Software requirements

Operating system

  1. ADQM supports only x86_64 architecture and the following operating systems:

    • Centos 7

    • RHEL 7

    • Alt Linux 8.4 SP (starting with the ADQM version

    • Astra Linux SE 1.7 Orel with Axiom JDK (for the Enterprise edition of ADQM, starting with the version

    • RED OS 7.3 Certified edition (for the Enterprise edition of ADQM, starting with the version

    • Ubuntu 22.04 (starting with the ADQM version

  2. You need to prepare all dependent repositories together with the chosen operating system.

  3. All machines in the cluster should have access to the official repositories (or local mirrors should be created):

  4. For online installation of ADQM, the machines should have access to Arenadata repositories specified on the Configuration tab in the ADQM cluster menu available in ADCM UI. For offline installation, provide access to the host where the Enterprise Tools cluster is installed.

Required information

The following information and conditions are required to install an ADQM cluster:

  • IP addresses and hostnames of all servers in the cluster, mapped to their roles.

  • Access to the root user or any user with sudo rights on each server in the cluster.

  • Correctly configured DNS. All hostnames and fully qualified domain names (FQDN) should resolve equally on all servers in the cluster.

Specifics of ADQM installation

  1. The installation process modifies the following system files that should not be controlled by the configuration management system (if available):

    • /etc/hosts;

    • /etc/selinux/config;

    • /etc/sysctl.conf.

  2. The installation process creates files in /usr/lib/systemd/system/. These files should not be controlled by the configuration management system (if available).

  3. Services installed on a cluster should not be controlled by the configuration management system (if available).

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