SSL channel security
Prerequisites for enabling SSL
Every cluster host must have the keystore.jks key and certificate store (unique for each cluster host), know its path and password.
Every cluster host must have the truststore.jks key and certificate store (common for all cluster hosts), the path to it and its password must be known.
The list of DNs of all cluster hosts (like, OU=AD, O=AD, L=MSK, ST=MO, C=RU
) generated when creating certificates SSL must be known. -
The name of the user who has an entry in the Active Directory that will act as the NiFi administrator and his password must be known.
Create an SSL certificate for Certification Authority
Certificate generation sequence
Generate an RSA key pair for each host.
Create a keystore.jks keystore on each host.
Create an SSL certificate for each host.
Collect all certificates in one place.
Copy all certificates for each host to the keystore.jks store.
Sign the certificates with a key that belongs to one of the trusted root certificates included in the Java certificate store.
Create a trustore.jks store containing the required certificates.
Import trustore.jks into Java CA store.
Create and import an OpenSSL certificate for Nginx.
To correctly enable authentication in the NiFi service when creating certificates, specify and fill in the |
Create an SSL certificate for Certification Authority using a script
For test and reference purposes, when generating certificates for each host and importing certificates into the Java keystore, you can use the special script
Using this script, it is possible to create new certificates and overwrite existing ones.
It is launched on a host that has access rights to cluster hosts via FQDN and internal IP.
Below there is the sequence of creating the script.
Enter the command to create the script file:
$ sudo vim /tmp/ssl/
Replace for the following script lines (only for them!) the following values with values that apply to your case:
— in this line specify the values (letters or numbers), individual for each host. The values (1 2 3)
are given as an example for a list of hosts:-;
— specify the common part of the FQDN of the host in this line, replacing$i
with the value (letters or numbers) specified in theNUMHOSTS
parameter. The valuesov-ads-test-$
is given as an example. -
— password for stores, recommended to change.
Fill in with the script text given below, taking into account individual parameters.!/bin/bash # Script that is used to generate and import self-signed certificates to java keystore # Edit NUMHOSTS and HOSTS as it will be suitable for your case. declare -a NUMHOSTS declare -a HOSTS SSH_OPTS='-o GlobalKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no' NUMHOSTS=(1 2 3) HOSTS=$(for i in "${NUMHOSTS[@]}"; do echo "sov-ads-test-$"; done) for HOST in $HOSTS; do echo "update-ca-trust" ssh $SSH_OPTS $HOST "sudo update-ca-trust extract" done echo Generate keystore.jks on each host for HOST in $HOSTS; do echo "remove old alias" ssh $SSH_OPTS $HOST "keytool -delete -alias $HOST -keystore /tmp/keystore.jks -storepass bigdata"; echo "Generating keypair" ssh $SSH_OPTS $HOST "keytool -genkey \ -noprompt \ -keyalg RSA \ -ext san=dns:$HOST \ -alias $HOST \ -dname \"CN=$HOST, OU=AD, O=AD, L=MSK, S=MO, C=RU\" \ -keystore /tmp/keystore.jks \ -storepass bigdata \ -keypass bigdata \ -validity 360 \ -keysize 2048"; done echo echo Export certificates for HOST in $HOSTS;do ssh $SSH_OPTS $HOST "keytool -export \ -file /tmp/$HOST.crt \ -keystore /tmp/keystore.jks \ -storepass bigdata \ -alias $HOST \ -rfc"; done echo echo Collect all certificates for HOST in $HOSTS; do scp $SSH_OPTS $HOST:/tmp/$HOST.crt /tmp/ # scp $SSH_OPTS $HOST:/tmp/*.crt /tmp/ done echo echo Transfer certificates on hosts for HOST in $HOSTS; do for CERT in $HOSTS; do scp $SSH_OPTS /tmp/$CERT.crt $HOST:/tmp/ done # scp $SSH_OPTS /tmp/*.crt $HOST:/tmp/ done echo echo Import certificates on each host for HOST in $HOSTS; do ssh $SSH_OPTS $HOST "for CERT in $(echo ${HOSTS[*]}); do echo "remove old alias before import" keytool -delete -noprompt -alias \$CERT -keystore /tmp/truststore.jks -storepass bigdata echo "Import Cert" keytool -import \ -noprompt \ -alias \$CERT \ -file /tmp/\$CERT.crt \ -keystore /tmp/truststore.jks \ -storepass bigdata; sudo bash -c \"cat /tmp/\$CERT.crt >> /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt\"; done"; done echo echo Import truststore to Java CA store for HOST in $HOSTS; do ssh $SSH_OPTS $HOST "sudo keytool -importkeystore \ -noprompt \ -srckeystore /tmp/truststore.jks \ -destkeystore /etc/pki/java/cacerts \ -deststorepass changeit \ -srcstorepass bigdata" done echo echo Create directories for certs for HOST in $HOSTS; do ssh $SSH_OPTS $HOST "[ -d /etc/ssl ] || sudo mkdir /etc/ssl; [ -d /etc/ssl/certs ] || sudo mkdir /etc/ssl/certs" done echo echo Create and import cert for Nginx for HOST in $HOSTS; do ssh $SSH_OPTS $HOST "sudo openssl req -new -newkey rsa:4096 -days 365 -nodes -x509 -subj \"/C=RU/ST=Denial/L=MSK/O=AD/CN=$HOST\" -keyout /etc/ssl/host_cert.key -out /etc/ssl/certs/host_cert.cert" ssh $SSH_OPTS $HOST "sudo bash -c \"cat /etc/ssl/certs/host_cert.cert >> /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt\"" done
Allow script execution:
$ sudo chmod +x /tmp/ssl/
Run the script:
$ /tmp/ssl/
Monitor script execution.
Check each host for storages and files:
The NiFi service requires additional configurations in accordance with the article NiFi service authentication.
Start SSL on an ADS cluster using ADCM
To enable SSL, do the following:
Apply the cluster action Manage SSL by clicking
in the Actions column of the ADS cluster.
In the window that opens, activate the Enable SSL switch, expand the configuration tree, and enter the required parameter values.
Enabling SSL on the ADS clusterParameters for enabling SSLParameter Description Keystore path
Path to the keystore.jks storage on hosts
Keystore password
Password for the keystore.jks store, default is
Truststore path
Path to the truststore.jks storage on hosts
Truststore password
Password for the truststore.jks store, default is
Force rewrite services SSL configuration
If set to
, the configuration for all services will be overwritten. Use if you entered the wrong password or trust store path when you first enabled SSL(DANGEROUS!) Clean nifi user and authorizers
If set to
, previously created users and previous authorization settings will be deleted -
Click Run.
Verify the action in the opened window.
Verify the action -
Wait until SSL is enabled. Analyze and correct errors if they occur.
SSl startup process
Work in services after enabling SSL is carried out in accordance with the articles: |
Disable SSL on an ADS cluster using ADCM
To disable SSL, do the following:
Apply the cluster action Manage SSL by clicking
in the Actions column of the ADS cluster.
In the window that opens, deactivate the Enable SSL switch.
Disabling SSL on an ADS cluster -
Click Run.
Verify the action in the opened window.
Verify the action -
Wait for the disable SSL to complete. Analyze and correct errors if they occur.