General page in ADS Control

The Clusters → <cluster name> → General page in the ADS Control web interface is designed to display general information about the cluster and becomes available after selecting a cluster in the cluster management section.

General page
General page
General page
General page

On the General page, you can switch to the following tabs for diagnostics and cluster management:

Also the General page contains the following sections:

  • Section with the main cluster parameters:

    • Cluster name — the name specified when creating the cluster.

    • Status — the current state of the cluster (online, offline, or degraded).

    • Version — the version of the product bundle that was used to install the cluster.

    • Storage size — the total size of data stored in all brokers of the cluster.

  • Brokers online section. The section shows the number of Kafka brokers that are online at the moment. After clicking within the section, you go to the Brokers page.

  • Section containing information about the topics that currently exist in the cluster:

    • Topics — the total number of topics in the cluster, including internal topics. After clicking within the record about the number of topics, you go to the Topics page.

    • Partitions — the total number of partitions, including partitions of internal topics, excluding replicas.

    • Consumer groups — the total number of connected consumer groups. After clicking within the record about the number of consumers, you go to the Consumer groups page.

  • Services overview section  — displays connected Kafka Connect services if this service is installed in the cluster. By clicking in this section, you can go to the Kafka Connects page.

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