Solr UI overview

The Solr service provides a web interface where you can view diagnostic and status information, manage collections, configure security, and so on. By default, the web UI is available at http://<host>:8983/solr/#/, where <host> is the ADH host with the Solr Server component installed. You can change the default port number (8983) in the solr.xml Solr configuration section in ADCM. The up-to-date URL(s) of the Solr web UI can be found in ADCM (Clusters<YOUR_CLUSTER>ServicesSolrInfo).

The Solr web UI includes the following sections described below:


This page displays information about the Solr server instance that runs on the given host, including system resource consumption, JVM parameters, and security details.

The Dashboard page
The Dashboard page


This page displays Log4j2 logs generated by the Solr server.

The Logging page
The Logging page

On the Level tab, you can set logging levels for individual Solr components and classes.


This page contains Solr security settings such as users, roles, permissions, and authentication/authorization parameters. These settings are cluster-wide, meaning that they affect security configuration for all Solr servers in the ADH cluster.

The Security page
The Security page
The page becomes available after you enable authentication and authorization for your Solr service.


This tab contains several pages that reflect Solr activity in scope of an ADH cluster.


This page displays status information about Solr servers distributed among ADH hosts.

The Nodes page
The Nodes page


This page displays the directory structure of ZooKeeper data in the form of a tree.

ZK Status

This page reflects the health status of the ZooKeeper ensemble used by Solr. Use the Toggle details option to view more details about each node.

ZK Status
The ZK Status page
ZK Status
The ZK Status page


This page renders a graph for each collection, including the shards that make up that collection and the nodes where replicas are hosted.

The Graph page
The Graph page

Schema Designer

On this page, you can define a new Solr schema. You can either specify all the schema fields manually or you can feed data to Solr to generate the schema on its basis. You can also test your newly defined schema by using the Query Tester section.

Schema Designer
The Schema Designer page
Schema Designer
The Schema Designer page


On this page, you can manage Solr collections.

The Collections page
The Collections page

Java Properties

This page lists all the JVM properties used to run Solr including classpaths, file encodings, JVM memory settings, etc.

Thread Dump

This page provides expandable stacktraces allowing you to inspect the active threads of your Solr servers.

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