Work with topics in ADS Control

Topics page overview

The Clusters → <cluster name> → Topics page in the ADS Control web interface is designed to display information about topics and manage topics in the ADS cluster. The Topics page becomes available after selecting a cluster in the cluster management section and going to the desired tab on the General page.

Topics page
Topics page
Topics page
Topics page

The top of the page contains:

  • Section of general information about topics:

    • total topics field — the total number of topics in the cluster, including internal topics;

    • total partitions field — the total number of partitions, including partitions of internal topics, excluding replicas.

  • General topic management section:

    • field for searching a topic by name;

    • restart dark restart light button to reset the search results;

    • toggle off dark toggle off light Show internal topics switch, which enables display of system (internal) topics;

    • Create topic button for creating new topics.

The Topics page contains a table with information about each topic. The table columns are described below.

Field Description


Topic name. By clicking the name, you can go to the topic overview page


Number of messages in the topic


Indicates whether this topic is internal


Size of data contained in the topic

Cleanup policy

Log cleanup policy set for the topic (corresponds to the cleanup.policy topic parameter)


Message storage time for a topic with a retention policy delete (corresponds to the topic parameter)


The maximum partition size, upon reaching which old log segments are deleted for a topic with a storage policy delete (corresponds to the retention.bytes topic parameter)


Number of partitions of the topic (corresponds to the num.partitions broker parameter or --partitions option when using the script on the command line)


Replication factor of the topic (corresponds to the default.replication.factor broker parameter or the --replication-factor option when using the script on the command line)


The column contains icons for managing the topic:

  • clear dark clear light — when this icon is clicked, two actions are performed in the background — deleting and then creating a topic with the same parameters (cleaning the topic).

  • delete dark delete light — when this icon is clicked, topic removal starts. The delete operation is asynchronous. When a topic is deleted, it appears in the table until it is actually deleted from the ADS cluster.

Both actions require confirmation

Create a topic

After clicking Create topic, the topic creation window opens.

Topic creation window
Topic creation window
Topic creation window
Topic creation window

At the top of the window there are:

  • toggle off dark toggle off light Expand content switch, which reveals hidden content.

  • toggle off dark toggle off light JSON view switch, which opens the content in JSON format.

  • Save button to save the topic after setting the parameters and Cancel button to cancel the creation of the topic.

The parameters for the topic being created are divided into drop-down lists:

  • Common — basic parameters of the topic. Their description is located in the table information about topics (the description of the min.insync.replicas parameter is located in the description of the drop-down list Replication of the Configuration tab).

  • Advanced — field for specifying additional parameters that are not in the Common field. A description of possible additional parameters for a topic is located in the description of drop-down lists with parameters of the Configuration tab. If the Advanced field contains a parameter that already exists in the Common field, it will be overwritten.

The operation of creating a topic is asynchronous. The topic appears in the table after being physically created in the ADS cluster. The waiting time depends on the operation of the cluster.

When filling out topic parameters in JSON format, unspecified parameters will be assigned default values. After filling out the form, click Save to save the topic parameters or Cancel to cancel topic creation.

Topic creation window in JSON format
Topic creation window in JSON format
Topic creation window in JSON format
Topic creation window in JSON format

Topic overview

After clicking the topic name in the topic table, the topic overview page opens.

At the top of the page there is a section displaying the main parameters of the topic, as well as topic management icons in accordance with the table given above.

The tabs are displayed below:

Messages tab

The Clusters → <cluster name> → Topics → <topic name> → Messages tab opens by default when you go to the topic overview page. The tab provides information about the messages contained in the topic, displays (reads) their keys and values, and also allows you to record messages.

Messages tab
Messages tab
Messages tab
Messages tab

On the Messages tab there are:

  • Section with fields to control message output:

    • Field for searching a message by recorded value (Value).

    • Partitions — in the pop-up list you can select the partition numbers of the topic that should be displayed.

    • Start offset — the initial offset of the partition from which messages will be read. Possible values: Earliest, Latest, Value. When you select Value, you can select the offset number in the field located next to it.

    • Max messages read — the maximum number of messages that will be read.

    • Apply button — applies all conditions entered in the previous fields. This button is active when message streaming is stopped.

  • Buttons to manage message streaming:

    • play dark default play light default — start message streaming.

    • pause dark pause light — stop message streaming.

  • Produce message — after you click it, a window opens for writing messages to a Kafka topic.

    Produce message


    After you click Produce message, a page opens for writing a message to a Kafka topic. To publish a message, enter the parameters and click Publish.

    Produce message
    Produce message
    Produce message
    Produce message

    The fields with parameters that are filled in to record a message are described below.

    Parameters for producing a message
    Group Field Description



    Topic name. The field is filled in automatically


    Partition number for recording the message. Instead of the partition number, the value Auto (CRC32) can be selected, then the number will be selected automatically

    Compression type

    Message compression option (corresponds to the producer option compression.type).


    Field for entering the message key


    Field for entering the message value


    Enter unique name

    Field for entering the header name

    Enter value

    Field for entering the header value

    For detailed information about message format in Kafka, you can refer to the Message format in Kafka article.
  • Table with information about topic messages. The table columns are described below.

Field Description


Partition number


Offset in the partition under which the message is written




Message key


Message value

Partitions tab

The Clusters → <cluster name> → Topics → <topic name> → Partitions tab opens by default when you go to the topic overview page. The tab provides information about the topic partitions.

Partitions tab
Partitions tab
Partitions tab
Partitions tab

On the Partitions tab there are:

  • Field for searching a partition by number.

  • restart dark restart light button to reset search results.

  • Table with information about each partition. The table columns are described below.

Field Description

Partition ID

Partition number


Minimum offset of messages in the topic partition


Maximum offset of messages in the topic partition


Number of messages in the partition


Identifiers of the brokers on which the partition and its replicas are located. After clicking on the broker identifier, you are redirected to the broker overview page

Configuration tab

The Clusters → <cluster name> → Topics → <topic name> → Configuration tab opens from the topic overview page. The tab allows you to view and edit parameters that can be changed after creating a topic.

Configuration tab
Configuration tab
Configuration tab
Configuration tab

On the Configuration tab there are:

  • Field to search for a parameter by number.

  • toggle off dark toggle off lightExpand content switch, which reveals hidden content.

  • toggle off dark toggle off light JSON view switch, which opens the content in JSON format.

  • Edit button to run the mode for editing topic parameters. After editing the parameters, click Save to save the changes or Cancel to cancel the changes.

  • Topic parameters divided into drop-down lists. Below is a brief description of the topic parameters that can be changed or specified on the Configuration tab.

Parameter Description


List of replicas for which log replication should be regulated on the subscriber side


List of replicas for which log replication should be regulated on the leader side


The minimum number of replicas that must acknowledge a write for the write to be considered successful. You can read more about replica synchronization in the corresponding section of the Replication in Kafka article


Indicates whether to select non-ISR-replicas as a leader as a last resort, even though this may result in data loss

Parameter Description


Log cleanup policy (see Topics table description)


Compression type for topic

Storage time for deletion markers for compressed topics. You can read more about deletion markers in the corresponding section of the Log compaction in Kafka article

Wait time before deleting a file from the file system

The maximum time during which a message will not be compressed in the log. You can read more about starting compression in the corresponding section of the Log compaction in Kafka article


Maximum record batch size allowed by Kafka (after compression, if compression is enabled)


The version of the message format that the broker will use to add messages to the logs

The maximum allowed difference between the timestamp when the broker receives the message and the timestamp specified in the message


Determines whether the timestamp in the message is the time the message was created or the time the log was added

The minimum amount of time a message will remain uncompressed in the log. You can read more about starting compression in the corresponding section of the Log compaction in Kafka article


Maximum partition size before deleting old segments (see Topics table description)

Message storage time (see Topics table description)


Log segment file size

The period of time after which Kafka forces it to scan the log for the possibility of deleting or compressing old data, even if the segment file is not full

Storage Performance
Parameter Description


Interval (number of messages) after which fsync (synchronization of application data with disk) will be forced

Time interval at which to force fsync of logged data


Frequency of adding an index entry to the Kafka offset index


Enable downconversion of message formats to support consumption requests


The ratio of the volume of dirty segments to the total volume of the log at which compression starts. You can read more about starting compression in the corresponding section of the Log compaction in Kafka article


The size of the index that maps offsets to file positions

Maximum random jitter (phase jitter of a digital signal) of data

Parameter Description


Set to true if you need to pre-allocate the file on disk when creating a new log segment

If you change parameters in JSON format after filling out the form, click Save to save the changes or Cancel to cancel the changes.

Topic parameters in JSON format
Topic parameters in JSON format
Topic parameters in JSON format
Topic parameters in JSON format

Consumer groups tab

The Clusters → <cluster name> → Topics → <topic name> → Consumer Groups tab opens from the topic overview page. The tab displays consumer groups that are connected to the topic.

Consumer groups tab
Consumer groups tab
Consumer groups tab
Consumer groups tab

The Consumer groups tab contains a table with information about connected consumer groups. The table columns are described below.

Field Description

Consumer group ID

Consumer group name. By clicking on the name, you can go to the consumer group overview page

Reading state

Reading status


Delay in consumer processing

Work with consumer groups is carried out on the Consumer groups tab.
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