Logging in Zeppelin

Zeppelin server generates text logs that can be useful for analyzing the cause of different errors that may occur while working with interpreters, notes, etc. These logs are located in the /var/log/zeppelin directory on the host where Zeppelin is deployed. To view these logs, do the following:

  1. Connect to the Zeppelin Server host (via SSH, etc.) and run the command:

    $ ls -la /var/log/zeppelin

    The result can look like this:

    total 1768
    drwxr-xr-x.  2 zeppelin zeppelin   4096 Dec  8 10:22 .
    drwxr-xr-x. 19 root     root       4096 Dec  8 06:10 ..
    -rw-r--r--.  1 root     root        555 Dec  7 06:54 install-interpreter.log
    -rw-r--r--.  1 root     root       1665 Dec  6 16:13 install-interpreter.log.2021-12-06
    -rw-r--r--.  1 zeppelin zeppelin   2656 Dec  8 10:30 zeppelin-interpreter-jdbc-zeppelin-bds-adh-2.ru-central1.internal.log
    -rw-r--r--.  1 zeppelin zeppelin   5918 Dec  6 12:24 zeppelin-interpreter-jdbc-zeppelin-bds-adh-2.ru-central1.internal.log.2021-12-06
    -rw-r--r--.  1 zeppelin zeppelin  82200 Dec  7 18:15 zeppelin-interpreter-jdbc-zeppelin-bds-adh-2.ru-central1.internal.log.2021-12-07
    -rw-r--r--.  1 zeppelin zeppelin   2376 Dec  7 17:27 zeppelin-interpreter-phoenix2-zeppelin-bds-adh-2.ru-central1.internal.log
    -rw-r--r--.  1 zeppelin zeppelin   4638 Dec  8 10:31 zeppelin-interpreter-phoenix-zeppelin-bds-adh-2.ru-central1.internal.log
    -rw-r--r--.  1 zeppelin zeppelin 112258 Dec  6 16:11 zeppelin-interpreter-phoenix-zeppelin-bds-adh-2.ru-central1.internal.log.2021-12-06
    -rw-r--r--.  1 zeppelin zeppelin  17404 Dec  7 17:27 zeppelin-interpreter-phoenix-zeppelin-bds-adh-2.ru-central1.internal.log.2021-12-07
    -rw-r--r--.  1 zeppelin zeppelin   3951 Dec  7 18:15 zeppelin-interpreter-python-zeppelin-bds-adh-2.ru-central1.internal.log
    -rw-r--r--.  1 zeppelin zeppelin   4134 Dec  6 16:01 zeppelin-interpreter-sh-zeppelin-bds-adh-2.ru-central1.internal.log
    -rw-r--r--.  1 zeppelin zeppelin  61835 Dec  8 12:09 zeppelin-zeppelin-bds-adh-2.ru-central1.internal.log
    -rw-r--r--.  1 zeppelin zeppelin 722037 Dec  6 16:30 zeppelin-zeppelin-bds-adh-2.ru-central1.internal.log.2021-12-06
    -rw-r--r--.  1 zeppelin zeppelin 662981 Dec  7 18:15 zeppelin-zeppelin-bds-adh-2.ru-central1.internal.log.2021-12-07
    -rw-r--r--.  1 zeppelin zeppelin  78400 Dec  8 06:11 zeppelin-zeppelin-bds-adh-2.ru-central1.internal.out
    Logs are stored on the local file system of the host, not in HDFS.
  2. To view the content of a specific log file, run the following:

    $ tail /var/log/zeppelin/zeppelin-zeppelin-bds-adh-2.ru-central1.internal.log

    The output can be similar to:

     INFO [2021-12-08 10:31:02,382] ({pool-2-thread-4} RemoteInterpreterManagedProcess.java[start]:115) - Thrift server for callback will start. Port: 38183
     INFO [2021-12-08 10:31:02,882] ({pool-2-thread-4} RemoteInterpreterManagedProcess.java[start]:190) - Run interpreter process [/usr/lib/zeppelin/bin/interpreter.sh, -d, /usr/lib/zeppelin/interpreter/jdbc, -c,, -p, 38183, -r, :, -l, /usr/lib/zeppelin/local-repo/phoenix, -g, phoenix]
     INFO [2021-12-08 10:31:04,138] ({pool-11-thread-1} RemoteInterpreterManagedProcess.java[callback]:123) - RemoteInterpreterServer Registered: CallbackInfo(host:, port:34481)
     INFO [2021-12-08 10:31:04,140] ({pool-2-thread-4} RemoteInterpreter.java[call]:168) - Create RemoteInterpreter org.apache.zeppelin.jdbc.JDBCInterpreter
     INFO [2021-12-08 10:31:04,239] ({pool-2-thread-4} RemoteInterpreter.java[call]:142) - Open RemoteInterpreter org.apache.zeppelin.jdbc.JDBCInterpreter
     INFO [2021-12-08 10:31:04,240] ({pool-2-thread-4} RemoteInterpreter.java[pushAngularObjectRegistryToRemote]:436) - Push local angular object registry from ZeppelinServer to remote interpreter group phoenix:shared_process
     INFO [2021-12-08 10:31:04,830] ({pool-2-thread-4} NotebookServer.java[afterStatusChange]:2314) - Job 20211207-082338_940138511 is finished successfully, status: FINISHED
     INFO [2021-12-08 10:31:04,836] ({pool-2-thread-4} VFSNotebookRepo.java[save]:196) - Saving note:2GS5T8MS7
     INFO [2021-12-08 10:31:04,838] ({pool-2-thread-4} SchedulerFactory.java[jobFinished]:120) - Job 20211207-082338_940138511 finished by scheduler org.apache.zeppelin.interpreter.remote.RemoteInterpreter-phoenix:shared_process-shared_session
     INFO [2021-12-08 12:09:00,355] ({qtp837764579-66} NotebookServer.java[onClose]:372) - Closed connection to : 54643. (1001) null

There are several types of logs generated by Zeppelin. Their description is listed below.

Log name Attributes Description


<host_name> — Zeppelin host name

Contains information about basic operations with connections, jobs, notes: opening, closing, saving, etc.


<host_name> — Zeppelin host name

Contains the output for performed operations, i.e. errors, returned in the Web UI


  • <host_name> — Zeppelin host name.

  • <interpreter_name> — interpreter name.

Contains information for the specified interpreter



Contains information about installing new interpreters

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