Create hosts with VCloud (VMware) hostprovider

In ADCM, a host represents a real hardware or virtual host. It doesn’t matter what infrastructure the original host uses — a cloud or bare metal. This topic explains how to add hosts in ADCM using the VCloud (VMware) hostprovider.


Before adding hosts in ADCM with the VCloud hostprovider, make sure that it is installed in ADCM.

The steps for adding hosts that are based on the VCloud hostprovider are listed below:

  1. On the Hosts page, click Create host.

    Creating a host
    Create a host
  2. In the opened form, select the created VCloud hostprovider in the Hostprovider field and enter the desired hostname in the Name field. Click Create.

    Fill in host parameters
    Fill in host parameters

    The created host will appear in the host list.

    Successful host creation
    Successful host creation
  3. Click the hostname in the Name column to proceed to configuration. On the opened page, activate the Show advanced switch, fill in the required parameters, and click Save. The mandatory parameters are highlighted in red.

    Host configuration
    Host configuration

    The purpose of all parameters is explained in the table below.

    Parameter Description Default value

    Connection address

    An IP address of the host



    The SSH port



    A username for connection



    Password for Username


    Ansible become

    Enables the root privileges for Username


    Ansible become password

    Password to force root privileges


    SSH Args

    Additional SSH arguments for Ansible

    -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null


    Number of virtual CPUs



    Number of cores on each CPU



    RAM size, in MB


    Disk size

    Disk size, in MB


    Disk name

    Disk name

    Hard disk 1

    Additional disks (JSON)

    Parameters of additional disks in JSON format, for example:

    [{ "name": "Data disk 1", "size": 1024 }, { "name": "Data disk 2", "size": 1024 }]



    Name of the disk image, on which the VM will be based



    Folder, in which the image is located. Usually, the value is the same as Template



    Name of the catalog, where the image is located


    The values of Template and Catalog can be found in VCloud on the vApp Template tab in the columns Name and Catalog, respectively.

    The vApp Template tab
    The vApp Template tab
    The vApp Template tab
    The vApp Template tab
  4. Initialize the host by going to the Hosts page and launching the Init action for a configured host.

    Run the Init action
    Run the Init action
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