ADH releases
Date: 31.01.2025
Ozone 1.4.1_arenadata1
The following patches are also included: Ozone patches
Trino 468_arenadata1
Core configuration
Upgraded HUE to 4.11.0_arenadata2 HUE updates
Upgraded Kyuubi to 1.9.2_arenadata2 Kyuubi updates
Upgraded Spark3 to 3.5.2_arenadata2 Spark3 updates
Implemented the SPNEGO authentication for the Impala service |
Implemented support for RedOS 7.3 in the Enterprise version of the ADH bundle |
Implemented the ability to import an ADH cluster into ADS for Kafka tiered storage configuration |
The Add, Remove, Shrink, Expand, and Move actions have been replaced with the Add/Remove components action for Kyuubi, Sqoop, Airflow, ADPG, Solr, Impala, SSM, Zeppelin, ZooKeeper, Flink, and HBase |
The visible password was removed when Samba Kerberos was enabled |
Removed empty and logically redundant tasks related to Kerberos from the logs when deleting components |
Corrected services where |
Corrected the naming of the Maintenance/Decommiss DataNodes and Decommiss/Recommiss NodeManagers actions in HDFS |
Improved the usability of the Enable custom ulimits parameter |
Added the ability to manage log.conf via ADCM for HUE |
Added the ability to manage impalad_flags for the Impala interpreter via ADCM for HUE |
Improved management of the * files for HBase |
Added custom configuration for ranger-solr-audit.xml, ranger-solr-security.xml, and ranger-solr-policymgr-ssl.xml via ADCM for Solr service |
Added the ability to manage |
Added database, user, and grants creation for HUE when the Restart action is performed with the Metastore DB schema init/upgrade flag is active |
Provided the ability to configure the following parameters in the configuration group for Hive:
HDFS did not restart after disabling its encryption with the Manage credential encryption action |
The JDBC interface did not support retrieving table metadata from ADB/Greenplum in HUE |
The Impala jobs did not work with SSL in HUE |
Inability to execute commands in Hive JDBC after moving Kyuubi to a new host |
Inability to perform |
Inability to perform |
The |
ZooKeeper didn’t get disabled after being moved/removed from hosts |
The JDBC connection did not work with the |
The keystore and truststore were not hidden after enabling encryption |
The Add/Remove actions without changing host-component mapping had excessive tasks |
The ADCM status checker did not start with the host boot |
The |
Error launching the Solr’s Add Server(s) action on an empty host with SSL enabled |
The Manage credential encryption action failed if a selected service wasn’t installed |
The Hadoop services didn’t have rights to the /var/lock/subsys/ folder during installation |
The Java 23 version is required for the Trino service. Manual installation on the hosts is required. Also, add the installation path to the cluster configuration ( |
For Ozone kerberization, it is necessary to install it in a kerberized cluster |
The minimum ADCM version now is 2.3.0 |
Marked as deprecated and will be removed in future releases — Spark 2 service, Sqoop service, Spark3 Thrift Server (a Spark3 component) |
When upgrading to this version, you have to manually install the Core configuration service |
Date: 30.10.2024
Upgraded HDFS to 3.3.6_arenadata1 with the patches listed below. Hadoop patches
Upgraded Hive to 4.0.0_arenadata1 with the patches listed below. Hive patches
Upgraded Tez to 0.10.3_arenadata1 |
Upgraded Impala to 4.4.0_arenadata2 with the patches listed below. Impala patches
Upgraded Spark 3 to 3.5.2_arenadata1 with the patches listed below. Spark 3 patches
Upgraded ADQM Spark Сonnector to 1.0.0_3.5.2 |
Upgraded ADB Spark Connector to 1.0.5_3.5.2 |
Upgraded Flink to 1.19.1_arenadata1 with support for Hive 4.0.0 |
Upgraded HBase to 2.5.10_arenadata1 with support for Hive 4.0.0 |
Upgraded hbase-operator-tools to 1.2.0_arenadata3 |
Upgraded phoenix-queryserver to 6.0.0_arenadata3 |
Upgraded Phoenix to 5.2.0_arenadata1 |
Upgraded Iceberg to 1.5.2_arenadata1 |
Upgraded SSM to 2.0.0-alpha with the following features:
Upgraded Kyuubi to 1.9.2_arenadata1 with the following features:
Upgraded Solr to 8.11.3_arenadata1 |
Upgraded ZooKeeper to 3.8.4_arenadata1 |
Upgraded Sqoop to 1.4.7_arenadata3 |
Upgraded ADPG to 16 |
Added support for Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS |
Added a new cluster action — Manage Credential Encryption. It encrypts sensitive data in the configuration files for HDFS, YARN, Hive, HBase, Spark, Impala, Zeppelin, Kyuubi, and Solr |
Implemented the ability to enable the SSL/TLS protocol for inter-component communication for the Flink service |
Implemented the HUE SPNEGO support |
The distribution includes the following extensions and formats for Flink:
Added log settings for Livy in ADCM |
Added the Custom nginx.conf checkbox parameter with template for the Hive service |
Now all the |
Changed the |
Changed classpaths properties to array type for Flink, Spark, Hive, Kyuubi, and Hive |
The Add, Remove, Shrink, Expand, and Move actions have been replaced with the Add/Remove components action for Spark2, Spark3, Hive, and YARN |
Hive now uses ADPG as the default metastore during installation |
Actualized Flink configuration:
Added the new sections for YARN in ADCM:, Custom |
Relocated the |
Added the Remove action for Airflow and Zeppelin in the community edition |
Added the Custom parameter to the YARN configuration |
Added notifications to services that notify the user of the need to restart if the topology of a dependent service has changed |
Errors when connecting an external database to the SSM service |
Incorrect process ID was written to the PID file for the SSM service |
Error related to an undefined variable while enabling the YARN Ranger plugin |
Spark3 Thrift Server didn’t restart |
Kyuubi: the Check action failed if only the REST protocol was enabled |
The |
The incorrect permissions on container-executor binary |
Impala: couldn’t enable Ranger on some topologies |
HUE: the bundle didn’t change |
Flink: excessive parameters on host when HA was disabled |
Incorrect auth-to-local rules in the Spark3 History Server process |
Invalid LDAP authentication configuration for Airflow |
The SSM service received a major upgrade that is not compatible with the previous version. During the update, all security settings will change and the metastore will be cleaned and migrated |
The minimum ADPS version is 1.2.0_b1 |
The minimum ADCM version now is 2.2.0 |
Date: 23.07.2024
Added the new HUE service |
Bumped Zeppelin to 0.11.1_arenadata1 |
Bumped Spark3 to 3.4.3_arenadata1 and fixed the Hive version regex |
Bumped Kyuubi to 1.9.0_arenadata1 and added the missing Impala alias for the JDBC engine |
Upgraded Impala to 4.4.0_arenadata1 with the following patches:
Added the Kyuubi AuthZ plugin for Spark3 |
Implemented support for the Samba domain controller |
Implemented the Apache Iceberg support for Spark3 |
Implemented the Apache Iceberg support for Hive |
Added the Spark3 and PySpark support for Zeppelin |
Implemented the LDAP authentication for Kyuubi |
Implemented the LDAP authentication for Impala |
A new Manage SSL action has been added instead of Enable/Disable SSL, which allows you to more conveniently manage the SSL encryption of all services in an ADH cluster |
Custom properties will now overwrite the existing ones, even if they are read-only |
Provided the ability to add an additional Livy Server for Spark3 |
Added the ability to specify multiple directories for Impala |
Now the Arenadata PostgreSQL service cannot be removed when Airflow2 is installed |
Now the |
Now the |
Setting the |
Couldn’t change a web port for Solr |
No changes were applied to the log4j configuration for the HBase service |
The Kerberos parameters disappeared from the configuration file after Spark3 History Server restart |
The Restart YARN action didn’t work when the |
Minor errors during Impala installation on Red Hat |
Impala service configuration wasn’t applied during a cluster start |
The Precheck packages parameter being set to |
Date: 27.04.2024
Date: 27.03.2024
Added the SSM service |
Added the Kyuubi service |
Added the JDBC checks |
The Manage Ranger plugin action is now customizable and more understandable |
ADQM Spark connector is now included in the ADH bundle |
Added the Spark Connect component for the Spark3 service |
Corrected permissions on directories and files in the bundle to support the ability to install the product on a file system with umask of |
Added ability to manage environment variables for Hive |
Added ability to manage environment variables for HBase |
Bumped Spark to 3.4.2_arenadata1 |
Bumped Hive to 3.1.3_arenadata6 |
Bumped ADB Spark connector to 1.0.5-spark-3.4.x |
Incorrectly generated hdfs-site.xml during the YARN’s Manage Ranger plugin action |
Spark3 didn’t catch up SSL settings after the Remove/Install actions |
ADB PySpark connector errors |
LDAP didn’t work on Airflow2 |
Faulty removal of Spark2 in ADH 3.2.4 |
HDFS start balancer failed on Astra Linux |
Wrong paths of logs for Impala in ADH v3.1.2_arenadata1_b1-2 |
HiveServer2 couldn’t start after upgrading ADH to 3.2.4 due to the SAN section in certificates |
The SSM service is currently in the technology preview state and is not intended for use in a production environment. It is under development and is provided to the clients for a review |
The path to the Python interpreter for the Spark 2/3 services has been changed from /opt/python3.10/bin/python3 to /opt/pyspark3-python/bin/python3. Take this into account when setting the |
To install Impala on Red Hat, you need to manually install the |
ADCM minimum version is 2.0 now |
Date: 26.12.2023
Upgraded Flink to 1.17.1_arenadata1 with the FLINK-32976 patch |
Upgraded Tez to 0.10.1_arenadata1 |
Upgraded ADB Spark Connector to 1.0.5-spark-3.3.x with performance boosts, security improvements, and bug fixes |
Added jdbc-tools 1.0 package |
Upgraded Spark2 to 2.3.2_arenadata2 with the SPARK-31644 patch |
Upgraded Hadoop to 3.2.4_arenadata1 with the following patches:
Added zstd support in HDFS |
Added PMDK support in HDFS |
Upgraded Spark3 to 3.3.2_arenadata1 with the SPARK-39910 patch (internal development) |
Upgraded Spark3 Livy to 0.7.2_arenadata5 |
Upgraded Sqoop to 1.4.7_arenadata2 |
Upgraded Phoenix Query Server to 6.0.0_arenadata2 |
Upgraded Phoenix to 5.1.3_arenadata2 |
Upgraded HBase operator tools to 1.2.0_arenadata2 |
Upgraded Hive to 3.1.3_arenadata5 with the following patches:
Upgraded HBase to 2.4.17_arenadata1 |
Upgraded Airflow to 2.6.3 |
Excluded the vulnerability of the log4j library up to the version 2.15 |
Added log settings for Solr in ADCM |
Added log settings for ZooKeeper in ADCM |
Excluded Airflow1 from the bundle |
Added the Thrift Server component for Spark3 |
Added the template for changing Ulimits to ADCM component configuration |
Added support for AstraLinux 1.7 SE "Орел" |
Reconfigured Hive connection settings to the metadata store database to improve flexibility |
Updated the Postgres JDBC driver supplied with the distribution |
Now there is no complete recreation of existing keytabs when expanding/installing services |
Error adding roles to shiro.ini when setting up Zeppelin |
Spark3 Server failed to start after upgrade |
Because of the Airflow 1 deprecation, it’s mandatory to remove it from the cluster with the upgrade. Airflow 2 can be installed instead |
Minimum ADPS version — 1.1.0 |
Date: 20.10.2023
Upgraded Flink to 1.16.2 |
Incorporated the following upstream updates:
Bumped Solr to 8.11.2 with fixed vulnerability of the log4j library |
Bumped Sqoop to 1.4.7 with fixed vulnerability of the log4j library |
Bumped HBase to 2.2.7 |
Bumped Phoenix to 5.13 |
Implemented Impala support |
ADB Spark 3 Connector is now included in the ADH bundle |
Implemented hbck2 (an HBase component) |
Introduced the Maintanence mode which provides an ability to remove any node from a cluster |
Intoroduced High Availability auto-management for ADH services |
Added the SQL Gateway component for Flink |
Added PySpark 3 for customer installation |
Added Knox SSO authorization for Zeppelin |
Tweaked Kerberos management (enable, disable, configure) |
Added logging settings for Spark in ADCM |
Added the Precheck packages cluster parameter that enables/disables package checks. By default the checks are disabled |
Added logging settings for Sqoop in ADCM |
Airflow 2 services failed after kerberization and restart |
Metadata and statistics errors for Hive |
Hive configuration failed without an installed ZooKeeper on CE |
The problem with config groups for Hive |
Spark 3 check failed if Spark 2 was not installed |
Inability to remove Spark 3 without mapped components |
The problem with HDFS Balancer with enabled Kerberos |
Minimum ADPS version — 1.0.5 |
Minimum ADCM version — 2023.10.10.08 |
Date: 21.06.2023
Added an ability to select a TLS version for ADH services |
Added support for custom Zeppelin interpreters |
Added the new component Spark History Server for Spark3 |
The following upstream updates have been incorporated:
ResourceManager high availability mode activates automatically |
Spark can work with a custom Hive Metastore |
Added SSL support for Hive Metastore |
Added the Remove action for the MariaDB service with the |
Updated Spark3 version to 3.3.2 |
ZooKeeper: added links to Admin Server endpoints on the ZooKeeper page in ADCM |
Enhanced the Move action behavior |
Fixed: can’t remove faulty installed Airflow 1 after Airflow 2 |
Zeppelin: fixed incorrect Hive JDBC string with enabled Hive HA |
Hive: fixed timezone for |
Fixed NiFi hive3streaming |
Fixed GROUPING/DISTINCT limitations for Hive tables with 64+ columns |
Hive: fixed the |
ZooKeeper: changed the default port for Admin Server |
Date: 02.03.2023
Airflow2: added the high availability mode |
Airflow2: added LDAP authentication/authorization support |
Airflow2: added support for external broker configuration |
Hive version updated to 3.1.3 |
The following upstream updates have been incorporated:
Changed the |
The |
HDFS: removed RW permissions from the |
Spark3: added ADH python package to the installation routine |
Implemented a custom configuration for container-executor.cfg |
Fixed CORS errors in ResourceManager UI2 |
Fixed: no retries for the Disable balancer task during the HBase shrink action |
Fixed: missing timestamps in the ansible log output in ADCM |
Fixed: the configuration for checker-thriftserver is not overwritten during reconfiguration |
Fixed: the |
Fixed: status checker does not run for Spark3 after reinstalling |
Fixed the checker-thriftserver conflict with other services |
Fixed wrong setting of |
Fixed NodeName stop sequence for the JournalNode expand action |
Fixed: HDFS doesn’t stop with enabled Kerberos |
Fixed issues with host cert key permissions |
Fixed .jceks file permissions |
Fixed: Sqoop Hive import fails with enabled Ranger plugin |
Fixed the NameNode stop action behavior |
Airflow2: fixed support for external database connections |
Airflow2: fixed Redis configuration |
Airflow2: fixed template usage for airflow.cfg (cfg_properties_template) |
Airflow2: fixed permissions for Redis config directory |
Airflow2: fixed the Logging level list |
Fixed: a failed check if TEZ submit creates an entry in Timelineserver |
Fixed the ZooKeeper error with enabled Kerberos |
Fixed: Spark checks failed after YARN expand |
Fixed errors with disabling Kerberos |
ADH MySQL Service: changed the display name and version |
Fixed the description for |
Fixed the description for |
Updated the |
Updated offline package versions |
Date: 20.12.2022
Added the livy-spark3 component to the Spark3 service |
Added Hive delegation token |
Added the Apply configs from ADCM checkbox for all services |
Flink build 1.15.1 is available |
Added the ability to connect to Flink JobManager in the high availability mode |
Added package checks optimizations for the installation |
Added a cleanup of MIT credentials after disabling Kerberos in an ADH cluster for the following services:
Passwords hidden for actions Config check, Enable SSL for the following services:
Refactored Livy impersonation options |
Added the ability to configure Livy impersonation |
Added additional |
The Disable HA HiveServer2 action uses the |
Performed actions optimizations |
Added the ability to delete a service in the |
Fixed the High Availability mode activation for YARN ResourceManager |
Fixed: failed to enable SSL with Airflow2 on AltLinux |
Fixed: Flink TaskManager doesn’t start in the High Availability mode |
Fixed: no metrics when Monitoring service was installed in a wrong order |
Fixed: missing Spark3 actions Add Spark3 Livy, Remove Spark3 Livy |
Fixed: Flink upgrade from 2.1.6 to 2.1.7 fails if Job Manager is not collocated with the HDFS Client |
Fixed: missing parameter |
Fixed: Flink installation failed |
Fixed the Manage ranger plugin action in HBase |
Fixed SSL settings for the following services:
Fixed: the Enable SSL action failed due to absence of ranger-hbase-plugin |
Fixed the upgrade from 2.1.6.b4-1 to 2.1.7.b1-pre_rc |
Fixed: incorrect minimum version for an upgrade |
Fixed: the Enable HA/Disable HA actions lead to a configuration divergence of hive-site.xml on servers |
Fixed the Disable HA HiveServer2 action error |
Fixed HBase SASL error while connecting to a kerberized ZooKeeper (no hbase-jaas.conf) |
Fixed the error when expanding Hive Server 2 on a host with Hive Metastore |
Fixed the Add Hive Metastore action |
Fixed: no description for the Reliability Control → timeout field |
Fixed: the Scheduler type does not pass to the yarn_scheduler_jmx filter |
Fixed: passwords shown in the Ansible log during the Enable SSL action |
Fixed: wrong Spnego keytab value when expanding Hive Server 2 |
Fixed components list on the Hosts - Components page |
Fixed: need to install the jdbc-mysql driver on nodes with the hive-client service when internal MariaDB is used |
The Enable Ranger plugin action for Hive failed if no YARN service and politics are defined in Ranger |
Fixed: enabling SSL repeatedly failed |
Fixed: the Spark Thriftserver check fails due to FairScheduler being used |
Fixed: YARN reconfiguration fails if FairScheduler is enabled |
Fixed errors with the order of hosts decommissioning |
Fixed the bug that prevented running Flink on Yarn |
Added |
Fixed naming for service configs (HDFS, HBase, Hive) |
Fixed naming for ADH Service actions |
Fixed naming and typos for ADH install actions |
Changed the sequence of actions for Kerberos, SSL, and cluster installation |
Date: 16.09.2022
Added support for AltLinux 8.4 |
Added support for customization of ldap.conf via ADCM |
Added support for FreeIPA kerberization |
Improved errors handling using cURL |
Hive logging refactored |
Fixed: cannot change parameters in ranger-yarn-policymgr-ssl.xml (YARN) |
Fixed: |
Fixed a configuration name after Flink restarts |
Fixed: Zeppelin user does not exist when enabling Ranger for YARN |
Fixed: cannot change nameservice when faulty installed (HDFS) |
Fixed: a cluster upgrade always switches state to |
Fixed: a Spark 3 upgrade does not disable old repositories on Alt Linux |
Fixed: the Reconfigure Kerberos action has no |
Fixed: YARN Resource Manager does not start on Alt 8.4 |
Fixed |
Fixed inconsistency between security settings in Spark and Spark3 configs |
Changed check code due to Scala version upgrade |
Date: 08.08.2022
Added the ability to specify external nameservices |
Added the ability to connect to HiveServer2 in the fault-tolerant mode |
Cluster components states refactored |
Refactored the order of Stop, Start, and Restart actions for the HDFS service |
Enhanced monitoring metrics collection by YARN queues |
Removed read-only attribute from the |
Fixed the cluster kerberization status error after a bundle upgrade |
Fixed: Ansible variable is not resolved during HDFS installation |
The |
Fixed permissions for the |
Date: 16.06.2022
The ability to install ADH components from custom Docker registry is added |
The check box Rewrite current service SSL parameters is added for the Enable SSL action |
New parameters are added for the Zeppelin Hive interpreter — in order to enable SSL and Kerberos |
Retries for generating Kerberos principals are implemented |
Custom authentication (LDAP/AD) is enabled for Hive2Server |
The Move action is added for Spark Livy Server |
The Move action is added for Spark History Server |
The Move action is added for Flink Job Manager |
The Move action is added for Sqoop Metastore |
The Move action is added for YARN Timeline Server |
The Move action is added for YARN MapReduce History Server |
The Ranger plugin for Solr authorization is added |
The ability to remove services from the cluster is added |
The ability to customize configuration files via ADCM is added |
The support of Kerberos REALM is added |
The Solr connection for audits is changed from Solr server to ZK node |
Changing the property type from |
SSL default configuration parameters are changed from invisible to read-only |
Fixed: duplicate dictionary keys in the config.yaml file that did not pass the new YAML validation in ADCM |
Fixed: the error with Zeppelin installation without Hive |
Fixed: users could change some read-only Kerberos-related parameters in services |
Fixed failing jobs when enabling the GPU on YARN property |
Fixed the error with applying the Remove service action to Spark3 |
Fixed the error with incorrect value in interpereter.json in Zeppelin when SSL is off |
Fixed: after enabling SSL policies did not work in Ranger |
Fixed: the Container DN format when applying Enable Kerberos |
Fixed the error with incorrect saving the |
Fixed: YARN failed to copy container-executor.cfg |
Fixed: job status and result did not match when deleting optional (unnecessary) settings in the ZooKeeper service configuration |
Fixed: the action Check applied to Flink failed if hosts in ADCM had uppercase letters |
Fixed: services did not collect policy from Ranger in SSL |
Fixed: applying the action Remove internal database actually removed the service itself |
A fixed Ranger Solr plugins repository is added for ADH 2.1.4 |
The order of bundle upgrades is changed from particular to general |
Dependencies between components and services at the ADCM level are implemented |
Ranger Plugins are bumped to 1.0.3 |
The ability to download ADH offline packs from the Arenadata source directory to the customer proxy repository is added |
Date: 31.03.2022
The Kerberos authentication is enabled for Web UI |
SSL for Ranger plugins is enabled |
SSL for Flink is enabled |
SSL for Sqoop is enabled |
The rollback operation is enabled in the case of the failed kerberization process |
SSL for Zeppelin is enabled |
SSL for Airflow is enabled |
SSL for Spark is enabled |
SSL for Solr is enabled |
SSL for Hive is enabled |
SSL for HBase is enabled |
SSL for YARN is enabled |
The ability to configure SSL in the Hadoop clusters is added |
SSL for HDFS is enabled |
The Custom hive-site.xml block is placed after the hive-site.xml block in the configuration settings |
The links to NameNodes and HttpFS are moved to the top of the HDFS web links list |
The order of cluster stop actions is reversed |
The Reconfig and restart action is replaced by the Restart action that runs three operations: stops the service, applies configuration parameters, and starts the service |
The ability to execute the resourcemanager_enable_ha action without changing |
The ability to execute the resourcemanager_expand action without enabling High Availability (HA) is disabled for Resource Manager, since it does not work without enabling HA |
Fixed: the parameters from the httpfs-site.xml configuration file did not apply to the HttpFS service |
Fixed: SQL queries launched from Spark3 or Spark2 did not work correctly with the Ranger Hive plugin being enabled |
Fixed: the |
Fixed: the Phoenix Query Server could not work in the thin mode in the kerberized environment |
Fixed: the error with running spark-thrift-server-checker after enabling and disabling Kerberos |
Fixed: the error with saving the Flink configuration parameters after installation in the kerberized environment |
The ability to work with kerberized ADH clusters is fixed for the Windows operation system |
Fixed the |
Fixed the error with checking privileges to the |
The cluster installation errors at the HBase check stage are fixed |
Fixed: application logs were unavailable in the legacy Resource Manager UI of the kerberized clusters |
Fixed: Kerberization on AD failed if two instances of Ranger Admin were installed |
Configuring SSL settings is added before enabling SSL in autotests |
Web links are rewritten to support the http/https schema change |
Date: 21.12.2021
Refactoring of the database for Hive Metastore checks is done |
The error with the |
Fixed the error with MapReduce jobs launched in the kerberized cluster not under the |
Fixed: mapped but not installed services caused the errors via installation of other services |
The HTTP mode is added for HiveServer2 |
The AD/LDAP/SIMPLE authorization is added for Zeppelin |
The HBase REST Server component is added for HBase |
The ability to use Active Directory as Kerberos storage is implemented |
The ability to set Kerberos principal for running Spark jobs via YARN is added. Before that Spark always launched tasks using the |
Fixed the error with DataNodes expanding via the Add DataNode action in the kerberized environment |
Fixed the error with the Livy interpreter working in the kerberized environment |
Fixed the error with the Hive interpreter working in the kerberized environment |
Fixed the error with Zeppelin checks after Kerberos activation |
Fixed the error with removing the monitoring component jmxtrans |
Fixed: the Enable Resource Manager HA action failed in the clusters with Kerberos and Ranger plugin being enabled |
Fixed the error with Airflow installation in the kerberized environment |
Fixed the error with enabling Kerberos after its disabling (enable → disable → enable) |
The full stack testing for using the RedHat 7.9 enterprise license in ADH is added |
Date: 01.11.2021
The Reinstall status-checker action is implemented. It runs the status-checker deployment scripts for services as well as for Docker containers |
The Solr check is changed: the number of live Nodes is compared instead of lists |
The timeout/retry count is increased for the Zeppelin check |
Fixed: the bundle version update error |
Fixed: the Ranger plugin worked incorrectly in the case of using some characters in the cluster name |
Fixed: the error with the inconsistent state of the actual DataNodes maintenance state after upgrading ADH from 2.1.3 to 2.1.4 |
Fixed: Keytabs permissions changed during some actions |
Fixed: the error with per-service installation in the kerberized ADH clusters |
Fixed: the error with parsing the list of containers by the Docker status checker in Airflow |
The error with the heap size test is fixed |
The broken compatibility with the current dev version of ADCM is fixed |
The test logic for per-service installation in the kerberized ADH clusters is changed: before each service installing it is necessary to add the service to the cluster and add its components to hosts (instead of adding all components to all hosts) |
Date: 30.09.2021
The MIT Kerberos integration is implemented in ADCM |
The ability to add the custom port for Kerberos Server is added |
Ranger plugin and kerberized YARN are integrated |
Ranger plugin and kerberized Hive are integrated |
Ranger plugin and kerberized HBase are integrated |
Ranger plugin and kerberized HDFS are integrated |
The Ranger plugin is made operable on kerberized services |
The split memory option is added for Hive services: resource management options can be configured for HiveMetastore and HiveServer2 separately |
The edit memory size option is added for Flink components |
The edit memory size option is added for Solr components |
The edit memory size option is added for Sqoop components |
The edit memory size option is added for Spark components |
The edit memory size option is added for Zeppelin components |
The edit memory size option is added for HBase components |
The edit memory size option is added for YARN components |
The Add/Remove actions are added for YARN Timeline server |
The Add/Remove actions are added for Sqoop Metastore |
The edit memory size option is added for HDFS components |
The ADH memory management option is added |
The Add/Remove actions are added for Flink Job Manager |
The Add/Remove actions are added for Spark Thrift Server |
The Add/Remove actions are added for Spark Livy Server |
The Add/Remove actions are added for Spark History Server |
The Add/Remove actions are added for Hive Tez UI |
The Move action is added for YARN MapReduce History Server |
Kerberos is implemented for ADH in ADCM |
The ability to move any service component to another Node or remove it from the cluster is added |
The unnecessary repository/packages check at the HDFS installation step for ADH EE is removed |
The path for docker-status-checker files is changed |
Fixed the error with the |
Fixed the error with Solr not working after applying host actions |
Fixed the error with the Enable Resource Manager HA action in the kerberized environment |
Fixed the error with Spark expanding/shrinking in the kerberized environment |
Fixed the error with Solr shrinking in the kerberized environment |
Fixed the error with YARN Node Manager expanding in the kerberized environment |
Fixed the error |
Fixed the error with Flink Server expanding/shrinking |
Fixed the error with Flink JobManager Server Port 6123 availability |
Fixed the error with Sqoop expanding in the kerberized environment |
Fixed the error with YARN Server expanding/shrinking |
Fixed: the Solr role tried to import the absent monitoring role even with the monitoring service being not installed |
Fixed the error with running the Install service action for Solr |
Fixed the error with Spark Livy server expanding in the kerberized environment |
Fixed the error with Spark Thrift Server shutting down in the kerberized environment |
The Solr shared memory reservation error is fixed |
Fixed the error with Solr kerberization with no Hadoop services being added |
Fixed the error with starting jmxtrans after the host reboot |
The incorrect URL for the Hive Server Web UI is fixed |
Fixed the error with opening link to the HiveServer2 UI after ADH installation |
Fixed the error with availability of host actions after the cluster upgrade from to 2.1.4.b2 |
Fixed: the Enterprise cluster installation failing during the per-service action |
Fixed: the Reconfig and restart action failed for the Monitoring service with Airflow being installed |
Fixed: the Spark ThriftServer process did not stop after the Spark context being killed |
In order to speed up autotests and development process, the packages check is made optional for the specified environments |
The http and registry versions are bumped to the current ET release |
The specifications for new Spark and YARN MapReduce History Server actions are added |
Date: 20.07.2021
The ability to use external MySQL in AirFlow is added |
The ability to use external PostgreSQL in Airflow is added |
Host actions are added for the Spark3 service. Hosts actions here and below mean the actions managed at the host level |
Host actions are added for the Monitoring service |
Host actions are added for the Sqoop service |
Host actions are added for the Airflow service |
Host actions are added for the Solr service |
Host actions are added for the Flink service |
Host actions are added for the Zeppelin service |
Host actions are added for the Spark service |
Host actions are added for the MySQL service |
Host actions are added for the Hive service |
Host actions are added for the HBase service |
Host actions are added for the YARN service |
Host actions are added for the HDFS service |
The Sqoop Check action is modified according to the new Hive external DB variables |
Host actions are renamed |
The unnecessary solr-tools.jar file is removed from the Solr submodule in the bundle, as it caused errors in CI |
The error with offline installation in the operation system RH 7.9 is fixed |
The error with applying the Reconfig and restart action to the Monitoring service is fixed |
Fixed the error with installing MySQL on the host from which it was removed earlier |
Fixed the error with the |
Fixed the error with the Maintenance DataNode action that occurred due to the incorrect content of the dfs.hosts file (if another DataNode has been switched to the maintenance state earlier) |
For debugging possible problems via Allure reports, logs collecting is implemented for Airflow service |
Fixed the wrong description in the autotest that implements migration to the external MySQL database |
Specifications for testing host actions are changed |
Tests for host actions are added |
Specifications and autotests are added for the ADH shrink scenarios |
Date: 22.06.2021
The ability to define custom HBase environment variables is added |
The action for removing MySQL from the ADH cluster is added |
The ability to use external PostgreSQL in Hive Metastore is added |
The ability to change the Hive Metastore |
The ability to configure Java Heap for HiveServer2 is added |
The ability to add/change/remove configuration options from the httpfs-site.xml file via ADCM is added |
Start checks for JournalNodes and NameNodes are added |
Spark 3.1.1 is implemented for ADH 2.X |
The offline installation is implemented for ADH |
The Check action is improved for Sqoop |
The built process for Solr is changed: Arenadata repositories are used instead of external Maven repositories |
The ability to use Docker Registry from Arenadata repository is implemented |
In order to install services (e.g. Airflow) without DNS, resolving host names in the Docker containers is implemented |
Airflow installation without DNS is implemented |
Implemented the DN check/wait for membership in the cluster from the DN itself |
The Spark component Spark History Server is made mandatory |
Refactoring of the ZooKeeper service is done |
Fixed: Hive installation failed when adding the Tez component without TezUI |
Fixed: the duplicate key |
Fixed: YARN applications could not run jobs after the Ranger plugin being enabled |
Fixed the error with the Enable Resource manager HA action in the ADH Community Edition |
Fixed the error with Sqoop installation after Ranger being installed |
Fixed problems with HBase logging |
Docker images in the package specifications are changed according to the new naming convention |
Packages for the 2.1.4 release are uploaded to the Google repository |
Fixed the logs collecting for HttpFS during autotests |
The repository for the 2.1.4 version of the product is created |
The ability to update a bundle without rebuilding packages is added |
Unnecessary garbage files are removed from the bundle build archive |
To resolve ansible |
Tests for checking the integration between ADH and Ranger are added |
Build ADH |
Date: 14.01.2021
The Remove/Add Hive Tez actions are added |
The Add diamond and Remove diamond actions are added |
Build Ranger 2.0.0 |
The logic of the YARN Resource Manager expanding is changed |
The validation logic for Spark Client is changed from |
ADPS integration: the new ADPS bundle that contains Ranger has to be re-integrated with ADH after moving Ranger from it |
Fixed the error with closing Hive tasks after finishing checks |
Livy checks are temporarily disabled |
Fixed the error with bad cluster name that occurred when creating the HDFS service via Ranger Admin |
Fixed the error with the HDFS action Remove Client |
Fixed unsuccessful Hive CLI checks after the Ranger plugin being enabled |
Fixed the error with connecting multiple clusters to one ADPS |
The repository for plugins is added to the release bundle |
Packages for the release are uploaded to the Google repository |
Build ADH |
ADH is bumped to |
New repositories for Ranger plugins are added |
Specifications on the workaround for the error with HBase expanding after HDFS expanding are edited |
Specifications on expanding ADH services are created |
Date: 19.11.2020
Client components for Flink are added |
Client components for HDFS are added |
Client components for YARN are added |
The timeout for the |
The default port number for MySQL in the Airflow Metastore is changed |
The volume for Hadoop configurations (e.g. /etc/hadoop/conf/, /etc/hive/conf, etc.) in Docker images with Airflow is increased |
Fixed the race condition within Sqoop checks (part 2 — with multiple Clients) |
Fixed the cluster installation error that occurred when MySQL being installed |
Fixed the cluster installation error that occurred when checking after installing Spark |
Packages for the release are uploaded to the Google repository |
Building the offline package for ADH to the ADH repository is implemented |
ADH is bumped to |
Tests for the YARN/HDFS Client are created |
Specifications for autotests of the YARN/HDFS Client are added |
Changes in the Hadoop tests related to uploading bundles are made |
Autotests for Airflow are created |
All file accesses are made independent from the current working directory in autotests |
The dev repository for ADH is initialized |
Date: 15.09.2020
The ADH bundle is divided into community and enterprise versions |
The High Availability for NameNodes is implemented |
Fixed the error that occurred at the Restart NameNodes step during the Remove NameNode action |
Fixed the error with checking Hive Tez on multiple hosts |
Fixed the error with switching dynamic allocation |
Fixed: ZKFC ignored the |
Packages for the release are uploaded to the Google repository |
All specifications and BOMs related to ADH20 are moved to the prj_adh. Publishing of artifacts to the artifactory is changed |
The release and develop repositories are segregated in bundles |
Date: 05.06.2020
The |
The race condition within Sqoop checks is fixed |
Fixed the error with running the cluster Check action |
Packages for the release are uploaded to the Google repository |
ADH is bumped to |
Nginx is copied from the Epel repository to the ADH2 repository |
Date: 21.05.2020
Sqoop deployment is ported to ALT Linux |
Solr deployment is ported to ALT Linux |
Flink deployment is ported to ALT Linux |
The public ALT Linux repository for ZooKeeper 3.4.14 is created |
Airflow deployment is ported to ALT Linux |
The ability to set |
Sqoop is added into the ADH bundle |
ADH 2.X packages are built for ALT Linux |
Solr 8.2.0 is added for ADH 2.2 |
Refactoring of the ADH deployment process for ALT Linux is made |
The error with commissioning/decommissioning Nodes via ADCM is fixed |
Fixed the error |
Fixed the ordering of Generic components |
Fixed: web links in ADCM did not refresh after HDFS DataNodes or YARN Node Manager shrinking |
Fixed the error that occurred with YARN 3.1.2 in ALT Linux during ansible tasks |
Fixed the absence of |
The /var/run/sqoop directory is created for Sqoop Metastore |
The missing dependency for Flink-related packages is added |
Fixed the error with installing HBase and Solr when using the external ZooKeeper |
Airflow deployment is disabled (visible in ADCM and only for ALT Linux) |
The public repository for the release is changed |
Packages for the release are uploaded to the Google repository |
Changes for libisal are merged |
Changes for bigtop-groovy, bigtop-jsvc, bigtop-tomcat, and bigtop-utils are merged |
Changes for Bigtop are merged |
Changes for Livy are merged |
Changes for ZooKeeper are merged |
Changes for Zeppelin are merged |
Changes for Spark are merged |
Changes for Phoenix are merged |
Changes for Tez are merged |
Changes for Hive are merged |
Changes for HBase are merged |
Changes for Hadoop are merged |
Bigtop branches for CentOS and ALT linux are manually merged |
The repository url is changed to 2.1.2 |
Autotests for ADH services are reviewed according to the current stack version |
Date: 19.02.2020
The ability to configure Hive ACID is added |
SELinux is disabled for all components during installation |
Support of the Flink 1.8.0 is implemented for ADCM |
Flink is added into the ADH bundle |
The logic of the Shrink action is improved |
GPU support is enabled for YARN |
Airflow is added into the ADH bundle |
The UI link is added for Solr at the main ADCM page |
The Shrink/Expand actions are implemented for HDFS HttpFS |
HDFS HttpFS checks are implemented |
The Solr Cloud Mode is implemented |
The Solr deployment is implemented |
Solr is added into the ADH bundle |
Tez libraries are installed on Hive Client Nodes |
Fixed: it was impossible to use Hive with Tez due to the configuration mismatch |
Fixed the error with saving configurations for HDFS and YARN |
Fixed the error with HBase checks after installation |
Fixed the error with YARN checks in the HA mode |
Tests/example DAGs for checking the Airflow functionality are added |
Tests for checking the Solr functionality are added |
Date: 21.11.2019
YARN Scheduler configuration is implemented |
HDFS mover is implemented |
The cluster-wide Install button is added to the ADCM UI |
The ability to define the external ZooKeeper in the core-site.xml file is added |
The ability to add custom/advanced configuration parameters to the *-site.xml files is added |
YARN Node labels are implemented |
HDFS HttpFS is implemented |
HDFS Short-Circuit Local Reads are implemented |
HDFS Disk Balancer is implemented |
HDFS Balancer is implemented |
The *-site.xml files are unified |
Asserts and fails are replaced with adcm_check |
Monitoring is refactored: code/dashboards are unified, metrics are redesigned, etc. |
The hostname variable is removed from the Zeppelin PID definition |
The HDFS dashboard is divided into HDFS and YARN dashboards in Grafana |
Hadoop PID file names are changed |
Manual testing of the ADH 2.1 installation is performed according to the documentation |
Date: 10.10.2019
Implemented the ability to get a status for the following services:
Implemented service management for the following services:
Prepared deployment scripts for the following services:
Implemented service checks for the following services:
Implemented the deployment of the following services:
The following builds are available:
Monitoring features are implemented for the following services:
Necessary configurations for Hive/Tez are added |
The |
Necessary configurations for Hadoop services are added |
Quick links for services are added |
The HDFS rack awareness is implemented via custom scripts |
The YARN and MapReduce services are combined into single one |
The Resource Manager High Availability is implemented |
Checks for Decommission/Recommission for Node Managers are implemented |
Checks for Decommission/Recommission for DataNodes are implemented |
Zeppelin is bumped to 0.8.1 |
Zeppelin is implemented for ADCM |
Tez UI is implemented for ADCM |
The ability to add a new Node Manager to ADH is added |
The ability to add new DataNodes to ADH clusters is added |
Spark is implemented for ADCM |
Ranger is bumped to 1.1 |
The ZooKeeper Quorum configuration is added |
The MySQL role is added to the ADH bundle (as a service) |
Multiple configuration directories for Nodes are implemented |
The YARN logs aggregation is enabled |
Spark and Hive roles are reviewed |
The Hadoop role is divided into HDFS, YARN, MapReduce |
The Hadoop role for ADCM is refactored |
Separate roles for Hadoop are implemented |
The ZooKeeper service role is ported from the ADS Bundle |
Basic YARN service features are refactored |
Fixed the error with the |
Pre-release preparations are made for ADH 2.1.0 |
The EULA.txt file is added to the bundle root |
The repository for ZooKeeper packages is added to ADH |
All ADH bundle submodules are switched to Master |
Documentation on Decommission/Recomission/HA is prepared |
Documentation on HBase deployment via ADCM is prepared |
Documentation on Spark deployment via ADCM is prepared |
Documentation on Hive deployment via ADCM is prepared |
Documentation on YARN deployment via ADCM is prepared |
Documentation on HDFS deployment via ADCM is prepared |
Documentation for the ADH bundle is prepared |
Spark autotests are implemented |
Hive autotests are implemented |
YARN autotests are implemented |
HDFS autotests are implemented |
Smoke tests for the Livy Server service check are prepared |
Smoke tests for the Spark Thrift Server service check are prepared |
Smoke tests for the Spark Server service check are prepared |
Smoke tests for the MySQL service check are prepared |
Smoke tests for the HBase service check are prepared |
Smoke tests for the Phoenix service check are prepared |
Smoke tests for the Hive service check are prepared |
Smoke tests for the HDFS service check are prepared |
The latest stable packages for ADH are built |