Work with brokers in ADS Control

Brokers page overview

The Clusters → <cluster name> → Brokers page in the ADS Control web interface is designed to display information about Kafka brokers in the ADS cluster. The Brokers page becomes available after selecting a cluster in the cluster management section and going to the desired tab on the General page.

Brokers page
Brokers page
Brokers page
Brokers page

The top of the page contains:

  • Section of general information about brokers:

    • total brokers field — the total number of brokers in the cluster;

    • online brokers field — the total number of brokers in online status.

  • Search and filtering section:

    • field for searching a broker by ID;

    • Role field for filtering brokers by broker role in the cluster: Leader or Follower;

    • Status field for filtering brokers by broker status in the cluster: Online or Offline;

    • restart dark restart light button to reset the search and filtering results.

The Brokers page contains a table with information about each broker. The table columns are described below.

Field Description

Broker ID

Broker ID. By clicking the identifier, you can go to the broker overview page


Broker host name


Broker status


The role of the broker in the cluster

Storage size

Data size on the broker


Rack accessory (if configured)


Total number of topics storing their partitions on the broker


Total number of stored partitions

Broker overview

After clicking the broker ID in the brokers table, the broker overview Clusters → <cluster name> → Brokers → <broker ID> page opens.

Broker overview page
Broker overview page
Broker overview page
Broker overview page

At the top of the page there is a section displaying the main parameters of the broker in accordance with the table given above.

On the broker overview page there is a Configuration tab containing drop-down lists with broker parameters.

Kafka broker parameters
  • Broker parameters cannot be changed in ADS Control and are read-only.

  • For detailed information about all Kafka configuration parameters available in the ADCM interface, see ADS configuration parameters (under Kafka).

  • The broker parameters are configured on the configuration page of the Kafka service in the ADCM interface. Broker parameters that are not available in the ADCM interface can be specified in a special field. To do this, set the Show advanced switch to active and expand the node in the configuration settings tree. Using the Add key,value field, select Add property and enter the name of the parameter and its value.

  • For detailed information about all broker parameters, you can refer to Apache Kafka documentation.

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