Manage services in Ranger


Ranger Admin UI provides a Service Manager screen on which you can view, add, edit, or remove a service. The screen appears once you open the Resource Policies or Tag Policies page. It is also the default screen you see after logging into Ranger Admin.

The Service Manager screen
Service Manager screen
The Service Manager screen
Service Manager screen

Add a service

To manually add a service in Ranger Admin UI, follow the steps below:

  1. Click ranger add service next to a type of service you want to add.

    Adding a service
    Adding a service
    Adding a service
    Adding a service
  2. On the opened Create Service page, fill in the service details and config parameters.

  3. Click Add at the bottom of the page. The newly added service will appear in the Service Manager pane.

Another way to add a service is by enabling its Ranger plugin in your ADH/ADS/ADPS cluster. Currently supported Ranger plugins for each product are presented below.

View service details

To view information about an existing service, click ranger view service btn next to it.

Viewing service details
Viewing service details
Viewing service details
Viewing service details

Service details, config properties, and audit filter information will appear in a pop-up window.

Service details
Service details
Service details
Service details

Edit a service

To edit an existing service, follow the steps below:

  1. Click ranger edit service btn next to a service.

    Editing a service
    Editing a service
    Editing a service
    Editing a service
  2. On the opened Edit Service page, edit the necessary information.

  3. Click Save at the bottom of the page.

Remove a service

To remove an existing service from Ranger, follow the steps below:

  1. Click ranger delete service btn next to a service.

    Removing a service
    Removing a service
    Removing a service
    Removing a service
  2. Confirm the action by clicking OK in the pop-up window. The removed service will disappear from the Service Manager screen.

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