already exists, you can override it by enabling the Override service policies parameter — in that case, the old service will be deleted and policies will be generated for the new service.

    Ranger plugin desired state
    Plugin state
    On the first plugin enabling, a service with policies will be created (if it doesn’t exist yet) regardless of the Override service policies parameter.
  4. Click Run and confirm the action in the pop-up window.

    Confirm running an action
    Action confirmation

Add a new policy in Ranger

To add a new policy to an existing HBase service, you should perform the following actions:

  1. On the Service Manager page, click an existing service in the HBase pane.

    HBase in Ranger Admin UI
    Service Manager
    HBase in Ranger Admin UI
    Service Manager
  2. On the HBase policy page, click Add New Policy.

    Add new policy for HBase
    Add new policy
    Add new policy for HBase
    Add new policy
  3. On the opened Create Policy page, fill in the required policy details.

    HBase policy details
    HBase policy details
    HBase policy details
    HBase policy details
    Policy details parameters
    Parameter Description

    Policy Name

    The policy name. Must be unique across the system


    Indicates whether to enable the policy after creation


    Allows you to specify an override policy. When override state is selected, the access permissions of the new policy override the access permissions in existing policies

    Policy Label

    Allows grouping of sets of policies with one or more labels and searching for policies by label names. You can use search on the Policy listing page and on the Reports page. Also helps to export/import policies. If a user has to export some specific set of policies, then they can search for a policy label and export the specific set of policies

    HBase Table

    Name of an HBase table

    HBase Column-family

    Name of an HBase column family

    HBase Column

    Name of an HBase column


    Describes the purpose of the policy

    Audit Logging

    Enables audit for the policy

    Add Validity Period

    Allows you to set the lifetime for the policy

  4. Set allow/deny condition parameters. The Allow Conditions section lets you grant access permissions to certain roles/groups/users. It makes sense to use this section if you want to allow acess to a few roles/groups/users and deny it to all others. The Deny Conditions sections in the reverse logic compared to Allow Conditions — it’s useful when you want to deny access to a few roles/groups/users and allow it to everyone else. You can also combine rules from both sections. To add additional conditions, click ranger grey plus. Conditions take priority in the order listed in the policy. The condition at the top of the list is applied first, then the second, then the third, and so on.

    Allow and deny conditions
    HBase allow conditions parameters
    Allow and deny conditions
    HBase allow conditions parameters
    Allow Conditions parameters
    Parameter Description

    Select Role

    Specifies the roles to which this policy applies

    Select Group

    Specifies the groups to which this policy applies. The public group contains all users, so granting access to the public group grants access to all users

    Select User

    Specifies a user to which this policy applies (outside an already-specified group) or makes the user an Administrator for this policy


    Allows you to add or edit permissions

    Delegate Admin

    Grants administrator privileges to the users or groups specified in the policy. Administrators can edit or delete policies and create child policies based on the existing ones

    Deny Conditions parameters
    Parameter Description

    Select Role

    Specifies the roles to which this policy does not apply

    Select Group

    Specifies the groups to which this policy does not apply. The public group contains all users, so denying access to the public group denies access to all users

    Select User

    Specifies a user to which this policy does not apply (outside an already-specified group) or makes the user an Administrator for this policy


    Allows you to add or edit permissions

    Delegate Admin

    Grants administrator privileges to the users or groups specified in the policy. Administrators can edit or delete policies and create child policies based on the existing ones

  5. Click Add at the bottom of the page.

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