Upgrade a cluster to a new ADPG version

  • It is highly recommended to create a backup before an upgrade, especially if you intend to upgrade ADPG to a new major version.

  • Before an upgrade, run the Check cluster action and ensure that during the action execution there are no jobs in the failed status. If errors are found, fix them before you proceed to the steps below.

At present, ADPG supports upgrades of minor versions and the upgrade of the major ADPG version from v14.3.8 to v16.3.x. ADPG v16.3.x is based on PostgreSQL 16.3.

The following options for major upgrading of Enterprise Edition (EE) and Community Edition (CE) are possible:

  • from ADPG EE v14.3.8 to ADPG EE v16.3.x;

  • from ADPG CE v14.3.8 to ADPG CE v16.3.x.

If you need to upgrade CE v14.3.7 and lower to EE v16.3.x, first upgrade CE v14.x.x to EE v14.3.8 and then upgrade EE v14.3.8 to EE v16.3.x.

Prepare cluster for upgrade

Upload a new bundle. To do this, go to the Bundles page, click Upload bundle, and select a new bundle file in your environment.

The Bundles page
The Bundles page

When a new bundle is loaded, open the Clusters page. Click the icon upgrade default that becomes active for the cluster in the Actions column.

Start the Upgrade action
Start the "Upgrade" action

In the Upgrade Cluster window that opens, select a version to upgrade ADPG and click Upgrade.

Select version
Select version

Click Run in the confirmation dialog window that appears.

Confirm the upgrade
Confirm the upgrade

The cluster will be prepared for upgrade. You can open the Jobs page to see details and check if this operation was successful.

Other steps are different for the minor and major versions.

Note that on the Jobs page, the Stop the job button is available for the Upgrade minor EE action, major upgrade actions, and their inner steps.

It is important to remember that a job or action termination with Stop the job can result in an unpredictable cluster state, use it only if you are ready to restore the cluster from a backup.

Stop the job of an action terminates all jobs included in this action.

Stop the job of an action
"Stop the job" of an action

Stop the job of an inner action job terminates the current job and the action continues to run starting with the job that follows the terminated one.

Stop the job an inner action job
"Stop the job" of an inner action job

Upgrade of a minor version

As a result of the previous action, ADCM changes the cluster state to ready to upgrade and fills the drop-down list in the Actions column with two items: Precheck and Upgrade. Click the icon actions default dark actions default light in the Actions column and run the Precheck action to make sure that hosts have correct settings and all components and services are configured according to the ADPG cluster requirements.

If Precheck is successful (you can find the result on the Jobs page), execute the Upgrade action. The action name includes versions: CE/EE. For example, Upgrade minor EE means that the cluster will be upgraded to the next minor Enterprise Edition.

Run the Upgrade action
Run the "Upgrade" action

Click Run in the confirmation dialog window that appears. In this window, you can also choose whether ADCM reboots cluster servers after installation.

Confirm the Upgrade action
Confirm the "Upgrade" action

After upgrade, ADCM changes the cluster state to installed.

Upgrade of a major version

  • The following section describes the major upgrade process for an ADPG cluster with two or more replicas and a balancer. Such configuration is recommended for high availability (see an example in Add components). Note that for simpler cluster configurations, cluster actions and states mentioned below may be absent or different during the major upgrade process.

  • It is prohibited to change the cluster configuration between major upgrade steps. You can update the cluster configuration or topology after the cluster status has been changed to installed.

  • Also, remember that if you have a cluster without replicas and the leader upgrade has not completed successfully, the Abort upgrade action will not be available and the cluster data recovery will only be possible from the backup.

The Upgrade Cluster action prepares the cluster for upgrade. You can open the Jobs page to see details and check if this operation was successful.

ADCM changes the cluster state to ready for major upgrade and fills the drop-down list in the Actions column with two items: Abort upgrade and Upgrade leader.

  1. Click the icon actions default dark actions default light in the Actions column and run the Upgrade leader to continue. At this step, you can also roll back the upgrade if some error occurs when the cluster was prepared for upgrading. To do this, click Abort upgrade.

    Cluster actions for major upgrade
    Cluster actions for major upgrade
  2. On the Configuration tab of the opened window, the Run backup after upgrade option is available. If its value is set to true and creating backups is enabled in the cluster, after a successful leader upgrade, a backup will be created according to the settings specified in the Enable backups section of the ADPG configuration parameters. If Run backup after upgrade is set to true, but Enable backups is disabled, an entry indicating that the backup cannot be created will be added to the log.

    The Upgrade leader window
    The "Upgrade leader" window

    To change the Run backup after upgrade value, click it, change the checkbox state in the window that appears, and click Apply.

    Set Run backup after upgrade
    Set "Run backup after upgrade"

    In the Upgrade leader window, click Next — the Confirmation tab will be opened. Click Run to start updating the leader node.

    The Confirmation tab
    The "Confirmation" tab

    If Upgrade leader is successful, ADCM changes the cluster state to leader upgraded and adds the Upgrade replica item to the drop-down list in the Actions column. If Upgrade leader fails, run the Abort upgrade action to roll back changes in the cluster and investigate the Jobs page to find out the cause of the problem.

  3. Click the icon actions default dark actions default light in the Actions column and run Upgrade replica. Upgrade replica upgrades one replica from a cluster. This replica is selected randomly among the cluster replicas. Changes are made only on one replica, so that if problems arise during the upgrade, working replicas with the previous version remain in the cluster.

    Run the Upgrade replica action
    Run the "Upgrade replica" action
  4. Click Run to confirm the upgrade of a replica.

    Confirm the Upgrade replica action
    Confirm the "Upgrade replica" action

    If the Upgrade replica operation is terminated successfully, ADCM changes the cluster state to replica upgraded and adds the Upgrade balancer item to the drop-down list in the Actions column. At this step, you also can use Abort upgrade to roll back changes.

  5. Select Upgrade balancer from the drop-down list in the Actions column. Upgrade balancer updates the balancer components on the upgraded replica.

    Run the Upgrade balancer action
    Run the "Upgrade balancer" action
  6. Click Run to confirm the balancer upgrade.

    Confirm the Upgrade balancer action
    Confirm the "Upgrade balancer" action

    If the operation is finished successfully, ADCM changes the cluster state to balancer upgraded and adds the Complete upgrade item to the drop-down list in the Actions column. At this step, you have the last opportunity to cancel the cluster upgrade via the Abort upgrade action.

  7. Select Complete upgrade from the drop-down list in the Actions column. Complete upgrade finalizes the cluster upgrade — it upgrades other replicas, services and components.

    Run the Complete upgrade action
    Run the "Complete upgrade" action
  8. Click Run to confirm the operation.

    Confirm the Complete upgrade action
    Confirm the "Complete upgrade" action

    After upgrade, ADCM changes the cluster state to installed.

  9. If you have a backup repository set up in ADPG 14 and you want to continue backing up there, run the Reconfigure & Restart action to update the backup stanza prefix to adpg16*. Otherwise, you won’t be able to make backups in the upgraded ADPG 16 cluster.

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