Manage security zones in Ranger


Ranger’s security zones allow you to separate resource policies into various zones for convenience. Such separation simplifies administration of policies and also lowers the amount of policies that need to be checked during authorization, since only policies under a particular zone that contains the requested resource are loaded and checked. Also, it allows administrators to set up different policies based on the zones they have admin rights for.

You can see all the zones on the Security Zone page. To see information about a particular zone, click on its name in the list.

Security zones
Security zones
Security zones
Security zones

Create a security zone

To create a security zone, follow the steps below:

  1. On the Security Zone page, click add Create Zone above the list of the existing security zones.

    Adding a new security zone
    Adding a new security zone
    Adding a new security zone
    Adding a new security zone
  2. On the opened Create Zone page, fill in the necessary details and choose services that will be assigned to the zone. Each service has its own resources which can only be assigned to one security zone.

    Security zone details
    Security zone details
    Security zone details
    Security zone details
    Zone parameters
    Parameter Description

    Zone Name

    Name of the zone

    Zone Description

    Description of the zone’s purpose

    Admin Users

    Users that will have admin rights within the zone

    Admin Usergroups

    Groups that will have admin rights within the zone

    Auditor Users

    Users that will have auditor rights withing the zone

    Auditor Usergroups

    Groups that will have auditor rights within the zone

    Select Tag Services

    Tag-based services to be added to the zone

    Select Resource Services

    Resource-based services to be added to the zone.

  3. Click Save at the bottom of the page. The newly created zone will be added to the bottom of the zone list.

Edit a security zone

To edit a security zone, follow the steps below:

  1. On the Security Zone page, select a security zone you want to edit by clicking on its name and click ranger edit service btn Edit .

    Editing a zone
    Editing a zone
    Editing a zone
    Editing a zone
  2. On the opened Zone Edit page, edit the necessary information.

    Editing security zone details
    Editing security zone details
    Editing security zone details
    Editing security zone details
  3. Click Save at the bottom of the page.

Delete a security zone

To delete a security zone, follow the steps below:

  1. On the Security Zone page, select a security zone you want to delete by clicking on its name and click ranger delete service btn Delete.

    Deleting a zone
    Deleting a zone
    Deleting a zone
    Deleting a zone
  2. Confirm the action by clicking OK in the pop-up window.

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