
Starts the ResourceManager.

The usage is as follows:

$ yarn resourcemanager [options]


Formats the RMStateStore. This will clear the RMStateStore and is useful if past applications are no longer needed. This should be run only when the ResourceManager is not running

-remove-application-from-state-store <appId>

Removes the application from RMStateStore. This should be run only when the ResourceManager is not running


Formats the YarnConfigurationStore. This should be run only when the ResourceManager is not running

-convert-fs-configuration [-y|yarnsiteconfig] [-f|fsconfig] [-r|rulesconfig] [-o|output-directory] [-p|print] [-c|cluster-resource]

This feature is experimental and not intended for production use. Development is still in progress so the converter should not be considered complete.

Converts the specified Fair Scheduler configuration to the Capacity Scheduler configuration. Requires two mandatory input files.

  • The yarn-site.xml with the following format: [-y|yarnsiteconfig <path/to/yarn-site.xml>].

  • The fair-scheduler.xml with the following format: [-f|fsconfig <path/to/fair-scheduler.xml>]. This config is not mandatory if there is a reference in yarn-site.xml to fair-scheduler.xml via the property yarn.scheduler.fair.allocation.file.

If both files are specified, the -f option has precedence. The output directory of the config files should be specified as well, with [-o|output-directory <directory>]. An optional rules config file can be also specified with the following format: [-r|rulesconfig <path/to/the/conversion_rules_file>]. The rule config file format is a .properties file.

There is an additional optional parameter [-p|print]. If defined, the configuration will be printed to the console. In its normal operation, the output files (yarn-site.xml and capacity-scheduler.xml) are stored to the specified output directory. The cluster resource parameter [-c|cluster-resource <resource>] needs to be specified if any queue has a maxResources setting with value as percentage. The format of the resource string is the same as in fair-scheduler.xml

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