HBase service management via ADCM

The ADCM UI provides actions to manage the HBase service and its components. For information on how to run service actions, refer to ADH service actions.

The actions available for the HBase service are listed in the table below.

Action Description


Runs service-specific tests to check the health of the service and its components


Starts the service. When you run this action, the option Apply configs from ADCM is available. If it is set to true, all service configurations defined in ADCM settings will be applied on the service startup. Otherwise, the service starts without applying configurations from ADCM


Stops the service


Restarts the service. When you run this action, the option Apply configs from ADCM is available. If it is set to true, all service configurations defined in ADCM settings will be applied during the service restart. Otherwise, the service restarts without applying configurations from ADCM


Removes the service from the cluster. This action should be used to remove already installed services. Whereas the delete control can be used to remove a non-mapped service (a service which components have not been distributed among cluster hosts)

Add Client(s)

Adds HBase client(s) to the cluster. Running this action opens the component-host mapping interface where you can add new HBase clients

Remove Client(s)

Removes HBase client(s) from cluster hosts. Running this action opens the component-host mapping interface where you can remove HBase clients from specific hosts

Add Master Server(s)

Adds Master Server(s) to the cluster. The action opens the component-host mapping interface where you can add Master Server(s)

Remove Master Server(s)

Removes Master Server(s) from the cluster. The action opens the component-host mapping interface where you can remove Master Server(s)

Add Phoenix Query Server(s)

Adds Phoenix Query Server(s) to the cluster. The action opens the component-host mapping interface where you can add Phoenix Query Server(s)

Remove Phoenix Query Server(s)

Removes Phoenix Query Server(s) from the cluster. The action opens the component-host mapping interface where you can remove Phoenix Query Server(s)

Manage Ranger plugin

Enables or disables Ranger plugin for HBase. During this action RegionServers are restarted. When a RegionServer is shutdown, regions hosted by that RegionServer are moved to other RegionServers before stopping the current RegionServer. When you run this action, you have to specify the following parameters: Limit the number of threads used by the region mover for graceful RegionServer restarting and Timeout for moving regions for graceful RegionServer restarting. If regions are not moved by the timeout value, the action is interrupted, and an error occurs

Reconfig and graceful restart

Applies settings specified in ADCM UI and restarts the HBase service. During this action RegionServers are restarted. When a RegionServer is shutdown, regions hosted by that RegionServer are moved to other RegionServers before stopping the current RegionServer. When you run this action, you have to specify the following parameters: Limit the number of threads used by the region mover for graceful RegionServer restarting and Timeout for moving regions for graceful RegionServer restarting. If regions are not moved by the timeout value, the action is interrupted, and an error occurs

Add RegionServer(s)

Adds RegionServer(s) to the cluster. The action opens the component-host mapping interface where you can add RegionServer(s)

Remove RegionServer(s)

Removes RegionServer(s) from the cluster. The action opens the component-host mapping interface where you can remove RegionServer(s)

Add HBase REST Server(s)

Adds HBase REST Server(s) to the cluster. The action opens the component-host mapping interface where you can add HBase REST Server(s)

Remove HBase REST Server(s)

Removes HBase REST Server(s) from the cluster. The action opens the component-host mapping interface where you can remove HBase REST Server(s)

Add Thrift2 Server(s)

Adds Thrift2 Server(s) to the cluster. The action opens the component-host mapping interface where you can add Thrift2 Server(s)

Remove Thrift2 Server(s)

Removes Thrift2 Server(s) from the cluster. The action opens the component-host mapping interface where you can remove Thrift2 Server(s)

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