ADPG known issues

Issue From Fixed Workaround

If connecting with pgbouncer user to psql, it causes the warning Some psql features might not work due to the 1.23.0 pgbouncer version



You can safely disregard this warning

The port that PgBouncer listens on cannot be changed for a running cluster (the listen_port PgBouncer parameter of the ADPG service)



After changing the port, execute the Reconfigure & Restart action of the ADPG service

If you add nodes to expand the Etcd service, new nodes are not included in the ADPG cluster configuration



To solve the problem, execute the Reconfigure & Restart action of the ADPG and Balancer services

The Upgrade cluster action used for upgrade from ADPG 14.3.8 to ADPG 16 is not stable when moving replicas. Only ADPG clusters with a single-host ADPG service (without replicas) can be major-upgraded with this action



Use logical backup/restore with pg_dump and pg_restore utilities to move your data from ADPG 14 to ADPG 16

If you use a non-default port of the ADPG service (other than 5432), the stanza creation is failed during backup repo configuration



Switch to the default ADPG service port — 5432

Since the new built-in monitoring system was implemented in 14.3.4, ADPG no longer supports the integration with the old imported Monitoring cluster, and therefore each minor upgrade 14.x → 14.y resets the Enable monitoring setting to false



You have to configure the monitoring system and set Enable monitoring to true manually

Upgrade of an ADPG cluster from a previous version to version 14.3.2 does not preserve the settings specified in the postgresql.conf custom section configuration field of the ADPG service



If you need to upgrade of an ADPG cluster from the versions 14.2.1 - 14.3.1, you have to restore the postgresql.conf custom section contents manually

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