Implemented the ability to add the ec2-user SSH key previously created in the CROC Cloud console to the hosts created in ADCM
Date: 31.01.2024
New features
Added the ability to use an additional network interface on a dedicated network for the ADB cloud bundle
Date: 12.01.2024
New features
The Labels setting is added to the default_host_settings section of the CROC Cloud hostprovider configuration. This is an optional field where you can set default Labels values for all created virtual machines
Date: 21.12.2023
New features
Added the following host actions:
Create user — creates a user.
Install utils — installs the specified packages.
Remove — deletes a virtual machine from the CROC Cloud and ADCM.
Install rng-tools — installs the rngd tool that fills the system entropy pool.
Power ON — turns on the virtual machine.
Install statuschecker — installs the statuschecker utility that regularly checks the status of the server and services installed using ADCM.
Power OFF — turns off the virtual machine.
Send cmd – sends a bash command to the host.
Added the following hostprovider actions:
Create hosts — creates a group of virtual machines.
Create users — creates users.
Added the ability to assign a second network interface to the created virtual machine and set MTU=8888 on it
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