Configure a cluster

There is usually no need to change cluster configuration parameters. You can leave all parameters at the default values.

After creation a new cluster, you can configure it by performing the following steps:

  1. Select a cluster on the Clusters page. To do this, click a cluster name in the Name column.

    Select a cluster
    Select a cluster
  2. Open the Configuration tab on the cluster page and switch on the Show advanced toggle.

  3. Fill in all necessary parameters and click Save.

Cluster configuration parameters are listed below:

  • Paths to the repositories that are used during the installation process depending on the cluster operating system (CentOS, Red Hat, ALT Linux 8 or Astra Linux). Only the marked repositories are registered on the cluster servers.

    Parameter Description


    YUM repository for installing monitoring


    Arenadata Zookeeper YUM repository


    ADS YUM epository

    ranger plugins

    repository for installing Ranger client (only for Enterprise version)

  • Znode path for cluster in Zookeeper service — Znode path for the ADS cluster in the Zookeeper service.

  • BASIC Authentication — configuration for BASIC authentication.

    For a description of enabling authentication, see the article Basic authentication.

  • SASL_PLAINTEXT Authentication — configuration for SASL PLAINTEXT authentication.

    For a description of enabling authentication, see the article SASL PLAINTEXT.

  • Kerberos — configuration for Kerberos authentication.

    The description of enabling authentication is given in the articles:

  • — a Java system property that determines where the JVM writes temporary files.

Cluster configuration window
Cluster configuration window
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