NiFi service authentication


The required configuration parameters to enable authentication are given in below.

Basic LDAP concepts used in NiFi service configuration parameters:

  • Active Directory — a database and a set of services that connect users to the necessary network resources.

  • LDAP server — a hierarchical database, a directory service based on Active Directory, used for centralized storage of accounts.

  • LDAP — an application layer protocol for accessing the Active Directory directory service.

  • DN (Distinguished Name) — an account in Active Directory. The DN must be unique within the tree. The DN describes the content of the attributes in the tree (navigation path) for accessing a particular entry.

    A DN consists of a series of RDN (Relative Distinguished Names) determined by moving up the tree in the direction of its root entry. RDNs are written from left to right.

    Example DN for user used in this article:

    CN=admin, DC=ad, DC=ranger-test.

    Example host DN used in this article:, OU=AD, O=AD, L=MSK, ST=MO, C=RU.

    These entries are assigned the following RDNs:

    • CN — a common name of the user or host.

    • OU — an organizational unit, a container in an Active Directory domain that can contain users, groups, and computers. An organizational unit can have multiple ou within it.

    • DC — a domain component parts, represent the top of the LDAP tree, which uses DNS to determine its namespace.

    • O — an organization name.

    • L — a locality name.

    • ST — a state or province name.

    • С — a country.

Prerequisites for enabling authentication


Enabling SSL and LDAP Auth for the NiFi service is available starting with version 1.7.0.b1 of the ADS cluster.

  1. Verify that the prerequisites for running the Enable SSL action on an ADS cluster are met in the article SSL channel security.

  2. Verify that you know the necessary data to set up authentication in the NiFi service using the LDAP protocol:

    • LDAP server address LDAP/AD URL — URL to the LDAP/AD synchronization source in the format ldaps://{host}:{port}.

    • DN of a user that has an entry in the Active Directory directory with the rights to search users and groups and his password.

    • Base DN to search for users in AD (and filter if necessary).

    • Base DN to search for groups in AD (and filter if necessary).

Set configuration options

The following describes the parameters that need to be set in the tree on the configuration page of the NiFi service.


This article only lists the settings you need to set to successfully enable authentication. Detailed information on all configuration parameters can be found in the article ADS configuration parameters.

Required parameters for configuring SSL

To configure SSL, fill in the authorizers.xml configuration parameters.

Configuration parameters of the authorizers.xml file
Configuration parameters of the authorizers.xml file

The required parameters are described below.



Parameter Description Example

DN NiFi’s nodes list

List of user and system identifications to seed the User File. These are required fields to enable SSL for the first time. Must include not only the DName of the NiFi Server component, but also the DName of the NiFi Registry, as well as the DName for the MiNiFi service components. For example, for an SSL-enabled cluster consisting of only NiFi Server, when adding a MiNiFi service or Schema Registry extension, you need to supplement this list with new DNames, OU=AD, O=AD, L=MSK, S=MO, C=RU, OU=AD, O=AD, L=MSK, S=MO, C=RU, OU=AD, O=AD, L=MSK, S=MO, C=RU

NiFi Initial Admin

ID of the primary administrator user who will be granted access to the user interface and the ability to create additional users, groups, and policies. The value of this property can be:

  • full user DN when setting Identity Strategy value of LDAP Login Identity Provider group to USE_DN;

  • only the login (name) of the user when setting the Identity Strategy value of the LDAP Login Identity Provider group to USE_USERNAME.


NiFi Initial Admin password

Initial Admin password — password of the user designated by NiFi Initial Admin

The password with which this user is registered in Active Directory is used

Required parameters for setting up LDAP

To enter LDAP parameters, you must enable the LDAP Login Identity Provider and LDAP UserGroupProvider switches.

Configuration parameters of the LDAP Login Identity Provider section
Configuration parameters of the LDAP Login Identity Provider section

The required parameters are described below.

LDAP Login Identitity Provider


Parameter Description Example

Authentication Strategy

How the connection to the LDAP server is authenticated


Manager DN

DN of a user that has an entry in the Active Directory with right to search users and groups. Will be used to bind to an LDAP server to search for users


Manager Password

The password of the manager that is used to bind to the LDAP server to search for users

The password with which this user is registered in Active Directory is used

Referral Strategy

Strategy for handling referrals


Connect Timeout

Duration of connect timeout

10 secs

Read Timeout

Duration of read timeout

10 secs


Space-separated list of URLs of the LDAP servers (e.g. ldap://<hostname>:<port>)


User Search Base

Base DN for searching for users (e.g. ou=users,o=nifi). Required to search users


User Search Filter

Filter for searching for users against the User Search Base (e.g. sAMAccountName={0}). The user specified name is inserted into {0}


Identity Strategy

Strategy to identify users. Possible values are USE_DN and USE_USERNAME


Authentication Expiration

The duration of how long the user authentication is valid for. If the user never logs out, they will be required to log back in following this duration

12 hours

Configuration parameters of the LDAP UserGroupProvider Provider section
Configuration parameters of the LDAP UserGroupProvider Provider section

The required parameters are described below.

LDAP UserGroupProvider


Parameter Description Example

Authentication Strategy

How the connection to the LDAP server is authenticated


Manager DN

DN of a user that has an entry in the Active Directory with right to search users and groups. Will be used to bind to an LDAP server to search for users


Manager Password

The password of the manager that is used to bind to the LDAP server to search for users

The password with which this user is registered in Active Directory is used

Referral Strategy

Strategy for handling referrals


Connect Timeout

Duration of connect timeout

10 secs

Read Timeout

Duration of read timeout

10 secs


Space-separated list of URLs of the LDAP servers (e.g. ldap://<hostname>:<port>)


Sync Interval

Duration of time between syncing users and groups. Minimum allowable value is 10 secs

30 mins

User Search Base

Base DN for searching for users (e.g. ou=users,o=nifi). Required to search users


User Object Class

Object class for identifying users (e.g. person). Required if searching users


User Search Scope

Search scope for searching users


User Identity Attribute

Attribute to use to extract user identity (e.g. cn). Optional. If not set, the entire DN is used


Group Search Base

Base DN for searching for groups (e.g. ou=groups,o=nifi). Required to search groups


Group Object Class

Object class for identifying groups (e.g. groupOfNames). Required if searching groups


Group Search Scope

Search scope for user group


Group Member Attribute

Attribute to use to define group membership (e.g. member). Optional


After changing the parameters, click Save.

Verify that NiFi Server authentication is enabled

After successfully enabling SSL, login to NiFi Server UI is done through the authorization window.

Login window
Login window
Login window
Login window

For initial authentication, you must log in as a NiFi administrator (enter the username and password specified for NiFi Initial Admin).

After successful authentication, the logged in user will be displayed in the upper right corner of the interface.

User after authentication
User after authentication
User after authentication
User after authentication

The global menu displays new sections Users and Policies.

Global menu
Global menu
Global menu
Global menu

The Users page of the global NiFi menu displays a list of cluster hosts, users, and LDAP/Active Directory groups that are in the specified User Search Base and Group Search Base.

Page Users in the NiFi global menu
Page Users in the NiFi global menu
Page Users in the NiFi global menu
Page Users in the NiFi global menu

The Policies page of the global NiFi menu displays automatically generated policies for the user specified in NiFi Initial Admin. Also here it is possible to assign an access policy for a user or group from a given search base.

Page Policies of the NiFi global menu
Page Policies of the NiFi global menu
Page Policies of the NiFi global menu
Page Policies of the NiFi global menu

Verify that NiFi Registry authentication is enabled

After you successfully enable SSL, it becomes possible to authenticate in NiFi Registry UI. To do this, click the Login button, which appears under the username.

Go to login window
Go to login window
Go to login window
Go to login window

In the authorization window for primary authentication, you must log in as a NiFi administrator (enter the username and password specified for NiFi Initial Admin).

Login window
Login window
Login window
Login window

After successful authentication, the logged in user is displayed in the upper right corner of the interface.

User after authentication
User after authentication
User after authentication
User after authentication

After clicking on nifi reg ui 03 2 dark nifi reg ui 03 2 light and clicking the Users tab in the settings menu, you can see a list of cluster hosts, users and LDAP/Active Directory groups located in the specified User Search Base and Group Search Base. It is also possible to assign an access policy for a user or group from a given search base.

Page Users in the NiFi Registry setup menu
Page Users in the NiFi Registry setup menu
Page Users in the NiFi Registry setup menu
Page Users in the NiFi Registry setup menu

Disable authentication

To disable authentication in the NiFi service, do the following:

  1. Set the configuration parameters of the LDAP Login Identity Provider and LDAP UserGroupProvider sections to their default values.

    Setting default values
    Setting default values

    The option to reset the NiFi service configuration parameters LDAP Login Identity Provider and LDAP UserGroupProvider is available starting from version 1.7.2.b2 of the ADS cluster. For earlier versions of ADS to update the settings, you need to delete the /etc/nifi/conf/users.xml and /etc/nifi/conf/authorizations.xml files from each host where NiFi service is installed.

  2. Disable SSL. To do this, apply the action Disable SSL in the cluster by clicking on the actions default dark actions default light in the Actions column.

Change NiFi Initial Admin data

To change data about NiFi Initial Admin, use the Manage Initial Admin action in the NiFi service by clicking on the actions default dark actions default light icon in the Actions column for the NiFi service.

After selecting the action in the Run an action window that opens, enter the new user DN and password and click Run.

Change NiFi Initial Admin
Change NiFi Initial Admin
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