Technical blog

Articles from our experts

ddboost light
ddboost dark

December 14, 2022

How to speed up backup and save storage space: on the example of ArenadataDB ddboost and Dell EMC Data Domain

In this article, we will look at the integration of the gpbackup/gprestore logical backup and recovery utilities with the Dell EMC Data Domain software and hardware solution

3ways light
3ways dark

December 01, 2021

Three ways to track Greenplum queries that use too much resources

In this article, we want to share our experiences and talk about three proven ways to monitor the utilization of system resources consumed by queries in Greenplum

spark light
spark dark

July 22, 2021

How and why we developed a Spark connector for Greenplum

In this article, we will tell you how and why we created our own tool for data exchange between Arenadata DB (analytical MPP DBMS based on Greenplum) and Apache Spark (framework for distributed processing of data that is a part of the Arenadata Hadoop ecosystem)

monitoring greenplum light
monitoring greenplum dark

June 25, 2021

Monitoring queries in Greenplum

In this article, we will talk about the challenges we faced when designing and implementing a system for monitoring queries to Arenadata DB — ADB Control

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