ACL in Kafka
This article describes the basic steps for working with ACL authorization in Kafka.
Access Control List (ACL) — an access control list that defines who can access topics or groups in Kafka and what operations are allowed or denied to be performed by a user or group of users.
Kafka has AclAuthorizer — a built-in ACL-based authorizer.
ACLs for Kafka are stored in ZooKeeper.
Enable ACL in Kafka
Before configuring authorization for an ADS cluster, authentication must be enabled and configured, and users must be created using one of the following protocols: |
To enable and use AclAuthorizer, do the following:
On the host with the Kafka broker enter the command:
$ sudo vim /usr/lib/kafka/config/
Add new parameters to the file:
— setting the authorizer class. -
is a parameter that determines whether to enable authorization only for topics listed in the ACL.
After entering the data, restart the Kafka service on all hosts with the Kafka broker and check the status of the server. To do this, enter the commands one by one:
$ sudo systemctl restart kafka $ sudo systemctl status kafka
As a result, information about the status of the Kafka service is displayed:
kafka.service - Apache Kafka Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/kafka.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled) Drop-In: /etc/systemd/system/kafka.service.d └─custom.conf Active: active (running) since Wed 2022-10-12 12:48:49 UTC; 52s ago Process: 8782 ExecStop=/usr/lib/kafka/bin/kafka stop (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS) Process: 8857 ExecStart=/usr/lib/kafka/bin/kafka start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS) Process: 8854 ExecStartPre=/bin/chown kafka:kafka /run/kafka (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS) Process: 8852 ExecStartPre=/bin/mkdir -p /run/kafka (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS) Main PID: 8860 (java) Tasks: 82 Memory: 298.6M CGroup: /system.slice/kafka.service └─8860 java -Xmx1G -Xms1G -server -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=20 -XX:InitiatingHeapOcc... Oct 12 12:48:49 systemd[1]: Starting Apache Kafka... Oct 12 12:48:49 systemd[1]: Started Apache Kafka.
Restarting the Kafka service using the ADCM user interface tools may result in the set value of |
Prepare the authentication environment to create ACLs
To create the user environment specified during authentication using the SASL PLAINTEXT protocol, do the following:
On the host with the Kafka broker, enter the command:
$ sudo vim /etc/kafka/conf/
In the file that opens, enable (uncomment) the authentication mechanism and fill in the data for the created user:
security.protocol=SASL_PLAINTEXT sasl.mechanism=PLAIN # Uncomment and set necessary username/password requi$ # username="username" \ # password=password_for_username;
For more information about working with users in the SASL PLAINTEXT authentication environment, see the article Use SASL PLAINTEXT in Kafka.
Kerberos SASL
To create the environment for the user specified during authentication using the Kerberos SASL protocol, do the following:
Create a JAAS (Java Authentication and Authorization Service) file for the
principal that manages the ACLs. Run command:$ sudo vim /tmp/client.jaas
Write data to file:
KafkaClient { required useTicketCache=true; };
Create a ticket for user
:$ kinit -p user@ADS-KAFKA.LOCAL
Check ticket:
$ klist
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_1000 Default principal: user@ADS-KAFKA.LOCAL Valid starting Expires Service principal 08/10/2022 20:44:12 08/11/2022 20:44:12 krbtgt/ADS-KAFKA.LOCAL@ADS-KAFKA.LOCAL
Export the generated client.jaas file as a JVM option for the given user using the
environment variable:
$ export KAFKA_OPTS=""
For more information about working with users in a Kerberos SASL authentication environment, see the article Use MIT Kerberos in Kafka.
ACL configuration
Working with the ACL-based authorizer occurs by running the script on the command line from any cluster host on which the Kafka service is installed.
To view all options for the script, run the command:
Assign rights and prohibitions to individual actions in Kafka for users
Assignment of rights or prohibitions to individual actions to the user occurs by running the script with the --operation
option, and specifying the operation to which access is given.
Permissions are assigned using the --add
The --allow-principal
option enables the action, and --deny-principal
disables the action.
Removing a user from the ACL is done with the command option --remove
The main operations for which user rights can be set are:
— view topic or group metadata. -
— view topic configuration. -
— change a topic or a group. -
— write to a topic for idempotent and transactional APIs. -
— the right to read from a topic or from a group. -
— delete a topic or a group. -
— create a topic or a group. -
— all rights. -
— write to a topic or a group. -
— change the topic configuration.
For users authenticated using the Kerberos SASL or LDAP protocol, the ACLs use the username without the authentication realm. |
In order to allow the username
user to perform the WRITE
operation on the test-topic
topic, on the host with the Kafka broker, enter the command:
$ /usr/lib/kafka/bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --command-config /etc/kafka/conf/ --add --allow-principal User:username --operation WRITE --test-topic
In order to prevent the username1
user from performing the WRITE
operation on the test-topic
topic, on the host with the Kafka broker, enter the command:
$ /usr/lib/kafka/bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --command-config /etc/kafka/conf/ --add --deny-principal User:username1 --operation WRITE --test-topic
As a result of each addition to the list, a message appears about the successful addition of rights or a ban and an ACL list with current user rights for the topic:
Adding ACLs for resource `ResourcePattern(resourceType=TOPIC, name=test-topic, patternType=LITERAL)`: (principal=User:username, host=*, operation=WRITE, permissionType=ALLOW) Current ACLs for resource `ResourcePattern(resourceType=TOPIC, name=test-topic, patternType=LITERAL)`: (principal=User:username, host=*, operation=CREATE, permissionType=ALLOW) (principal=User:username1, host=*, operation=CREATE, permissionType=DENY)
Assign producer and consumer rights to a user
It is possible to assign several producer rights to the user at once — create, write, view metadata (describe).
To assign producer
rights to the writer
user for the test-topic
topic, enter the command on the host with the Kafka broker:
$ /usr/lib/kafka/bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --command-config /etc/kafka/conf/ --add --allow-principal User:writer --producer --topic test-topic
As a result, a message appears about the successful addition of producer
rights and an ACL list with current user rights for the topic:
Adding ACLs for resource `ResourcePattern(resourceType=TOPIC, name=test-topic, patternType=LITERAL)`: (principal=User:writer, host=*, operation=CREATE, permissionType=ALLOW) (principal=User:writer, host=*, operation=WRITE, permissionType=ALLOW) (principal=User:writer, host=*, operation=DESCRIBE, permissionType=ALLOW) Current ACLs for resource `ResourcePattern(resourceType=TOPIC, name=test-topic, patternType=LITERAL)`: (principal=User:writer, host=*, operation=WRITE, permissionType=ALLOW) (principal=User:writer, host=*, operation=CREATE, permissionType=ALLOW) (principal=User:writer, host=*, operation=DESCRIBE, permissionType=ALLOW)
It is also possible to assign several consumer rights at once — read, view metadata (describe).
To assign consumer
rights to the reader
user for the test-topic
topic, enter the command on the host with the Kafka broker:
$ /usr/lib/kafka/bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --command-config /etc/kafka/conf/ --add --allow-principal User:reader --consumer --topic test-topic --group 1
When assigning consumer rights, you must specify both the topic name (topic ) and the name of the consumer group (group ), even if there is only one consumer.
As a result, a message appears about the successful addition of consumer
rights and an ACL list with current user rights for the test-topic
topic, including those created earlier for the writer
Adding ACLs for resource `ResourcePattern(resourceType=TOPIC, name=test-topic, patternType=LITERAL)`: (principal=User:reader, host=*, operation=DESCRIBE, permissionType=ALLOW) (principal=User:reader, host=*, operation=READ, permissionType=ALLOW) Current ACLs for resource `ResourcePattern(resourceType=TOPIC, name=test-topic, patternType=LITERAL)`: (principal=User:writer, host=*, operation=WRITE, permissionType=ALLOW) (principal=User:writer, host=*, operation=CREATE, permissionType=ALLOW) (principal=User:writer, host=*, operation=DESCRIBE, permissionType=ALLOW) (principal=User:reader, host=*, operation=DESCRIBE, permissionType=ALLOW) (principal=User:reader, host=*, operation=READ, permissionType=ALLOW)
It also displays data about the created rights for the consumer group:
Current ACLs for resource `ResourcePattern(resourceType=GROUP, name=1, patternType=LITERAL)`: (principal=User:reader, host=*, operation=DESCRIBE, permissionType=ALLOW) (principal=User:reader, host=*, operation=READ, permissionType=ALLOW)
View ACLs
Viewing ACLs is done with the --list
In order to view the list of permissions for the test-topic
topic, enter the command:
$ /usr/lib/kafka/bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --command-config /etc/kafka/conf/ --list --topic test-topic
The result is a listing of all assigned permissions for the test-topic
Current ACLs for resource `ResourcePattern(resourceType=TOPIC, name=test-topic, patternType=LITERAL)`: (principal=User:writer, host=*, operation=WRITE, permissionType=ALLOW) (principal=User:writer, host=*, operation=CREATE, permissionType=ALLOW) (principal=User:writer, host=*, operation=DESCRIBE, permissionType=ALLOW) (principal=User:reader, host=*, operation=DESCRIBE, permissionType=ALLOW) (principal=User:reader, host=*, operation=READ, permissionType=ALLOW)
To view the list of rights for all topics, use the same command without specifying the topic name.
How an authorized user works in Kafka
After setting up ACLs for users, work in Kafka proceeds according to the steps described in the articles:
Use MIT Kerberos in Kafka — for a user that has a principal in a Kerberos SASL secured environment.
SSL channel security in Kafka — for a user that has a principal in a Kerberos SASL secured environment with SSL channel security.
Use Kerberos with MS Active Directory in Kafka — for a user that has an Active Directory account and a corresponding LDAP server SSL certificate.
Any action by an unauthorized user will cause an error. For example, attempting to write messages to the test-topic
topic for a user who does not have WRITE
permission in the ACL for that topic will result in the following errors:
[2022-10-12 13:38:57,301] WARN [Producer clientId=console-producer] Error while fetching metadata with correlation id 9 : {test-topic=TOPIC_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED} (org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient) [2022-10-12 13:38:57,302] ERROR [Producer clientId=console-producer] Topic authorization failed for topics [test-topic] (org.apache.kafka.clients.Metadata) [2022-10-12 13:38:57,302] ERROR Error when sending message to topic test-topic with key: null, value: 1 bytes with error: (org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.ErrorLoggingCallback) org.apache.kafka.common.errors.TopicAuthorizationException: Not authorized to access topics: [test-topic]