Release notes




     Date: 17.10.2024

  • New features

  • Improvements

Upgraded the PostgreSQL version to 16.3

Added support for Ubuntu 22.04

Upgraded Patroni to 3.2.1

Upgraded etcd to 3.5.11

Upgraded HAProxy to 2.9.0

Upgraded postgis to 3.4.1

Upgraded Grafana to 9.5.8

Upgraded PgBouncer to 1.23.1

Added the pg_walinspect extension

Upgraded extensions:

  • address_standardizer 3.4.1

  • address_standardizer_data_us 3.4.1

  • btree_gist 1.7

  • fuzzystrmatch 1.2

  • pageinspect 1.12

  • pg_buffercache 1.4

  • pg_stat_statements 1.10

  • postgis 3.4.1

  • postgis_raster 3.4.1

  • postgis_sfcgal 3.4.1

  • postgis_tiger_geocoder 3.4.1

  • postgis_topology 3.4.1

Added dynamic URLs to ADPG services

Removed the Run SQL action of the ADPG service



     Date: 17.10.2024

  • New features

  • Improvements

  • Bug fixes

Upgraded pgwatch2 to 1.13.0

Upgraded timescaledb to 2.14.2

Upgraded confd to 0.16.1

Added UUID to the ADPG cluster

Refactored ADPG to use core part as a submodule in other Arenadata products

Changed Enable maintenance mode and Disable maintenance mode action names to Pause Cluster and Resume Cluster respectively

Improved EE upgrade with Patroni Pause/Resume

Added locale=en_US.UTF-8 to initdb to validate logs in English

Updated the default value of the wal_keep_size PostgreSQL parameter to 128 MB

Set log level to info in confd haproxy template

Removed the following extensions: hstore_plperl, hstore_plperlu, jsonb_plperl, and jsonb_plperlu

Fixed when Grafana lost the connection to a database if the ADPG service port had been changed

Fixed when stanza creation failed if the ADPG service non-default port was used

Fixed when adpg-monitoring-agent could not start in case of a numeric ADPG cluster name

Fixed when the Reinstall statuschecker cluster action did not update .sh scripts

Fixed when the Reconfigure & Restart action of the Balancer service failed after changing the Grafana port

Fixed when Grafana did not display metrics on dashboards with database filter for an external cluster

Fixed when upgrade failed if ADPG has an extension with dash (e.g. uuid-ossp)


     Date: 13.05.2024

  • New features

Added the ability to create backups using the functionality of the pgBackRest utility. The Backup: Start, Backup: Restore cluster, and Backup: Info actions are implemented for the ADPG service. ADCM UI now contains the following settings of the ADPG service: Archive timeout(s), Backup stanza, Backup repo, Repo type, S3 URI style, S3 Region, S3 Bucket, S3 Endpoint, S3 Key, S3 Key Secret, Retention full type, Retention full, Retention diff, Enable compression, Compress type, Compress level, Log path, Log level, Use custom config, Global options, and Custom options


     Date: 05.03.2024

  • New features

Astra Linux 1.7 SE "Orel" is supported in ADPG Enterprise edition

A connection pooler is implemented based on PgBouncer in ADPG Enterprise edition. ADCM UI now contains the PgBouncer settings for the ADPG and Balancer services. For ADPG: Enable PgBouncer, listen_port, pool_mode, max_client_conn, default_pool_size, min_pool_size, reserve_pool_size, reserve_pool_timeout, max_db_connections, max_user_connections, Enable all users, Users list, Enable all databases, Databases list, Use custom pg_hba.conf и Custom pg_hba.conf. For Balancer: pgbouncer_leader_port, pgbouncer_replica_port.

The Force reconfigure and restart checkbox is added to the Reconfigure & Restart action settings. Force reconfigure and restart disables validation of the configuration settings before restarting ADPG


     Date: 29.06.2023

  • New features

  • Misc/Internal

The new monitoring system is implemented. Added the Metrics storage service that can collect metrics from multiple ADPG clusters. For information on the installation of the new monitoring system, refer to Install monitoring

ADCM UI now contains the following monitoring cluster settings: Use external ADPG cluster for monitoring, External ADPG cluster [ip_address:port], Monitoring db name, Monitoring username, and Monitoring user password

The following settings of the new Metrics storage service are available in ADCM UI: Monitoring db name, Monitoring username, Monitoring user’s password, Grafana TCP port, and Grafana admin’s password

Since the new built-in monitoring system is implemented, ADPG no longer supports the integration with the Monitoring cluster. If you want to upgrade to version ADPG 14.3.4 from previous versions via automatic updates, you have to configure the monitoring system manually.

If you upgrade from ADPG Community 14.3.4 to Enterprise 14.3.4, you also need to configure monitoring manually, since the Community version does not support load balancing, which is necessary for monitoring


     Date: 16.03.2023

  • New features

  • Misc/Internal

Load balancing is implemented in ADPG Enterprise edition. The new Balancer service performs balancing based on HAProxy

ADCM UI now contains Balancer service settings: leader as replica, leader_port, replica_port, and balancer_stats_port

The contrib and PostGIS extensions are included in ADPG and do not require installation

Since the contrib and PostGIS extensions are included in the ADPG distribution, the settings and actions related to their installation are removed

You can upgrade to version 14.3.3 from version 14.3.2. If you need to upgrade from an earlier version, upgrade first to 14.3.2 and then to 14.3.3


     Date: 29.12.2022

  • New features

  • Misc/Internal

High availability (HA) feature based on Patroni is implemented in ADPG Enterprise Edition

The Etcd service required for HA is added

The ADCM UI now contains External Etcd settings that allow you to use an external etcd cluster as an alternative of the built-in Etcd service

The Check, Disable maintenance mode, Enable maintenance mode, and Expand actions are implemented for services

The ADCM UI now includes the following Patroni ADPG configuration settings: synchronous_mode, synchronous_node_count, synchronous_mode_strict, and maximum_lag_on_failover

The Enable monitoring setting and the Install monitoring agents action are added for the ADPG cluster. These options install monitoring agents on all hosts of the cluster

Offline installation is implemented in ADPG Enterprise Edition

Upgrade an ADPG cluster from a previous version to version 14.3.2 does not preserve the settings specified in postgresql.conf custom section. It is necessary to restore them manually


     Date: 30.06.2022

  • New features

ADPG migrates to PostgreSQL 14.3. For information about changes and migration to PostgreSQL 14.3, see PostgreSQL release notes

Alt Linux 8.4 SP is supported in ADPG Enterprise edition

Base monitoring system is implemented

The following performance tuning options are added to the ADCM UI: effective_cache_size, maintenance_work_mem, work_mem, min_wal_size, max_wal_size, wal_keep_size, huge_pages, and superuser_reserved_connections



     Date: 28.04.2022

  • New features

The ADPG_v14.2_arenadata1 bundle is created. It is the ADCM-integrated Open-Source PostgreSQL bundle for the x86-architectures (RHEL 7, CentOS 7). The bundle is designed to install two services: ADPG and Chrony. The following rpm-packages are used:

  • Postgres 14.2;

  • Postgres contrib extensions;

  • PostGIS extension 3.1.5.

The ADCM integration for the ADPG installation and administration is implemented

The Install, Reinstall, Delete, and Uninstall actions are implemented for the Chrony service in ADCM

The ability to perform minor updates of the ADPG bundle version via ADCM is implemented

The ability to add lines to the pg_hba.conf file via ADCM is added. To do this, it is necessary to fill in the PG_HBA custom section in the ADPG service configuration window and then apply the Reconfigure & Reload action

The Run SQL action is implemented for the ADPG service in ADCM

The Install postgis action is implemented for the ADPG service in ADCM

The Install contrib action is implemented for the ADPG service in ADCM

The Start and Stop actions are implemented for the ADPG service and cluster in ADCM

The Check action is implemented for the ADPG cluster in ADCM

The Precheck action is implemented for the ADPG cluster in ADCM

The Install and Reinstall actions are implemented for the ADPG service in ADCM

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