Configure PgBouncer

The PgBouncer feature is available for ADPG Enterprise Edition.

ADPG includes the PgBouncer tool that is a lightweight connection pooler for PostgreSQL. An application can connect to PgBouncer as an ADPG server, and PgBouncer creates a connection to the ADPG server, or reuses one of its existing connections. PgBouncer is designed to reduce the performance impact of opening new PostgreSQL connections.

To enable PgBouncer and set its configuration parameters, open the Services tab of an ADPG cluster and select the ADPG service. On the Primary configuration tab, switch on the Enable PgBouncer toggle button. When this toggle button is enabled, you can expand the corresponding node and specify required settings.

PgBouncer settings
PgBouncer settings

All available settings are listed in the table below.

Parameter name Description Default value


The port that PgBouncer listens on. This port cannot be changed for a running cluster. Execute the Reconfigure & Restart action to apply changes



Specifies when a server connection can be reused by other clients. It can contain the following values:

  • session — a server is released back to the pool after a client disconnects.

  • transaction — a server is released back to the pool after a transaction finishes.

  • statement — a server is released back to the pool after a query finishes. Transactions that include multiple statements are prohibited in this mode.



The maximum number of client connections allowed



The number of connections to the server that are allowed for each user/database pair



The minimum number of connections to the server to keep in the pool



The number of additional connections allowed to the pool if a client connection exceeds the time specified in the reserve_pool_timeout option



If a client needs to wait longer than the specified time in seconds, additional connections from reserve_pool_size are used



The maximum number of connections to a server for a database



The maximum number of connections to a server for a user


Enable all users

When enabled, this option allows access to all users with password authentication. If the option is disabled, utilize Users list to allow specified users to access ADPG with PgBouncer


Users list

List of users who are allowed to access ADPG using PgBouncer, when the Enable all users option is disabled. For example: postgres,user1


Enable all databases

When enabled, this option allows access to all existing databases with PgBouncer. If the option is disabled, utilize Databases list to allow access to specified databases using PgBouncer

Databases list

List of databases that are allowed to access using PgBouncer when the Enable all databases option is disabled. It has the same syntax as the databases PgBouncer section. For example, postgres = host=localhost port=5432


Use custom pg_hba.conf

When disabled, the general PG_HBA section of the ADPG service will be used for PgBouncer. If the option is enabled, it is necessary to add required settings to Custom pg_hba.conf. In this case, PgBouncer will use settings from Custom pg_hba.conf


Custom pg_hba.conf

Custom pg_hba.conf section for PgBouncer


To apply changes, click Save, and execute the Reconfigure & Restart action of the ADPG service.

To make PgBouncer monitoring work correctly, call the cluster action Reconfigure monitoring agents after changing settings from the Enable pgbouncer configuration section.

In ADPG, PgBouncer utilizes the hba client authentication. If Use custom pg_hba.conf is disabled, the actual authentication type is loaded from the pg_hba.conf file. If Use custom pg_hba.conf is enabled, the settings from Custom pg_hba.conf is used.

By default, the Enable all users option is enabled. It allows access to all users with password authentication. You can disable this option and specify a list of users who are allowed to access ADPG using PgBouncer in the Users list parameter.

The Enable all databases option allows access to all existing databases with PgBouncer. You can disable this option and specify a list of databases that are allowed to access using PgBouncer in the Databases list parameter.

If the Balancer service is not added to the cluster, all the client requests should be sent to a PgBouncer listen_port on both leader and replicas nodes.

If your ADPG cluster uses the Balancer service, connections to the leader node should be sent to the balancer port specified in the pgbouncer_leader_port parameter of the Balancer service. All connections to this port are transferred to a PgBouncer instance of an ADPG leader node. The default pgbouncer_leader_port value is 16432.

Connections to replica nodes should be sent to the balancer port specified in the pgbouncer_replica_port parameter of the Balancer service. All connections to this port are transferred to PgBouncer instances of ADPG replica nodes. The default pgbouncer_replica_port value is 16433.

To change the pgbouncer_leader_port and pgbouncer_replica_port parameters, open the Services tab of an ADPG cluster and select the Balancer service. Specify the parameters on the Primary configuration tab.

Balancer settings
Balancer settings

After you specify parameters, click Save and execute the Reconfigure & Restart action of the Balancer service to apply changes.

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