HiveServer2 UI overview

HiveServer2 provides a web interface where you can monitor Hive configuration, logging, metrics, and active session information. The up-to-date link to the web UI can be found in ADCM (Clusters → <clusterName> → Services → Hive → Info). The HiveServer2 web UI has the following view.

HiveServer2 UI
HiveServer2 UI
HiveServer2 UI
HiveServer2 UI

By default, the HiveServer2 UI is available on the 10002 port number. To change the port number:

  1. In ADCM, go to Clusters → <clusterName> → Services → Hive → Primary configuration, and then enable Show advanced.

  2. In the Custom hive-site.xml section, add the new property hive.server2.webui.port=<port>.

  3. Save the configuration and restart your Hive service. The UI will be available on the specified port after the restart.

HiveServer2 UI includes the following pages:


The HiveServer2 Home page has the following view.

HiveServer2 Home page
HiveServer2 Home page
HiveServer2 Home page
HiveServer2 Home page

This page has the following information:

  • active sessions;

  • queries currently processed by Hive;

  • recent queries submitted to HiveServer2;

  • Hive attributes, such as version, build number, uptime, etc.

To view detailed information about running and completed Hive queries, use the Drilldown link for the corresponding query as shown below.

Drilldown links
Drilldown links
Drilldown links
Drilldown links

The Query Information page has the following view.

Query Information
Query Information page
Query Information
Query Information page

The detailed query information is presented on the tabs:

  • Base Profile. Displays generic information about a Hive query, like ID, state, execution time, etc.

  • Stages. Displays Map/Reduce stages of the query.

  • Query Plan. Displays the query execution plan (EXPLAIN <query> output).

  • Performance Logging. Lists performance metrics from several Hive loggers.

Local logs

On this page, you can view log files generated by Hive Metastore/HiveServer2 components.

Metrics Dump

This page displays raw Hive metrics in the JSON format.

Hive Configuration

This page lists all the configuration settings from hive-site.xml plus effective Hadoop properties.

Stack Trace

This page displays the Java stacktrace reflecting the activity of Hive components.

Llap Daemons

Displays existing LLAP daemons (if any).

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