Software requirements

This page provides information about requirements and recommendations before ADPG installation.

Operating system

Since the life cycle of Centos 7 ended June 30, 2024, it is strongly recommended to use Ubuntu as a free open-source software. In ADPG, Centos7 support is retained for compatibility with the ADPG service used in other Arenadata products and will be deprecated in 2025.

ADPG supports only x86_64 architecture and the following operating systems:

  • Centos 7.9 (x86_64)

  • RHEL 7.9 (x86_64)

  • Ubuntu 22.04 (x86_64)

  • Alt Linux 8.4 SP (x86_64) in the ADPG Enterprise Edition

  • Astra Linux 1.7 SE "Orel" (x86_64) in the ADPG Enterprise Edition

  • RED OS 7.3 Certified edition in the ADPG Enterprise Edition

You need to prepare all dependent repositories together with the chosen operating system.


It is required to use ADCM 2.3.0 or higher.


SELinux must be turned off. The full guide about this operation you can find in the Install ADCM section.

Default network route

Make sure that routing tables on each host contain the default route — For more information, see Prepare hosts.

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