ADS Control configuration parameters
This article describes the parameters that can be configured for ADS Control service via ADCM. To read about the configuration process, refer to the Configure services article.
Some of the parameters become visible in the ADCM UI after the Show advanced flag being set.
The configuration descriptions use the concepts of the Eclipse Vert.x framework:
Verticle — a piece of code that is an event loop which can be deployed in the Vert.x environment.
Worker verticle — a verticle that runs using a thread from the pool of already created Vert.x worker threads, rather than using a new event loop.
Parameter | Description | Default value |
server.http.port |
Port to connect to ADS Control |
8888 |
server.vertx.pools.eventLoopPoolSize |
Maximum number of Event Loop verticles in the pool |
8 |
server.vertx.pools.workerPoolSize |
Maximum number of working verticles in the pool |
20 |
server.vertx.config.clusterResponseTimeoutMs |
Time interval to request getting metrics from Kafka cluster (in ms) |
500 |
server.vertx.event-bus.requestTimeoutMs |
Time interval for requesting the Event bus of the Vert.x server (in ms) |
30000 |
server.vertx.event-bus.consumer.circuitBreaker.maxRetries |
The maximum number of attempts for consumer requests on the Event bus before the connection is terminated by the circuit breaker pattern |
3 |
server.vertx.event-bus.consumer.deliveryOptions.timeout |
Time interval of parameters for delivering consumer requests to the Event bus |
7200000 |
server.vertx.event-bus.producer.circuitBreaker.maxRetries |
The maximum number of attempts to request manufacturer requests via the Event bus before the connection is terminated by the circuit breaker pattern |
0 |
server.vertx.event-bus.producer.deliveryOptions.timeout |
Time interval of parameters for delivery of manufacturer requests to the Event bus |
7200000 |
Parameter | Description | Default value |
server.vertx.verticle.jmx.instances |
Number of verticle |
1 |
server.vertx.verticle.jmx.workerPoolSize |
Maximum number of working verticles |
5 |
server.vertx.verticle.jmx.jmxPoolTimeMilliseconds |
Time interval to request getting metrics from ADS cluster over JMX (in ms) |
60000 |
Parameter | Description | Default value |
server.vertx.verticle.kafka-cluster-info-producer.instances |
Number of instances of |
1 |
server.vertx.verticle.kafka-cluster-info-producer.workerPoolSize |
Number of instances of |
7 |
server.vertx.verticle.kafka-cluster-info-storage.instances |
Number of instances of |
1 |
server.vertx.verticle.kafka-cluster-info-storage.workerPoolSize |
Number of |
1 |
server.vertx.verticle.kafka-cluster-name-publisher.instances |
Number of instances of |
1 |
server.vertx.verticle.kafka-cluster-name-publisher.workerPoolSize |
Number of instances of |
1 |
server.vertx.verticle.kafka-cluster-name-publisher.pushPeriodMilliseconds |
Interval between requests for information about imported clusters by the |
5000 |
server.vertx.verticle.kafka-cluster-name-publisher.responseTimeoutMilliseconds |
Timeout when requesting information about imported clusters by the |
15000 |
server.vertx.verticle.kafka-offset-info-producer.instances |
The number of instances of |
1 |
server.vertx.verticle.kafka-offset-info-producer.workerPoolSize |
Number of instances of |
2 |
server.vertx.verticle.kafka-offset-info-producer.updatePeriodMilliseconds |
Interval between requests for data on the latest offsets in Kafka topics of ADS clusters (in ms) |
200 |
server.vertx.verticle.kafka-commit-offset-info-producer.instances |
Number of instances of |
1 |
server.vertx.verticle.kafka-commit-offset-info-producer.workerPoolSize |
Number of instances of |
2 |
Parameter | Description | Default value |
server.vertx.kafka.lastOffsetPollTimeoutMs |
Timeout of the last poll of the topic offset |
200 |
Parameter | Description | Default value |
server.kafka.lastOffsetPollTimeoutMs |
Timeout of the last poll of the topic offset |
200 |
server.kafka.timeout |
Timeout waiting for a response to a request to the Kafka server |
300000 |
server.kafka.describeTopicsTimeout |
Timeout waiting for a response to a request for a topic description to the Kafka server |
10000 |
Parameter | Description | Default value |
Admin Password |
ADS Control administrator password |
— |
Basic authentication users |
Form for filling out data for new users:
For more information, see Manage users |
— |
The logback_template
parameter defines the log template.
Default value:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<property name="LOG_PATH" value="logs/app.log"/>
<appender name="STDOUT" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
<pattern>%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%thread] %-5level %logger{36} - %msg%n
<appender name="FILE-ROLLING" class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">
<rollingPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.SizeAndTimeBasedRollingPolicy">
<!-- each archived file, size max 10MB -->
<!-- total size of all archive files, if total size > 20GB, it will delete old archived file -->
<!-- 60 days to keep -->
<pattern>%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%thread] %-5level %logger{36} - %msg%n</pattern>
<root level="INFO">
<appender-ref ref="STDOUT"/>
<logger name="io.arenadata.adscc" level="DEBUG">
<appender-ref ref="FILE-ROLLING"/>
<logger name="io.arenadata.adscc" level="DEBUG">
<appender-ref ref="STDOUT"/>
<logger name="org.apache.kafka" level="ERROR">
<appender-ref ref="STDOUT"/>
Parameter | Description | Default value |
server.monitoring.openTelemetry.enable |
Enables the monitoring system "OpenTelemetry" |
ON |
server.monitoring.prometheus.enable |
Enables the monitoring system "Prometheus" |
ON |
Parameter | Description | Default value |
client.http.webClientOptions.maxPoolSize |
Maximum pool size for connections |
100 |
client.http.webClientOptions.verifyHost |
Enables client host verification |
false |
client.http.circuitbreaker.maxFailures |
Number of failures at which the Circuit Breaker pattern disables the execution of the operation |
3 |
client.http.circuitbreaker.timeout |
Value above which the request increases the value of the number of failures (in ms) |
500 |
client.http.circuitbreaker.fallbackOnFailure |
Sets whether or not the fallback is executed on failure, even when the circuit is closed |
false |
client.http.circuitbreaker.resetTimeout |
Time after which the circuit breaker pattern will try to close the circuit again (in ms) |
100 |
After clicking Set, the clusters field appears for integration with external Kafka Clusters.
Group | Parameter | Description |
— |
name |
Kafka cluster name |
— |
bootstrapservers |
Bootstrap Kafka cluster servers |
— |
schemaRegistryUrl |
URL to connect to Schema Registry |
— |
jmxClientProperties |
JMX port |
kafkaConnectClusters |
name |
Kafka Connect cluster name |
url |
URL to connect to Kafka Connect |
jmxClientProperties |
JMX port |
The custom jaas.conf file template is intended for specifying user data for connecting clients of other services to the current service (paths to keytab files, the useTicketCache
parameter and others). For more information, see Configure a custom jaas.conf.
Default value:
{% if cluster.config.kerberos_client and cluster.config.kerberos_client.enable_kerberos %}
KafkaClient { required
keyTab="{{ cluster.config.kerberos_client.keytab_dir }}/adscc.service.keytab"
principal="adscc/{{ ansible_fqdn }}@{{ cluster.config.kerberos_client.realm }}";
{%- endif %}
Parameter | Description | Default value |
Install docker package |
Enables installation of the Docker package when installing the service |
true |
Disable seccomp |
Disables the seccomp mechanism when installing a service |
false |