Use materialized views

A materialized view calculates intermediate aggregate states for data from a source table according to the SELECT query, which is specified in the view definition, and saves the results to its internal table or to a separate target table. Aggregate states in the view are updated automatically each time the source table receives new data. Materialized views allow you to optimize the execution time of complex queries with aggregates that access a large number of data records — precomputation of totals reduces the amount of data needed to be processed for SELECT query execution.

Create materialized view

Syntax overview

To create a materialized view, use the CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW query. The basic syntax is:

CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW [IF NOT EXISTS] [<db_name>.]<mat_view_name> [ON CLUSTER <cluster_name>]
[TO [<db_name>.]<target_table>]
[ENGINE = <engine>]
FROM [<db_name>.]<source_table>

Below are clauses used to define a materialized view.


Target table to which the materialized view should forward the data


Engine of the materialized view’s internal table where aggregated data should be stored if a separate target table has not been explicitly specified in the materialized view definition via the TO clause


Indicates that data existing in the source table when the materialized view is being created should be automatically loaded into the view. It is not recommended to use POPULATE as data that arrives into the source table during the view creation will be missed and not inserted into the view. Also, the POPULATE keyword should be omitted if the materialized view definition includes the TO clause — in this case, the view will only process and store data added to the source table after the view has been created


Query that reads new data inserted into the source table and determines how to transform that data for loading into the materialized view (or into the target table, if any). The SELECT query can contain DISTINCT, GROUP BY, ORDER BY, LIMIT — in this case, the corresponding data conversions are performed independently for each inserted data block. For example, if GROUP BY is set, aggregation is performed during insertion within inserted data block only, and data will not be further aggregated. The exception is if you specify a materialized view’s table engine (using the ENGINE clause), which performs data aggregation on its own (for example, SummingMergeTree).

You can change the SELECT query after the materialized view has been created using the ALTER TABLE … MODIFY QUERY query. However, note that this query type is currently experimental and has some limitations


Any changes to data existing in the source table (such as update, delete, etc.) do not affect the materialized view.

In ADQM, materialized views look the same as normal tables. For example, they are listed in the result of the SHOW TABLES query.

To delete a materialized view, run the DROP VIEW or DROP TABLE query.


This example shows how to create a materialized view to pre-aggregate data and speed up subsequent SELECT query executions.

  1. Create a source table to store pageview data:

    CREATE TABLE page_views
        time DateTime,
        page_name String,
        time_on_page UInt64
    ENGINE = MergeTree
    ORDER BY time;
  2. Create a target table to store pageview counts and average pageview time by month:

    CREATE TABLE page_views_monthly
        page_name String,
        month Date,
        page_view_count UInt64,
        avg_time_on_page AggregateFunction(avg, UInt64)
    ENGINE = SummingMergeTree()
    ORDER BY (page_name, month);

    A column with average pageview time is of the AggregateFunction data type that allows storing partially aggregated data. The SummingMergeTree table engine used in the example requires this data type for all aggregates except sum or count. To work with materialized views, you can also use other table engines. For example, use the AggregatingMergeTree engine that works with aggregate functions only (this means that if you set the AggregatingMergeTree engine in the query above, the page_view_count column should also be of the AggregateFunction type).

  3. Create a materialized view:

    CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW page_views_monthly_mv
    TO page_views_monthly
        toDate(toStartOfMonth(time)) AS month,
        count() as page_view_count,
        avgState(time_on_page) AS avg_time_on_page
    FROM page_views
    GROUP BY page_name, month
    ORDER BY page_name, month;

    When data is inserted into the page_views source table, the materialized view will transform it as specified in the SELECT definition and send the result to the page_views_monthly target table. To insert intermediate aggregate states into a target table’s avg_time_on_page column of the AggregateFunction type, use the appropriate aggregate function with the State suffix (avgState) in the view’s SELECT definition.

    If you run the SHOW TABLES query at this point, the output will include the created tables and materialized view:

    │ page_views            │
    │ page_views_monthly    │
    │ page_views_monthly_mv │
  4. Populate the source table with test data. For example, randomly generate 1 million views for 4 pages:

    INSERT INTO page_views SELECT
        toDate('2023-01-01 00:00:00') + (rand() % 182) AS time,
        ['landing', 'products', 'docs', 'about'][toInt32(randBinomial(4, 0.01)) + 1],
        rand() % 15
    FROM numbers(1000000);
  5. Compare the speed of the SELECT query execution when fetching data from the source table with raw input data and from the table with pre-aggregated monthly data.

    Select data from the page_views table:

        toDate(toStartOfMonth(time)) AS month,
        count() AS page_view_count,
        round(avg(time_on_page), 2) AS avg_time_on_page
    FROM page_views
    GROUP BY page_name, month
    ORDER BY page_name, month;
    │ about     │ 2023-02-01 │               2 │                7 │
    │ about     │ 2023-03-01 │               1 │                7 │
    │ docs      │ 2023-01-01 │              95 │             7.21 │
    │ docs      │ 2023-02-01 │              93 │             6.42 │
    │ docs      │ 2023-03-01 │             102 │             6.72 │
    │ docs      │ 2023-04-01 │              84 │             7.35 │
    │ docs      │ 2023-05-01 │             101 │             7.18 │
    │ docs      │ 2023-06-01 │              92 │             7.72 │
    │ docs      │ 2023-07-01 │               5 │              8.6 │
    │ landing   │ 2023-01-01 │          163242 │             7.01 │
    │ landing   │ 2023-02-01 │          147695 │                7 │
    │ landing   │ 2023-03-01 │          163930 │             6.99 │
    │ landing   │ 2023-04-01 │          158155 │             7.01 │
    │ landing   │ 2023-05-01 │          163263 │             6.99 │
    │ landing   │ 2023-06-01 │          158840 │                7 │
    │ landing   │ 2023-07-01 │            5396 │             7.02 │
    │ products  │ 2023-01-01 │            6667 │             7.05 │
    │ products  │ 2023-02-01 │            6099 │             6.99 │
    │ products  │ 2023-03-01 │            6589 │             7.02 │
    │ products  │ 2023-04-01 │            6391 │             7.01 │
    │ products  │ 2023-05-01 │            6428 │             6.98 │
    │ products  │ 2023-06-01 │            6517 │             7.04 │
    │ products  │ 2023-07-01 │             213 │             7.48 │
    23 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.023 sec. Processed 1.00 million rows, 28.04 MB (43.43 million rows/s., 1.22 GB/s.)

    Select data from the page_views_monthly table — reading from this table will be 7 times faster than from the source table (with more data for selection, the difference will be even more noticeable). Note that the SELECT query uses the same aggregate function as for data insertion, but with the Merge suffix — it is required to combine a set of intermediate aggregate states and return the result of complete data aggregation (see AggregateFunction):

        sum(page_view_count) AS page_view_count,
        round(avgMerge(avg_time_on_page), 2) AS avg_time_on_page
    FROM page_views_monthly
    GROUP BY page_name, month
    ORDER BY page_name, month;
    │ about     │ 2023-02-01 │               2 │                7 │
    │ about     │ 2023-03-01 │               1 │                7 │
    │ docs      │ 2023-01-01 │              95 │             7.21 │
    │ docs      │ 2023-02-01 │              93 │             6.42 │
    │ docs      │ 2023-03-01 │             102 │             6.72 │
    │ docs      │ 2023-04-01 │              84 │             7.35 │
    │ docs      │ 2023-05-01 │             101 │             7.18 │
    │ docs      │ 2023-06-01 │              92 │             7.72 │
    │ docs      │ 2023-07-01 │               5 │              8.6 │
    │ landing   │ 2023-01-01 │          163242 │             7.01 │
    │ landing   │ 2023-02-01 │          147695 │                7 │
    │ landing   │ 2023-03-01 │          163930 │             6.99 │
    │ landing   │ 2023-04-01 │          158155 │             7.01 │
    │ landing   │ 2023-05-01 │          163263 │             6.99 │
    │ landing   │ 2023-06-01 │          158840 │                7 │
    │ landing   │ 2023-07-01 │            5396 │             7.02 │
    │ products  │ 2023-01-01 │            6667 │             7.05 │
    │ products  │ 2023-02-01 │            6099 │             6.99 │
    │ products  │ 2023-03-01 │            6589 │             7.02 │
    │ products  │ 2023-04-01 │            6391 │             7.01 │
    │ products  │ 2023-05-01 │            6428 │             6.98 │
    │ products  │ 2023-06-01 │            6517 │             7.04 │
    │ products  │ 2023-07-01 │             213 │             7.48 │
    23 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.003 sec.

Modify materialized view

Use the ALTER TABLE…MODIFY QUERY clause to modify a SELECT query that was specified when a materialized view was created. This command is not recommended for materialized views without target tables assigned via the TO clause as it does not change the structure and column definitions of a materialized view’s internal table.

Before executing the ALTER TABLE…MODIFY QUERY query, enable the option: SET allow_experimental_alter_materialized_view_structure=1.


  1. Use the ALTER TABLE…​ADD COLUMN clause to add the browser column to the page_views source table and to the page_views_monthly target table (columns of a materialized view and its target table do not have to match, so changing the target table’s structure will not break data insertion):

    ALTER TABLE page_views ADD COLUMN browser String;
    ALTER TABLE page_views_monthly ADD COLUMN browser String after month,
    MODIFY ORDER BY (page_name, month, browser);
  2. Insert data into the source table:

    INSERT INTO page_views SELECT
        toDate('2023-01-01 00:00:00') + (rand() % 182) AS time,
        ['landing', 'products', 'docs', 'about'][toInt32(randBinomial(4, 0.01)) + 1],
        rand() % 15,
        ['firefox', 'safary', 'chrome'][(number % 3) + 1]
    FROM numbers(1000000);

    If you read data from the target table at this stage, you will see that the browser column is empty:

        sum(page_view_count) AS page_view_count,
        round(avgMerge(avg_time_on_page), 2) AS avg_time_on_page
    FROM page_views_monthly
    GROUP BY page_name, month, browser
    ORDER BY page_name, month ASC, browser;
    │ about     │ 2023-01-01 │         │               1 │               14 │
    │ about     │ 2023-02-01 │         │               3 │             6.67 │
    │ about     │ 2023-03-01 │         │               2 │              8.5 │
    │ about     │ 2023-05-01 │         │               1 │               12 │
    │ docs      │ 2023-01-01 │         │             203 │             7.13 │
    │ docs      │ 2023-02-01 │         │             175 │             6.91 │
    │ docs      │ 2023-03-01 │         │             185 │             7.21 │
    │ docs      │ 2023-04-01 │         │             175 │             7.15 │
    │ docs      │ 2023-05-01 │         │             182 │             7.53 │
    │ docs      │ 2023-06-01 │         │             190 │             7.94 │
    │ docs      │ 2023-07-01 │         │               8 │             9.88 │
    │ landing   │ 2023-01-01 │         │          326986 │             7.01 │
    │ landing   │ 2023-02-01 │         │          295510 │             6.99 │
    │ landing   │ 2023-03-01 │         │          327021 │                7 │
    │ landing   │ 2023-04-01 │         │          316761 │                7 │
    │ landing   │ 2023-05-01 │         │          327207 │                7 │
    │ landing   │ 2023-06-01 │         │          316732 │             6.99 │
    │ landing   │ 2023-07-01 │         │           10702 │             7.05 │
    │ products  │ 2023-01-01 │         │           13224 │             7.07 │
    │ products  │ 2023-02-01 │         │           12103 │             7.02 │
    │ products  │ 2023-03-01 │         │           13225 │             6.99 │
    │ products  │ 2023-04-01 │         │           12807 │             6.98 │
    │ products  │ 2023-05-01 │         │           13156 │             6.95 │
    │ products  │ 2023-06-01 │         │           13000 │             7.01 │
    │ products  │ 2023-07-01 │         │             441 │             6.95 │
  3. To send data from the new column of the source table to the corresponding column of the target table, you need to change the SELECT query of the materialized view. To do this, run the ALTER TABLE…​MODIFY QUERY command:

    SET allow_experimental_alter_materialized_view_structure=1;
    ALTER TABLE page_views_monthly_mv
        toDate(toStartOfMonth(time)) AS month,
        count() AS page_view_count,
        avgState(time_on_page) AS avg_time_on_page
    FROM page_views
    GROUP BY page_name, month, browser
    ORDER BY page_name, month, browser;
  4. Add data to the source table again:

    INSERT INTO page_views SELECT
        toDate('2023-01-01 00:00:00') + (rand() % 182) AS time,
        ['landing', 'products', 'docs', 'about'][toInt32(randBinomial(4, 0.01)) + 1],
        rand() % 15,
        ['firefox', 'safary', 'chrome'][(number % 3) + 1]
    FROM numbers(1000000);

    Make sure the data from the browser column is now inserted into the target table:

        sum(page_view_count) AS page_view_count,
        round(avgMerge(avg_time_on_page), 2) AS avg_time_on_page
    FROM page_views_monthly
    GROUP BY page_name, month, browser
    ORDER BY page_name, month ASC, browser;
    │ about     │ 2023-01-01 │         │               1 │               14 │
    │ about     │ 2023-02-01 │         │               3 │             6.67 │
    │ about     │ 2023-02-01 │ safary  │               1 │                7 │
    │ about     │ 2023-03-01 │         │               2 │              8.5 │
    │ about     │ 2023-04-01 │ firefox │               1 │                1 │
    │ about     │ 2023-05-01 │         │               1 │               12 │
    │ about     │ 2023-05-01 │ chrome  │               1 │               14 │
    │ about     │ 2023-05-01 │ safary  │               1 │                6 │
    │ docs      │ 2023-01-01 │         │             203 │             7.13 │
    │ docs      │ 2023-01-01 │ chrome  │              37 │             6.92 │
    │ docs      │ 2023-01-01 │ firefox │              38 │             5.58 │
    │ docs      │ 2023-01-01 │ safary  │              29 │             5.79 │
    │ docs      │ 2023-02-01 │         │             175 │             6.91 │
    │ docs      │ 2023-02-01 │ chrome  │              30 │             6.77 │
    │ docs      │ 2023-02-01 │ firefox │              26 │             6.65 │
    │ docs      │ 2023-02-01 │ safary  │              18 │             5.89 │
    │ docs      │ 2023-03-01 │         │             185 │             7.21 │
    │ docs      │ 2023-03-01 │ chrome  │              42 │             7.83 │
    │ docs      │ 2023-03-01 │ firefox │              31 │             7.65 │
    │ docs      │ 2023-03-01 │ safary  │              33 │             5.88 │
    │ docs      │ 2023-04-01 │         │             175 │             7.15 │
    │ docs      │ 2023-04-01 │ chrome  │              28 │             8.25 │
    │ docs      │ 2023-04-01 │ firefox │              25 │             6.32 │
    │ docs      │ 2023-04-01 │ safary  │              26 │             6.58 │
    │ docs      │ 2023-05-01 │         │             182 │             7.53 │
    │ docs      │ 2023-05-01 │ chrome  │              32 │             7.03 │
    │ docs      │ 2023-05-01 │ firefox │              20 │             7.45 │
    │ docs      │ 2023-05-01 │ safary  │              34 │             6.59 │
    │ docs      │ 2023-06-01 │         │             190 │             7.94 │
    │ docs      │ 2023-06-01 │ chrome  │              35 │             8.37 │
    │ docs      │ 2023-06-01 │ firefox │              29 │             6.69 │
    │ docs      │ 2023-06-01 │ safary  │              27 │             7.15 │
    │ docs      │ 2023-07-01 │         │               8 │             9.88 │
    │ docs      │ 2023-07-01 │ chrome  │               2 │                2 │
    │ docs      │ 2023-07-01 │ firefox │               1 │                1 │
    │ docs      │ 2023-07-01 │ safary  │               1 │                1 │
    │ landing   │ 2023-01-01 │         │          326986 │             7.01 │
    │ landing   │ 2023-01-01 │ chrome  │           54763 │             6.99 │
    │ landing   │ 2023-01-01 │ firefox │           54665 │             7.02 │
    │ landing   │ 2023-01-01 │ safary  │           54294 │                7 │
    │ landing   │ 2023-02-01 │         │          295510 │             6.99 │
    │ landing   │ 2023-02-01 │ chrome  │           48944 │             7.03 │
    │ landing   │ 2023-02-01 │ firefox │           49031 │             7.03 │
    │ landing   │ 2023-02-01 │ safary  │           49298 │                7 │
    │ landing   │ 2023-03-01 │         │          327021 │                7 │
    │ landing   │ 2023-03-01 │ chrome  │           54381 │             6.98 │
    │ landing   │ 2023-03-01 │ firefox │           54433 │             7.03 │
    │ landing   │ 2023-03-01 │ safary  │           54556 │             7.01 │
    │ landing   │ 2023-04-01 │         │          316761 │                7 │
    │ landing   │ 2023-04-01 │ chrome  │           52931 │             6.95 │
    │ landing   │ 2023-04-01 │ firefox │           52706 │             6.99 │
    │ landing   │ 2023-04-01 │ safary  │           53075 │             6.99 │
    │ landing   │ 2023-05-01 │         │          327207 │                7 │
    │ landing   │ 2023-05-01 │ chrome  │           54538 │             6.99 │
    │ landing   │ 2023-05-01 │ firefox │           54733 │             7.02 │
    │ landing   │ 2023-05-01 │ safary  │           54618 │             7.02 │
    │ landing   │ 2023-06-01 │         │          316732 │             6.99 │
    │ landing   │ 2023-06-01 │ chrome  │           52763 │             6.97 │
    │ landing   │ 2023-06-01 │ firefox │           52955 │                7 │
    │ landing   │ 2023-06-01 │ safary  │           52795 │             7.01 │
    │ landing   │ 2023-07-01 │         │           10702 │             7.05 │
    │ landing   │ 2023-07-01 │ chrome  │            1762 │             7.08 │
    │ landing   │ 2023-07-01 │ firefox │            1747 │             6.98 │
    │ landing   │ 2023-07-01 │ safary  │            1767 │             7.09 │
    │ products  │ 2023-01-01 │         │           13224 │             7.07 │
    │ products  │ 2023-01-01 │ chrome  │            2208 │             7.04 │
    │ products  │ 2023-01-01 │ firefox │            2210 │             6.99 │
    │ products  │ 2023-01-01 │ safary  │            2273 │             6.99 │
    │ products  │ 2023-02-01 │         │           12103 │             7.02 │
    │ products  │ 2023-02-01 │ chrome  │            1970 │              7.1 │
    │ products  │ 2023-02-01 │ firefox │            1978 │             6.88 │
    │ products  │ 2023-02-01 │ safary  │            1870 │             7.01 │
    │ products  │ 2023-03-01 │         │           13225 │             6.99 │
    │ products  │ 2023-03-01 │ chrome  │            2189 │             6.97 │
    │ products  │ 2023-03-01 │ firefox │            2186 │             6.94 │
    │ products  │ 2023-03-01 │ safary  │            2251 │             7.18 │
    │ products  │ 2023-04-01 │         │           12807 │             6.98 │
    │ products  │ 2023-04-01 │ chrome  │            2252 │             6.91 │
    │ products  │ 2023-04-01 │ firefox │            2210 │              7.1 │
    │ products  │ 2023-04-01 │ safary  │            2089 │             7.04 │
    │ products  │ 2023-05-01 │         │           13156 │             6.95 │
    │ products  │ 2023-05-01 │ chrome  │            2214 │                7 │
    │ products  │ 2023-05-01 │ firefox │            2188 │             6.94 │
    │ products  │ 2023-05-01 │ safary  │            2151 │             6.98 │
    │ products  │ 2023-06-01 │         │           13000 │             7.01 │
    │ products  │ 2023-06-01 │ chrome  │            2134 │             6.89 │
    │ products  │ 2023-06-01 │ firefox │            2054 │             7.18 │
    │ products  │ 2023-06-01 │ safary  │            2062 │             6.91 │
    │ products  │ 2023-07-01 │         │             441 │             6.95 │
    │ products  │ 2023-07-01 │ chrome  │              77 │             6.65 │
    │ products  │ 2023-07-01 │ firefox │              67 │             7.27 │
    │ products  │ 2023-07-01 │ safary  │              64 │             7.16 │
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