ADQM monitoring metrics
This article describes metrics for monitoring an ADQM cluster. For information on how to install monitoring, refer to the sections:
Metric types
Two groups of metrics are available for an ADQM cluster: system metrics and ClickHouse server metrics. If monitoring is installed via the Monitoring service (available in ADQM starting with version, metrics are collected from all services of ADQM, including ZooKeeper, ClickHouse Keeper, Chproxy.
System metrics indicate general characteristics of cluster hosts, usually related to resource consumption. Available system metrics are listed in the table below.
Metrics group | Description |
cpu |
CPU utilization |
diskspace |
Disk capacity |
files |
File statistics |
iostat |
Input/output operation performance |
loadavg |
System load averages |
memory |
Memory usage |
netstat |
Network connection statistics |
network |
Network interface performance |
ClickHouse server metrics available for an ADQM cluster include:
Metrics — metrics that are calculated instantly and have up-to-date current values (for example, the number of simultaneously processed queries or the current replica delay value).
ProfileEvents — information about the number of events that have occurred in the system (for example, the number of
queries processed since the start of the ClickHouse server). -
AsynchronousMetrics — metrics that are periodically calculated in the background (for example, the amount of RAM in use).
Tables below list ClickHouse server metrics.
Metric name | Description |
ActiveAsyncDrainedConnections |
Number of active connections drained asynchronously |
ActiveSyncDrainedConnections |
Number of active connections drained synchronously |
AsyncDrainedConnections |
Number of connections drained asynchronously |
AsynchronousReadWait |
Number of threads waiting for asynchronous read |
BackgroundBufferFlushSchedulePoolTask |
Number of active tasks in BackgroundBufferFlushSchedulePool (this pool is used for periodic Buffer flushes) |
BackgroundCommonPoolTask |
Number of active tasks in an associated background pool |
BackgroundDistributedSchedulePoolTask |
Number of active tasks in BackgroundDistributedSchedulePool (this pool is used for distributed sends that are done in background) |
BackgroundFetchesPoolTask |
Number of active fetches in an associated background pool |
BackgroundMergesAndMutationsPoolTask |
Number of active merges and mutations in an associated background pool |
BackgroundMessageBrokerSchedulePoolTask |
Number of active tasks in BackgroundProcessingPool for message streaming |
BackgroundMovePoolTask |
Number of active tasks in BackgroundProcessingPool for moves |
BackgroundSchedulePoolTask |
Number of active tasks in BackgroundSchedulePool (this pool is used for periodic ReplicatedMergeTree tasks, like cleaning old data parts, altering data parts, replica re-initialization, etc.) |
BrokenDistributedFilesToInsert |
Number of files for asynchronous insertion into Distributed tables that has been marked as broken. This metric starts from |
CacheDetachedFileSegments |
Number of existing detached cache file segments |
CacheDictionaryUpdateQueueBatches |
Number of "batches" (a set of keys) in update queue in CacheDictionaries |
CacheDictionaryUpdateQueueKeys |
Exact number of keys in update queue in CacheDictionaries |
CacheFileSegments |
Number of existing cache file segments |
ContextLockWait |
Number of threads waiting for lock in Context (this is global lock) |
DelayedInserts |
Number of |
DictCacheRequests |
Number of requests in fly to data sources of dictionaries of cache type |
DiskSpaceReservedForMerge |
Disk space reserved for currently running background merges. It is slightly more than the total size of currently merging parts |
DistributedFilesToInsert |
Number of pending files to process for asynchronous insertion into Distributed tables. Number of files for each shard is summed |
DistributedSend |
Number of connections to remote servers sending data that was INSERTed into Distributed tables. Both synchronous and asynchronous mode |
EphemeralNode |
Number of ephemeral nodes hold in ZooKeeper |
FilesystemCacheElements |
Filesystem cache elements (file segments) |
FilesystemCacheReadBuffers |
Number of active cache buffers |
FilesystemCacheSize |
Filesystem cache size in bytes |
GlobalThread |
Number of threads in the global thread pool |
GlobalThreadActive |
Number of threads in the global thread pool running a task |
HTTPConnection |
Number of connections to an HTTP server |
InterserverConnection |
Number of connections from other replicas to fetch data parts |
KafkaAssignedPartitions |
Number of partitions Kafka tables currently assigned to |
KafkaBackgroundReads |
Number of background reads currently working (populating materialized views from Kafka) |
KafkaConsumers |
Number of active Kafka consumers |
KafkaConsumersInUse |
Number of consumers which are currently used by direct or background reads |
KafkaConsumersWithAssignment |
Number of active Kafka consumers which have some partitions assigned |
KafkaLibrdkafkaThreads |
Number of active librdkafka threads |
KafkaProducers |
Number of active Kafka producer created |
KafkaWrites |
Number of currently running inserts to Kafka |
KeeperAliveConnections |
Number of alive connections |
KeeperOutstandingRequets |
Number of outstanding requests |
LocalThread |
Number of threads in local thread pools. Threads in local thread pools are taken from the global thread pool |
LocalThreadActive |
Number of threads in local thread pools running a task |
MMappedFileBytes |
Sum size of mmapped file regions |
MMappedFiles |
Total number of mmapped files |
MaxDDLEntryID |
Max processed DDL entry of DDLWorker |
MaxPushedDDLEntryID |
Max DDL entry of DDLWorker pushed to ZooKeeper |
MemoryTracking |
Total amount of memory (in bytes) allocated by the server |
Merge |
Number of executing background merges |
MySQLConnection |
Number of client connections using the MySQL protocol |
NetworkReceive |
Number of threads receiving data from network. Only ClickHouse-related network interaction is included, not by third-party libraries |
NetworkSend |
Number of threads sending data to network. Only ClickHouse-related network interaction is included, not by third-party libraries |
OpenFileForRead |
Number of files open for reading |
OpenFileForWrite |
Number of files open for writing |
PartMutation |
Number of mutations ( |
PartsActive |
Active data parts (used by current and upcoming SELECTs) |
PartsCommitted |
Deprecated. See PartsActive |
PartsCompact |
Compact parts |
PartsDeleteOnDestroy |
Parts that were moved to another disk and should be deleted in own destructors |
PartsDeleting |
Not active data parts with identity refcounters, they are deleting right now by a cleaner |
PartsInMemory |
In-memory parts |
PartsOutdated |
Not active data parts, but could be used by only current SELECTs, could be deleted after SELECTs finish |
PartsPreActive |
Data part are in data_parts, but not used for SELECTs |
PartsPreCommitted |
Deprecated. See PartsPreActive |
PartsTemporary |
Data part are generating now, they are not in the data_parts list |
PartsWide |
Wide parts |
PendingAsyncInsert |
Number of asynchronous inserts that are waiting for flush |
PostgreSQLConnection |
Number of client connections using the PostgreSQL protocol |
Query |
Number of executing queries |
QueryPreempted |
Number of queries that are stopped and waiting due to the |
QueryThread |
Number of query processing threads |
RWLockActiveReaders |
Number of threads holding read lock in a table RWLock |
RWLockActiveWriters |
Number of threads holding write lock in a table RWLock |
RWLockWaitingReaders |
Number of threads waiting for read on a table RWLock |
RWLockWaitingWriters |
Number of threads waiting for write on a table RWLock |
Read |
Number of read (read, pread, io_getevents, etc.) syscalls in fly |
ReadonlyReplica |
Number of Replicated tables that are currently in the readonly state due to re-initialization after ZooKeeper session loss or due to startup without ZooKeeper configured |
ReplicatedChecks |
Number of data parts checking for consistency |
ReplicatedFetch |
Number of data parts being fetched from replica |
ReplicatedSend |
Number of data parts being sent to replicas |
Revision |
Revision of the server. It is a number incremented for every release or release candidate except patch releases |
S3Requests |
S3 requests |
SendExternalTables |
Number of connections that are sending data for external tables to remote servers. External tables are used to implement the |
SendScalars |
Number of connections that are sending data for scalars to remote servers |
StorageBufferBytes |
Number of bytes in buffers of Buffer tables |
StorageBufferRows |
Number of rows in buffers of Buffer tables |
SyncDrainedConnections |
Number of connections drained synchronously |
TCPConnection |
Number of connections to a TCP server (clients with native interface), also includes server-server distributed query connections |
TablesToDropQueueSize |
Number of dropped tables, that are waiting for background data removal |
VersionInteger |
Version of the server as a single integer number in base-1000. For example, version |
Write |
Number of write (write, pwrite, io_getevents, etc.) syscalls in fly |
ZooKeeperRequest |
Number of requests to ZooKeeper in fly |
ZooKeeperSession |
Number of sessions (connections) to ZooKeeper. Should be no more than one, because using more than one connection to ZooKeeper may lead to bugs due to lack of linearizability (stale reads) that ZooKeeper consistency model allows |
ZooKeeperWatch |
Number of watches (event subscriptions) in ZooKeeper |
Event | Description |
AIORead |
Number of reads with the Linux or FreeBSD AIO interface |
AIOReadBytes |
Number of bytes read with the Linux or FreeBSD AIO interface |
AIOWrite |
Number of writes with the Linux or FreeBSD AIO interface |
AIOWriteBytes |
Number of bytes written with the Linux or FreeBSD AIO interface |
AggregationHashTablesInitializedAsTwoLevel |
How many hash tables were inited as two-level for aggregation |
AggregationPreallocatedElementsInHashTables |
How many elements were preallocated in hash tables for aggregation |
ArenaAllocBytes |
Total bytes allocated in the internal arena used for small objects |
ArenaAllocChunks |
Total number of memory chunks allocated in the arena used for small objects |
AsyncInsertBytes |
Data size in bytes of asynchronous |
AsyncInsertQuery |
Same as InsertQuery, but only for asynchronous |
AsynchronousReadWaitMicroseconds |
Time spent in waiting for asynchronous reads |
CachedReadBufferCacheWriteBytes |
Bytes written from source (remote fs, etc.) to filesystem cache |
CachedReadBufferCacheWriteMicroseconds |
Time spent writing data into filesystem cache |
CachedReadBufferReadFromCacheBytes |
Bytes read from filesystem cache |
CachedReadBufferReadFromCacheMicroseconds |
Time spent reading from filesystem cache |
CachedReadBufferReadFromSourceBytes |
Bytes read from filesystem cache source (from remote fs, etc.) |
CachedReadBufferReadFromSourceMicroseconds |
Time spent reading from filesystem cache source (from remote filesystem, etc.) |
CachedWriteBufferCacheWriteBytes |
Bytes written from source (remote fs, etc.) to filesystem cache |
CachedWriteBufferCacheWriteMicroseconds |
Time spent writing data into filesystem cache |
CannotRemoveEphemeralNode |
Number of times an error happened while trying to remove ephemeral node |
CannotWriteToWriteBufferDiscard |
Number of stack traces dropped by a query profiler or signal handler because pipe is full or cannot write to pipe |
CompileExpressionsBytes |
Number of bytes used for compilation of expressions |
CompileExpressionsMicroseconds |
Total time spent for compilation of expressions to LLVM code |
CompileFunction |
Number of times a compilation of generated LLVM code (to create fused function for complex expressions) was initiated |
CompiledFunctionExecute |
Number of times a compiled function was executed |
CompressedReadBufferBlocks |
Number of compressed blocks (blocks of data that are compressed independent of each other) read from compressed sources (files, network) |
CompressedReadBufferBytes |
Number of uncompressed bytes (the number of bytes after decompression) read from compressed sources (files, network) |
ContextLock |
Number of times the lock of Context (global lock) was acquired or tried to acquire |
CreatedHTTPConnections |
Total amount of created HTTP connections (the counter increases each time a connection is created) |
CreatedLogEntryForMerge |
Number of successfully created log entries to merge parts in ReplicatedMergeTree tables |
CreatedLogEntryForMutation |
Number of successfully created log entries to mutate parts in ReplicatedMergeTree tables |
CreatedReadBufferDirectIO |
Number of times a read buffer with |
CreatedReadBufferDirectIOFailed |
Number of times a read buffer with |
CreatedReadBufferMMap |
Number of times a read buffer using |
CreatedReadBufferMMapFailed |
Number of times a read buffer with |
CreatedReadBufferOrdinary |
Number of times a read buffer for ordinary files was created |
DNSError |
Total count of errors in DNS resolution |
DataAfterMergeDiffersFromReplica |
Number of times data after merge is not byte-identical to the data on another replicas. There could be several reasons:
The server detectes this situation and downloads a merged part from replica to force byte-identical result |
DataAfterMutationDiffersFromReplica |
Number of times data after mutation is not byte-identical to the data on another replicas. In addition to the reasons described in DataAfterMergeDiffersFromReplica, it is also possible due to non-deterministic mutation |
DelayedInserts |
Number of times the |
DelayedInsertsMilliseconds |
Total number of milliseconds spent while the |
DictCacheKeysExpired |
Number of keys looked up in the dictionaries of cache types and found in the cache but they were obsolete |
DictCacheKeysHit |
Number of keys looked up in the dictionaries of cache types and found in the cache |
DictCacheKeysNotFound |
Number of keys looked up in the dictionaries of cache types and not found |
DictCacheKeysRequested |
Number of keys requested from the data source for the dictionaries of cache types |
DictCacheKeysRequestedFound |
Number of keys requested from the data source for dictionaries of cache types and found in the data source |
DictCacheKeysRequestedMiss |
Number of keys requested from the data source for dictionaries of cache types but not found in the data source |
DictCacheLockReadNs |
Number of nanoseconds spend in waiting for read lock to lookup the data for the dictionaries of cache types |
DictCacheLockWriteNs |
Number of nanoseconds spend in waiting for write lock to update the data for the dictionaries of cache types |
DictCacheRequestTimeNs |
Number of nanoseconds spend in querying the external data sources for the dictionaries of cache types |
DictCacheRequests |
Number of bulk requests to the external data sources for the dictionaries of cache types |
DirectorySync |
Number of times the |
DirectorySyncElapsedMicroseconds |
Total time spent waiting for |
DiskReadElapsedMicroseconds |
Total time spent waiting for read syscall. This includes reads from page cache |
DiskWriteElapsedMicroseconds |
Total time spent waiting for write syscall. This includes writes to page cache |
DistributedConnectionFailAtAll |
Total count when distributed connection fails after all retries finished |
DistributedConnectionFailTry |
Total count when distributed connection fails with retry |
DistributedConnectionMissingTable |
Number of times a replica was rejected from a distributed query, because it did not contain a table needed for the query |
DistributedConnectionStaleReplica |
Number of times a replica was rejected from a distributed query, because some table needed for a query had replication lag higher than the configured threshold |
DistributedDelayedInserts |
Number of times the |
DistributedDelayedInsertsMilliseconds |
Total number of milliseconds spent while the |
DistributedRejectedInserts |
Number of times the |
DistributedSyncInsertionTimeoutExceeded |
A timeout has exceeded while waiting for shards during synchronous insertion into a Distributed table (with |
DuplicatedInsertedBlocks |
Number of times a block INSERTed to a ReplicatedMergeTree table was deduplicated |
ExecuteShellCommand |
Number of shell command executions |
ExternalAggregationCompressedBytes |
Number of bytes written to a disk for aggregation in external memory |
ExternalAggregationMerge |
Number of times temporary files were merged for aggregation in external memory |
ExternalAggregationUncompressedBytes |
Amount of data (uncompressed, before compression) written to a disk for aggregation in external memory |
ExternalAggregationWritePart |
Number of times a temporary file was written to a disk for aggregation in external memory |
ExternalDataSourceLocalCacheReadBytes |
Bytes read from local cache buffer in RemoteReadBufferCache |
ExternalSortMerge |
Number of times temporary files were merged for sorting in external memory |
ExternalSortWritePart |
Number of times a temporary file was written to a disk for sorting in external memory |
FailedInsertQuery |
Same as FailedQuery, but only for |
FailedQuery |
Number of failed queries |
FailedSelectQuery |
Same as FailedQuery, but only for |
FileOpen |
Number of files opened |
FileSegmentCacheWriteMicroseconds |
Metric per file segment. Time spend writing data to the cache |
FileSegmentPredownloadMicroseconds |
Metric per file segment. Time spent predownloading data to the cache. Predownloading — finishing file segment download (after someone who failed to do that) up to the point current thread was requested to do |
FileSegmentReadMicroseconds |
Metric per file segment. Time spend reading from a file |
FileSegmentUsedBytes |
Metric per file segment. How many bytes were actually used from the current file segment |
FileSegmentWaitReadBufferMicroseconds |
Metric per file segment. Time spend waiting for internal read buffer (includes cache waiting) |
FileSync |
Number of times the |
FileSyncElapsedMicroseconds |
Total time spent waiting for |
FunctionExecute |
Number of times a function was executed |
HardPageFaults |
Number of hard page faults. These are the page faults that required IO activity to handle |
HedgedRequestsChangeReplica |
Total count when timeout for changing replica expired in hedged requests |
IOBufferAllocBytes |
Total number of bytes allocated in IO buffers |
IOBufferAllocs |
Total number of allocations made in IO buffers |
InsertQuery |
Same as Query, but only for |
InsertQueryTimeMicroseconds |
Total time of |
InsertedBytes |
Number of bytes (uncompressed; for columns as they stored in memory) INSERTed to all tables |
InsertedCompactParts |
Number of parts inserted in the Compact format |
InsertedInMemoryParts |
Number of parts inserted in the InMemory format |
InsertedRows |
Number of rows INSERTed to all tables |
InsertedWideParts |
Number of parts inserted in the Wide format |
KafkaBackgroundReads |
Number of background reads populating materialized views from Kafka since server start |
KafkaCommitFailures |
Number of failed commits of consumed offsets to Kafka (usually is a sign of some data duplication) |
KafkaCommits |
Number of successful commits of consumed offsets to Kafka (normally should be the same as KafkaBackgroundReads) |
KafkaConsumerErrors |
Number of errors reported by librdkafka during polls |
KafkaDirectReads |
Number of direct selects from Kafka tables since server start |
KafkaMessagesFailed |
Number of Kafka messages ClickHouse failed to parse |
KafkaMessagesPolled |
Number of Kafka messages polled from librdkafka to ClickHouse |
KafkaMessagesProduced |
Number of messages produced to Kafka |
KafkaMessagesRead |
Number of Kafka messages already processed by ClickHouse |
KafkaProducerErrors |
Number of errors during producing the messages to Kafka |
KafkaProducerFlushes |
Number of explicit flushes to Kafka producer |
KafkaRebalanceAssignments |
Number of partition assignments (the final stage of consumer group rebalance) |
KafkaRebalanceErrors |
Number of failed consumer group rebalances |
KafkaRebalanceRevocations |
Number of partition revocations (the first stage of consumer group rebalance) |
KafkaRowsRead |
Number of rows parsed from Kafka messages |
KafkaRowsRejected |
Number of parsed rows which were later rejected (due to rebalances/errors or similar reasons). Those rows will be consumed again after the rebalance |
KafkaRowsWritten |
Number of rows inserted into Kafka tables |
KafkaWrites |
Number of writes (inserts) to Kafka tables |
KeeperCommits |
Number of successful commits |
KeeperCommitsFailed |
Number of failed commits |
KeeperLatency |
Keeper latency |
KeeperPacketsReceived |
Packets received by keeper server |
KeeperPacketsSent |
Packets sent by keeper server |
KeeperReadSnapshot |
Number of snapshot read (serialization) |
KeeperRequestTotal |
Total number of requests on keeper server |
KeeperSaveSnapshot |
Number of snapshot save |
KeeperSnapshotApplys |
Number of snapshot applying |
KeeperSnapshotApplysFailed |
Number of failed snapshot applying |
KeeperSnapshotCreations |
Number of snapshots creations |
KeeperSnapshotCreationsFailed |
Number of failed snapshot creations |
MMappedFileCacheHits |
Number of times a file has been found in the MMap cache (for the |
MMappedFileCacheMisses |
Number of times a file has not been found in the MMap cache (for the |
MainConfigLoads |
Number of times the main configuration was reloaded |
MarkCacheHits |
Number of times an entry has been found in the mark cache, so we didn’t have to load a mark file |
MarkCacheMisses |
Number of misses in the mark cache (this cache is used in the MergeTree engine for faster data reading) |
MemoryOvercommitWaitTimeMicroseconds |
Total time spent in waiting for memory to be freed in OvercommitTracker |
Merge |
Number of launched background merges |
MergeTreeDataProjectionWriterBlocks |
Number of blocks INSERTed to MergeTree tables projection. Each block forms a data part of level zero |
MergeTreeDataProjectionWriterBlocksAlreadySorted |
Number of blocks INSERTed to MergeTree tables projection that appeared to be already sorted |
MergeTreeDataProjectionWriterCompressedBytes |
Bytes written to filesystem for data INSERTed to MergeTree tables projection |
MergeTreeDataProjectionWriterRows |
Number of rows INSERTed to MergeTree tables projection |
MergeTreeDataProjectionWriterUncompressedBytes |
Uncompressed bytes (for columns as they stored in memory) INSERTed to MergeTree tables projection |
MergeTreeDataWriterBlocks |
Number of blocks INSERTed to MergeTree tables. Each block forms a data part of level zero |
MergeTreeDataWriterBlocksAlreadySorted |
Number of blocks INSERTed to MergeTree tables that appeared to be already sorted |
MergeTreeDataWriterCompressedBytes |
Bytes written to filesystem for data INSERTed to MergeTree tables |
MergeTreeDataWriterRows |
Number of rows INSERTed to MergeTree tables |
MergeTreeDataWriterUncompressedBytes |
Uncompressed bytes (for columns as they stored in memory) INSERTed to MergeTree tables |
MergeTreeMetadataCacheDelete |
Number of rocksdb deletes (used for the merge tree metadata cache) |
MergeTreeMetadataCacheGet |
Number of rocksdb reads (used for the merge tree metadata cache) |
MergeTreeMetadataCacheHit |
Number of times the read of meta file was done from the MergeTree metadata cache |
MergeTreeMetadataCacheMiss |
Number of times the read of meta file was not done from the MergeTree metadata cache |
MergeTreeMetadataCachePut |
Number of rocksdb puts (used for the merge tree metadata cache) |
MergeTreeMetadataCacheSeek |
Number of rocksdb seeks (used for the merge tree metadata cache) |
MergedIntoCompactParts |
Number of parts merged into the Compact format |
MergedIntoInMemoryParts |
Number of parts in merged into the InMemory format |
MergedIntoWideParts |
Number of parts merged into the Wide format |
MergedRows |
Rows read for background merges (the number of rows before merge) |
MergedUncompressedBytes |
Uncompressed bytes (for columns as they stored in memory) that was read for background merges. This is the number before merge |
MergesTimeMilliseconds |
Total time spent for background merges |
NetworkReceiveBytes |
Total number of bytes received from network. Only ClickHouse-related network interaction is included, not by third-party libraries |
NetworkReceiveElapsedMicroseconds |
Total time spent waiting for data to receive or receiving data from network. Only ClickHouse-related network interaction is included, not by third-party libraries |
NetworkSendBytes |
Total number of bytes send to network. Only ClickHouse-related network interaction is included, not by third-party libraries |
NetworkSendElapsedMicroseconds |
Total time spent waiting for data to send to network or sending data to network. Only ClickHouse-related network interaction is included, not by third-party libraries |
NotCreatedLogEntryForMerge |
Log entry to merge parts in ReplicatedMergeTree is not created due to concurrent log update by another replica |
NotCreatedLogEntryForMutation |
Log entry to mutate parts in ReplicatedMergeTree is not created due to concurrent log update by another replica |
OSCPUVirtualTimeMicroseconds |
CPU time spent seen by OS. Does not include involuntary waits due to virtualization |
OSCPUWaitMicroseconds |
Total time a thread was ready for execution but waiting to be scheduled by OS, from the OS point of view |
OSIOWaitMicroseconds |
Total time a thread spent waiting for a result of IO operation, from the OS point of view. This is real IO that doesn’t include the page cache |
OSReadBytes |
Number of bytes read from disks or block devices. Doesn’t include bytes read from the page cache. May include excessive data due to block size, readahead, etc. |
OSReadChars |
Number of bytes read from filesystem, including the page cache |
OSWriteBytes |
Number of bytes written to disks or block devices. Doesn’t include bytes that are in page cache dirty pages. May not include data that was written by OS asynchronously |
OSWriteChars |
Number of bytes written to filesystem, including the page cache |
ObsoleteReplicatedParts |
Number of times a data part was covered by another data part that has been fetched from a replica (so, we have marked a covered data part as obsolete and no longer needed) |
OpenedFileCacheHits |
Number of times a file has been found in the opened file cache, so we didn’t have to open it again |
OpenedFileCacheMisses |
Number of misses in the opened file cache |
OtherQueryTimeMicroseconds |
Total time of queries that are not |
OverflowAny |
Number of times approximate |
OverflowBreak |
Number of times when data processing was cancelled by query complexity limitation with the |
OverflowThrow |
Number of times when data processing was cancelled by query complexity limitation with the |
PerfAlignmentFaults |
Number of alignment faults. These happen when unaligned memory accesses happen; the kernel can handle these but it reduces performance. This happens only on some architectures (never on x86) |
PerfBranchInstructions |
Retired branch instructions. Prior to Linux 2.6.35, this used the wrong event on AMD processors |
PerfBranchMisses |
Mispredicted branch instructions |
PerfBusCycles |
Bus cycles which can be different from total cycles |
PerfCacheMisses |
Cache misses. Usually this indicates Last Level Cache misses. This event is intended to be used in con‐junction with the PerfCacheReferences event to calculate cache miss rates |
PerfCacheReferences |
Cache accesses. Usually this event indicates Last Level Cache accesses but may vary depending on your CPU. The metric may include prefetches and coherency messages, and this also depends on the design of your CPU |
PerfContextSwitches |
Number of context switches |
PerfCpuClock |
The CPU clock, a high-resolution per-CPU timer |
PerfCpuCycles |
Total cycles. Be wary of what happens during CPU frequency scaling |
PerfCpuMigrations |
Number of times the process has migrated to a new CPU |
PerfDataTLBMisses |
Data TLB misses |
PerfDataTLBReferences |
Data TLB references |
PerfEmulationFaults |
Number of emulation faults. The kernel sometimes traps on unimplemented instructions and emulates them for user space. This can negatively impact performance |
PerfInstructionTLBMisses |
Instruction TLB misses |
PerfInstructionTLBReferences |
Instruction TLB references |
PerfInstructions |
Retired instructions. Be careful, these can be affected by various issues, most notably hardware interrupt counts |
PerfLocalMemoryMisses |
Local NUMA node memory read misses |
PerfLocalMemoryReferences |
Local NUMA node memory reads |
PerfMinEnabledRunningTime |
Running time for event with minimum enabled time. Used to track the amount of event multiplexing |
PerfMinEnabledTime |
For all events, minimum time that an event was enabled. Used to track event multiplexing influence |
PerfRefCpuCycles |
Total cycles (not affected by CPU frequency scaling) |
PerfStalledCyclesBackend |
Stalled cycles during retirement |
PerfStalledCyclesFrontend |
Stalled cycles during issue |
PerfTaskClock |
A clock count specific to the task that is running |
PolygonsAddedToPool |
A polygon has been added to the cache (pool) for the |
PolygonsInPoolAllocatedBytes |
The number of bytes for polygons added to the cache (pool) for the |
Query |
Number of queries to be interpreted and potentially executed. Does not include queries that failed to parse or were rejected due to AST size limits, quota limits or limits on the number of simultaneously running queries. May include internal queries initiated by ClickHouse itself. Does not count subqueries |
QueryMaskingRulesMatch |
Number of times when query masking rules were successfully matched |
QueryMemoryLimitExceeded |
Number of times when memory limit exceeded for query |
QueryProfilerRuns |
Number of times QueryProfiler had been run |
QueryProfilerSignalOverruns |
Number of times processing of a query profiler signal was dropped due to overrun plus the number of signals that OS has not delivered due to overrun |
QueryTimeMicroseconds |
Total time of all queries |
RWLockAcquiredReadLocks |
Number of times a read lock was acquired on a RWLock |
RWLockAcquiredWriteLocks |
Number of times a write lock was acquired (in a heavy RWLock) |
RWLockReadersWaitMilliseconds |
Total time in milliseconds that readers waited for acquiring a lock on a RWLock |
RWLockWritersWaitMilliseconds |
Total time spent waiting for a write lock to be acquired (in a heavy RWLock) |
ReadBackoff |
Number of times the number of query processing threads was lowered due to slow reads |
ReadBufferFromFileDescriptorRead |
Number of reads (read/pread) from a file descriptor. Does not include sockets |
ReadBufferFromFileDescriptorReadBytes |
Number of bytes read from file descriptors. If the file is compressed, this will show the compressed data size |
ReadBufferFromFileDescriptorReadFailed |
Number of times the read (read/pread) from a file descriptor have failed |
ReadBufferFromS3Bytes |
Bytes read from S3 |
ReadBufferFromS3Microseconds |
Time spent on reading from S3 |
ReadBufferFromS3RequestsErrors |
Number of exceptions while reading from S3 |
ReadBufferSeekCancelConnection |
Number of seeks which lead to new connection (s3, http) |
ReadCompressedBytes |
Number of bytes (before decompression) read from compressed sources (files, network) |
RealTimeMicroseconds |
Total (wall clock) time spent in processing (queries and other tasks) threads (not that this is a sum) |
RegexpCreated |
Compiled regular expressions. Identical regular expressions compiled just once and cached forever |
RejectedInserts |
Number of times the INSERT of a block to a MergeTree table was rejected with the |
RemoteFSBuffers |
Number of buffers created for asynchronous reading from a remote filesystem |
RemoteFSCacheDownloadBytes |
Number of bytes downloaded from a remote filesystem cache |
RemoteFSCacheReadBytes |
Number of bytes read from a remote filesystem cache |
RemoteFSCancelledPrefetches |
Number of cancelled prefecthes (because of seek) |
RemoteFSLazySeeks |
Number of lazy seeks |
RemoteFSPrefetchedReads |
Number of reads from prefecthed buffer |
RemoteFSPrefetches |
Number of prefetches made with asynchronous reading from a remote filesystem |
RemoteFSReadBytes |
Number of bytes read from a remote filesystem |
RemoteFSReadMicroseconds |
Time spent reading from a remote filesystem |
RemoteFSSeeks |
Total number of seeks for async buffer |
RemoteFSSeeksWithReset |
Number of seeks which lead to a new connection |
RemoteFSUnprefetchedReads |
Number of reads from an unprefetched buffer |
RemoteFSUnusedPrefetches |
Number of prefetches pending at buffer destruction |
ReplicaPartialShutdown |
How many times a Replicated table has to deinitialize its state due to session expiration in ZooKeeper. The state is reinitialized every time when ZooKeeper is available again |
ReplicatedDataLoss |
Number of times a wanted data part doesn’t exist on any replica (even on replicas that are offline right now). That data parts are definitely lost. This is normal due to asynchronous replication (if quorum inserts were not enabled), when the replica on which the data part was written was failed and when it became online after fail it doesn’t contain that data part |
ReplicatedPartChecks |
Number of times we had to perform advanced search for a data part on replicas or to clarify the need of an existing data part |
ReplicatedPartChecksFailed |
Number of times the advanced search for a data part on replicas did not give result or when unexpected part has been found and moved away |
ReplicatedPartFailedFetches |
Number of times a data part was failed to download from replica of a ReplicatedMergeTree table |
ReplicatedPartFetches |
Number of times a data part was downloaded from a replica of a ReplicatedMergeTree table |
ReplicatedPartFetchesOfMerged |
Number of times we prefer to download already merged part from a replica of a ReplicatedMergeTree table instead of performing a merge ourself (usually we prefer doing a merge ourself to save network traffic). This happens when we have not all source parts to perform a merge or when the data part is old enough |
ReplicatedPartMerges |
Number of times data parts of ReplicatedMergeTree tables were successfully merged |
ReplicatedPartMutations |
Number of times data parts of ReplicatedMergeTree tables were successfully mutated |
S3ReadBytes |
Number of bytes read from S3 storage |
S3ReadMicroseconds |
Time of |
S3ReadRequestsCount |
Number of |
S3ReadRequestsErrors |
Number of non-throttling errors in |
S3ReadRequestsRedirects |
Number of redirects in |
S3ReadRequestsThrottling |
Number of 429 and 503 errors in |
S3WriteBytes |
Number of bytes written to S3 storage |
S3WriteMicroseconds |
Time of |
S3WriteRequestsCount |
Number of |
S3WriteRequestsErrors |
Number of non-throttling errors in |
S3WriteRequestsRedirects |
Number of redirects in |
S3WriteRequestsThrottling |
Number of 429 and 503 errors in |
ScalarSubqueriesCacheMiss |
Number of times a read from a scalar subquery was not cached and had to be calculated completely |
ScalarSubqueriesGlobalCacheHit |
Number of times a read from a scalar subquery was done using the global cache |
ScalarSubqueriesLocalCacheHit |
Number of times a read from a scalar subquery was done using the local cache |
SchemaInferenceCacheEvictions |
Number of times a schema from cache was evicted due to overflow |
SchemaInferenceCacheHits |
Number of times a schema from cache was used for schema inference |
SchemaInferenceCacheInvalidations |
Number of times a schema in cache became invalid due to changes in data |
SchemaInferenceCacheMisses |
Number of times a schema is not in cache while schema inference |
Seek |
Number of times the |
SelectQuery |
Same as Query, but only for |
SelectQueryTimeMicroseconds |
Total time of |
SelectedBytes |
Number of bytes (uncompressed; for columns as they stored in memory) SELECTed from all tables |
SelectedMarks |
Number of marks (index granules) selected to read from a MergeTree table |
SelectedParts |
Number of data parts selected to read from a MergeTree table |
SelectedRanges |
Number of non-adjacent ranges in all data parts selected to read from a MergeTree table |
SelectedRows |
Number of rows SELECTed from all tables |
SleepFunctionCalls |
Number of times a sleep function ( |
SleepFunctionMicroseconds |
Time spent sleeping due to a sleep function call |
SlowRead |
Number of reads from a file that were slow. This indicate system overload. Thresholds are controlled by |
SoftPageFaults |
Number of soft page faults. These are the page faults that were resolved without disk IO activity |
StorageBufferErrorOnFlush |
Number of times a buffer in the Buffer table has not been able to flush due to error writing in the destination table |
StorageBufferFlush |
Number of times a buffer in a Buffer table was flushed |
StorageBufferLayerLockReadersWaitMilliseconds |
Time for waiting for Buffer layer during reading |
StorageBufferLayerLockWritersWaitMilliseconds |
Time for waiting free Buffer layer to write to (can be used to tune Buffer layers) |
StorageBufferPassedAllMinThresholds |
Number of times a criteria on min thresholds has been reached to flush a buffer in a Buffer table |
StorageBufferPassedBytesFlushThreshold |
Number of times background-only flush threshold on bytes has been reached to flush a buffer in a Buffer table (this is an expert-only metric) |
StorageBufferPassedBytesMaxThreshold |
Number of times a criteria on max bytes threshold has been reached to flush a buffer in a Buffer table |
StorageBufferPassedRowsFlushThreshold |
Number of times a background-only flush threshold on rows has been reached to flush a buffer in a Buffer table (this is expert-only metric) |
StorageBufferPassedRowsMaxThreshold |
Number of times a criteria on max rows threshold has been reached to flush a buffer in a Buffer table |
StorageBufferPassedTimeFlushThreshold |
Number of times a background-only flush threshold on time has been reached to flush a buffer in a Buffer table (this is expert-only metric) |
StorageBufferPassedTimeMaxThreshold |
Number of times a criteria on max time threshold has been reached to flush a buffer in a Buffer table |
SystemTimeMicroseconds |
Total time spent in processing (queries and other tasks) threads executing CPU instructions in OS kernel space. This includes time CPU pipeline was stalled due to cache misses, branch mispredictions, hyper-threading, etc. |
TableFunctionExecute |
Number of times a table function was executed |
ThreadPoolReaderPageCacheHit |
Number of times the read inside ThreadPoolReader was done from the page cache |
ThreadPoolReaderPageCacheHitBytes |
Number of bytes read inside ThreadPoolReader when it was done from the page cache |
ThreadPoolReaderPageCacheHitElapsedMicroseconds |
Time spent reading data from the page cache in ThreadPoolReader |
ThreadPoolReaderPageCacheMiss |
Number of times the read inside ThreadPoolReader was not done from the page cache and was hand off to the thread pool |
ThreadPoolReaderPageCacheMissBytes |
Number of bytes read inside ThreadPoolReader when read was not done from the page cache and was hand off to the thread pool |
ThreadPoolReaderPageCacheMissElapsedMicroseconds |
Time spent reading data inside the asynchronous job in ThreadPoolReader — when read was not done from the page cache |
ThreadpoolReaderReadBytes |
Bytes read from a threadpool task in asynchronous reading |
ThreadpoolReaderTaskMicroseconds |
Time spent getting the data in asynchronous reading |
ThrottlerSleepMicroseconds |
Total time a query was sleeping to conform all throttling settings |
UncompressedCacheHits |
Number of times a block of data has been found in the uncompressed cache (and decompression was avoided) |
UncompressedCacheMisses |
Number of times a block of data has not been found in the uncompressed cache (and decompression was required) |
UncompressedCacheWeightLost |
Number of bytes evicted from the uncompressed cache |
UserTimeMicroseconds |
Total time spent in processing (queries and other tasks) threads executing CPU instructions in user space. This includes time CPU pipeline was stalled due to cache misses, branch mispredictions, hyper-threading, etc. |
WriteBufferFromFileDescriptorWrite |
Number of writes (write/pwrite) to a file descriptor. Does not include sockets |
WriteBufferFromFileDescriptorWriteBytes |
Number of bytes written to file descriptors. If the file is compressed, this will show compressed data size |
WriteBufferFromFileDescriptorWriteFailed |
Number of times the write (write/pwrite) to a file descriptor have failed |
WriteBufferFromS3Bytes |
Bytes written to S3 |
ZooKeeperBytesReceived |
Total number of bytes received from ZooKeeper |
ZooKeeperBytesSent |
Total number of bytes sent to ZooKeeper |
ZooKeeperCheck |
Number of |
ZooKeeperClose |
Number of times connection with ZooKeeper has been closed voluntary |
ZooKeeperCreate |
Number of times a node was created in ZooKeeper |
ZooKeeperExists |
Number of times an existence check was performed in ZooKeeper |
ZooKeeperGet |
Number of times data was fetched from ZooKeeper |
ZooKeeperHardwareExceptions |
Number of exceptions while working with ZooKeeper related to network (connection loss or similar) |
ZooKeeperInit |
Number of times a ZooKeeper session was initialized |
ZooKeeperList |
Number of times a |
ZooKeeperMulti |
Number of times a |
ZooKeeperOtherExceptions |
Number of exceptions while working with ZooKeeper other than ZooKeeperUserExceptions and ZooKeeperHardwareExceptions |
ZooKeeperRemove |
Number of |
ZooKeeperSet |
Number of |
ZooKeeperSync |
Number of |
ZooKeeperTransactions |
Number of transactions performed on ZooKeeper |
ZooKeeperUserExceptions |
Number of exceptions while working with ZooKeeper related to the data (no node, bad version, or similar) |
ZooKeeperWaitMicroseconds |
Total time spent waiting for ZooKeeper in microseconds |
ZooKeeperWatchResponse |
Number of times watch notification has been received from ZooKeeper |
Metric name | Description |
AsynchronousMetricsCalculationTimeSpent |
Time in seconds spent for calculation of asynchronous metrics (this is the overhead of asynchronous metrics) |
BlockActiveTime_vda |
Time in seconds the block device had the IO requests queued. This is a system-wide metric, it includes all the processes on the host machine, not just clickhouse-server |
BlockDiscardBytes_vda |
Number of discarded bytes on the block device. These operations are relevant for SSD. Discard operations are not used by ClickHouse, but can be used by other processes on the system. This is a system-wide metric, it includes all the processes on the host machine, not just clickhouse-server |
BlockDiscardMerges_vda |
Number of discard operations requested from the block device and merged together by the OS IO scheduler. These operations are relevant for SSD. Discard operations are not used by ClickHouse, but can be used by other processes on the system. This is a system-wide metric, it includes all the processes on the host machine, not just clickhouse-server |
BlockDiscardOps_vda |
Number of discard operations requested from the block device. These operations are relevant for SSD. Discard operations are not used by ClickHouse, but can be used by other processes on the system. This is a system-wide metric, it includes all the processes on the host machine, not just clickhouse-server |
BlockDiscardTime_vda |
Time in seconds spend in discard operations requested from the block device, summed across all the operations. These operations are relevant for SSD. Discard operations are not used by ClickHouse, but can be used by other processes on the system. This is a system-wide metric, it includes all the processes on the host machine, not just clickhouse-server |
BlockInFlightOps_vda |
This value counts the number of IO requests that have been issued to the device driver but have not yet completed. It does not include IO requests that are in the queue but not yet issued to the device driver. This is a system-wide metric, it includes all the processes on the host machine, not just clickhouse-server |
BlockQueueTime_vda |
This value counts the number of milliseconds that IO requests have waited on this block device. If there are multiple IO requests waiting, this value will increase as the product of the number of milliseconds times the number of requests waiting. This is a system-wide metric, it includes all the processes on the host machine, not just clickhouse-server |
BlockReadBytes_vda |
Number of bytes read from the block device. It can be lower than the number of bytes read from the filesystem due to the usage of the OS page cache, that saves IO. This is a system-wide metric, it includes all the processes on the host machine, not just clickhouse-server |
BlockReadMerges_vda |
Number of read operations requested from the block device and merged together by the OS IO scheduler. This is a system-wide metric, it includes all the processes on the host machine, not just clickhouse-server |
BlockReadOps_vda |
Number of read operations requested from the block device. This is a system-wide metric, it includes all the processes on the host machine, not just clickhouse-server |
BlockReadTime_vda |
Time in seconds spend in read operations requested from the block device, summed across all the operations. This is a system-wide metric, it includes all the processes on the host machine, not just clickhouse-server |
BlockWriteBytes_vda |
Number of bytes written to the block device. It can be lower than the number of bytes written to the filesystem due to the usage of the OS page cache, that saves IO. A write to the block device may happen later than the corresponding write to the filesystem due to write-through caching. This is a system-wide metric, it includes all the processes on the host machine, not just clickhouse-server |
BlockWriteMerges_vda |
Number of write operations requested from the block device and merged together by the OS IO scheduler. This is a system-wide metric, it includes all the processes on the host machine, not just clickhouse-server |
BlockWriteOps_vda |
Number of write operations requested from the block device. This is a system-wide metric, it includes all the processes on the host machine, not just clickhouse-server |
BlockWriteTime_vda |
Time in seconds spend in write operations requested from the block device, summed across all the operations. This is a system-wide metric, it includes all the processes on the host machine, not just clickhouse-server |
CPUFrequencyMHz_N |
The current frequency of the CPU, in MHz. Most of the modern CPUs adjust the frequency dynamically for power saving and Turbo Boosting |
CompiledExpressionCacheBytes |
Total bytes used for the cache of JIT-compiled code |
CompiledExpressionCacheCount |
Total entries in the cache of JIT-compiled code |
DiskAvailable_default |
Available bytes on the disk (virtual filesystem). Remote filesystems can show a large value like 16 EiB |
DiskTotal_default |
The total size in bytes of the disk (virtual filesystem). Remote filesystems can show a large value like 16 EiB |
DiskUnreserved_default |
Available bytes on the disk (virtual filesystem) without the reservations for merges, fetches, and moves. Remote filesystems can show a large value like 16 EiB |
DiskUsed_default |
Used bytes on the disk (virtual filesystem). Remote filesystems not always provide this information |
FilesystemLogsPathAvailableBytes |
Available bytes on the volume where ClickHouse logs path is mounted. If this value approaches zero, you should tune the log rotation in the configuration file |
FilesystemLogsPathAvailableINodes |
The number of available inodes on the volume where ClickHouse logs path is mounted |
FilesystemLogsPathTotalBytes |
The size of the volume where ClickHouse logs path is mounted, in bytes. It’s recommended to have at least 10 GB for logs |
FilesystemLogsPathTotalINodes |
The total number of inodes on the volume where ClickHouse logs path is mounted |
FilesystemLogsPathUsedBytes |
Used bytes on the volume where ClickHouse logs path is mounted |
FilesystemLogsPathUsedINodes |
The number of used inodes on the volume where ClickHouse logs path is mounted |
FilesystemMainPathAvailableBytes |
Available bytes on the volume where the main ClickHouse path is mounted |
FilesystemMainPathAvailableINodes |
The number of available inodes on the volume where the main ClickHouse path is mounted. If it is close to zero, it indicates a misconfiguration, and you will get 'no space left on device' even when the disk is not full |
FilesystemMainPathTotalBytes |
The size of the volume where the main ClickHouse path is mounted, in bytes |
FilesystemMainPathTotalINodes |
The total number of inodes on the volume where the main ClickHouse path is mounted. If it is less than 25 million, it indicates a misconfiguration |
FilesystemMainPathUsedBytes |
Used bytes on the volume where the main ClickHouse path is mounted |
FilesystemMainPathUsedINodes |
The number of used inodes on the volume where the main ClickHouse path is mounted. This value mostly corresponds to the number of files |
HTTPThreads |
Number of threads in the server of the HTTP interface (without TLS) |
InterserverThreads |
Number of threads in the server of the replicas communication protocol (without TLS) |
Jitter |
The difference in time the thread for calculation of the asynchronous metrics was scheduled to wake up and the time it was in fact, woken up. A proxy-indicator of overall system latency and responsiveness |
LoadAverageN (LoadAverage1, LoadAverage15, LoadAverage5) |
The whole system load, averaged with exponential smoothing over 1 minute. The load represents the number of threads across all the processes (the scheduling entities of the OS kernel), that are currently running by CPU or waiting for IO, or ready to run but not being scheduled at this point of time. This number includes all the processes, not only clickhouse-server. The number can be greater than the number of CPU cores, if the system is overloaded, and many processes are ready to run but waiting for CPU or IO |
MMapCacheCells |
The number of files opened with |
MarkCacheBytes |
Total size of mark cache in bytes |
MarkCacheFiles |
Total number of mark files cached in the mark cache |
MaxPartCountForPartition |
Maximum number of parts per partition across all partitions of all tables of MergeTree family. Values larger than 300 indicates misconfiguration, overload, or massive data loading |
MemoryCode |
The amount of virtual memory mapped for the pages of machine code of the server process, in bytes |
MemoryDataAndStack |
The amount of virtual memory mapped for the use of stack and for the allocated memory, in bytes. It is unspecified whether it includes the per-thread stacks and most of the allocated memory, that is allocated with the |
MemoryResident |
The amount of physical memory used by the server process, in bytes |
MemoryShared |
The amount of memory used by the server process, that is also shared by another processes, in bytes. ClickHouse does not use shared memory, but some memory can be labeled by OS as shared for its own reasons. This metric does not make a lot of sense to watch, and it exists only for completeness reasons |
MemoryVirtual |
The size of the virtual address space allocated by the server process, in bytes. The size of the virtual address space is usually much greater than the physical memory consumption, and should not be used as an estimate for the memory consumption. The large values of this metric are totally normal, and make only technical sense |
NetworkReceiveBytes_eth0 |
Number of bytes received via the network interface. This is a system-wide metric, it includes all the processes on the host machine, not just clickhouse-server |
NetworkReceiveDrop_eth0 |
Number of bytes a packet was dropped while received via the network interface. This is a system-wide metric, it includes all the processes on the host machine, not just clickhouse-server |
NetworkReceiveErrors_eth0 |
Number of times error happened receiving via the network interface. This is a system-wide metric, it includes all the processes on the host machine, not just clickhouse-server |
NetworkReceivePackets_eth0 |
Number of network packets received via the network interface. This is a system-wide metric, it includes all the processes on the host machine, not just clickhouse-server |
NetworkSendBytes_eth0 |
Number of bytes sent via the network interface. This is a system-wide metric, it includes all the processes on the host machine, not just clickhouse-server |
NetworkSendDrop_eth0 |
Number of times a packed was dropped while sending via the network interface. This is a system-wide metric, it includes all the processes on the host machine, not just clickhouse-server |
NetworkSendErrors_eth0 |
Number of times error (e.g. TCP retransmit) happened while sending via the network interface. This is a system-wide metric, it includes all the processes on the host machine, not just clickhouse-server |
NetworkSendPackets_eth0 |
Number of network packets sent via the network interface. This is a system-wide metric, it includes all the processes on the host machine, not just clickhouse-server |
NumberOfDatabases |
Total number of databases on the server |
NumberOfTables |
Total number of tables summed across the databases on the server, excluding the databases that cannot contain MergeTree tables. The excluded database engines are those which generate the set of tables on the fly, like Lazy, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQlite |
OSContextSwitches |
The number of context switches that the system underwent on the host machine. This is a system-wide metric, it includes all the processes on the host machine, not just clickhouse-server |
OSGuestNiceTime |
The ratio of time spent running a virtual CPU for guest operating systems under the control of the Linux kernel, when a guest was set to a higher priority (see |
OSGuestNiceTimeCPUN |
The ratio of time spent running a virtual CPU for guest operating systems under the control of the Linux kernel, when a guest was set to a higher priority (see |
OSGuestNiceTimeNormalized |
The value is similar to OSGuestNiceTime but divided to the number of CPU cores to be measured in the |
OSGuestTime |
The ratio of time spent running a virtual CPU for guest operating systems under the control of the Linux kernel (see |
OSGuestTimeCPUN |
The ratio of time spent running a virtual CPU for guest operating systems under the control of the Linux kernel (see |
OSGuestTimeNormalized |
The value is similar to OSGuestTime but divided to the number of CPU cores to be measured in the |
OSIOWaitTime |
The ratio of time the CPU core was not running the code but when the OS kernel did not run any other process on this CPU as the processes were waiting for IO. This is a system-wide metric, it includes all the processes on the host machine, not just clickhouse-server. The value for a single CPU core will be in the |
The ratio of time the CPU core was not running the code but when the OS kernel did not run any other process on this CPU as the processes were waiting for IO. This is a system-wide metric, it includes all the processes on the host machine, not just clickhouse-server. The value for a single CPU core will be in the |
OSIOWaitTimeNormalized |
The value is similar to OSIOWaitTime but divided to the number of CPU cores to be measured in the |
OSIdleTime |
The ratio of time the CPU core was idle (not even ready to run a process waiting for IO) from the OS kernel standpoint. This is a system-wide metric, it includes all the processes on the host machine, not just clickhouse-server. This does not include the time when the CPU was under-utilized due to the reasons internal to the CPU (memory loads, pipeline stalls, branch mispredictions, running another SMT core). The value for a single CPU core will be in the |
OSIdleTimeCPUN |
The ratio of time the CPU core was idle (not even ready to run a process waiting for IO) from the OS kernel standpoint. This is a system-wide metric, it includes all the processes on the host machine, not just clickhouse-server. This does not include the time when the CPU was under-utilized due to the reasons internal to the CPU (memory loads, pipeline stalls, branch mispredictions, running another SMT core). The value for a single CPU core will be in the |
OSIdleTimeNormalized |
The value is similar to OSIdleTime but divided to the number of CPU cores to be measured in the |
OSInterrupts |
The number of interrupts on the host machine. This is a system-wide metric, it includes all the processes on the host machine, not just clickhouse-server |
OSIrqTime |
The ratio of time spent for running hardware interrupt requests on the CPU. This is a system-wide metric, it includes all the processes on the host machine, not just clickhouse-server. A high number of this metric may indicate hardware misconfiguration or a very high network load. The value for a single CPU core will be in the |
The ratio of time spent for running hardware interrupt requests on the CPU. This is a system-wide metric, it includes all the processes on the host machine, not just clickhouse-server. A high number of this metric may indicate hardware misconfiguration or a very high network load. The value for a single CPU core will be in the |
OSIrqTimeNormalized |
The value is similar to OSIrqTime but divided to the number of CPU cores to be measured in the |
OSMemoryAvailable |
The amount of memory available to be used by programs, in bytes. This is very similar to the OSMemoryFreePlusCached metric. This is a system-wide metric, it includes all the processes on the host machine, not just clickhouse-server |
OSMemoryBuffers |
The amount of memory used by OS kernel buffers, in bytes. This should be typically small, and large values may indicate a misconfiguration of the OS. This is a system-wide metric, it includes all the processes on the host machine, not just clickhouse-server |
OSMemoryCached |
The amount of memory used by the OS page cache, in bytes. Typically, almost all available memory is used by the OS page cache — high values of this metric are normal and expected. This is a system-wide metric, it includes all the processes on the host machine, not just clickhouse-server |
OSMemoryFreePlusCached |
The amount of free memory plus OS page cache memory on the host system, in bytes. This memory is available to be used by programs. The value should be very similar to OSMemoryAvailable. This is a system-wide metric, it includes all the processes on the host machine, not just clickhouse-server |
OSMemoryFreeWithoutCached |
The amount of free memory on the host system, in bytes. This does not include the memory used by the OS page cache memory, in bytes. The page cache memory is also available for usage by programs, so the value of this metric can be confusing. See the OSMemoryAvailable metric instead. For convenience we also provide the OSMemoryFreePlusCached metric, that should be somewhat similar to OSMemoryAvailable. See also This is a system-wide metric, it includes all the processes on the host machine, not just clickhouse-server |
OSMemoryTotal |
The total amount of memory on the host system, in bytes |
OSNiceTime |
The ratio of time the CPU core was running userspace code with higher priority. This is a system-wide metric, it includes all the processes on the host machine, not just clickhouse-server. The value for a single CPU core will be in the |
OSNiceTimeCPUN |
The ratio of time the CPU core was running userspace code with higher priority. This is a system-wide metric, it includes all the processes on the host machine, not just clickhouse-server. The value for a single CPU core will be in the |
OSNiceTimeNormalized |
The value is similar to OSNiceTime but divided to the number of CPU cores to be measured in the |
OSOpenFiles |
The total number of opened files on the host machine. This is a system-wide metric, it includes all the processes on the host machine, not just clickhouse-server |
OSProcessesBlocked |
Number of threads blocked waiting for IO to complete ( |
OSProcessesCreated |
The number of processes created. This is a system-wide metric, it includes all the processes on the host machine, not just clickhouse-server |
OSProcessesRunning |
The number of runnable (running or ready to run) threads by the operating system. This is a system-wide metric, it includes all the processes on the host machine, not just clickhouse-server |
OSSoftIrqTime |
The ratio of time spent for running software interrupt requests on the CPU. This is a system-wide metric, it includes all the processes on the host machine, not just clickhouse-server. A high number of this metric may indicate inefficient software running on the system. The value for a single CPU core will be in the |
OSSoftIrqTimeCPUN |
The ratio of time spent for running software interrupt requests on the CPU. This is a system-wide metric, it includes all the processes on the host machine, not just clickhouse-server. A high number of this metric may indicate inefficient software running on the system. The value for a single CPU core will be in the |
OSSoftIrqTimeNormalized |
The value is similar to OSSoftIrqTime but divided to the number of CPU cores to be measured in the |
OSStealTime |
The ratio of time spent in other operating systems by the CPU when running in a virtualized environment. This is a system-wide metric, it includes all the processes on the host machine, not just clickhouse-server. Not every virtualized environments present this metric, and most of them don’t. The value for a single CPU core will be in the |
OSStealTimeCPUN |
The ratio of time spent in other operating systems by the CPU when running in a virtualized environment. This is a system-wide metric, it includes all the processes on the host machine, not just clickhouse-server. Not every virtualized environments present this metric, and most of them don’t. The value for a single CPU core will be in the |
OSStealTimeNormalized |
The value is similar to OSStealTime but divided to the number of CPU cores to be measured in the |
OSSystemTime |
The ratio of time the CPU core was running OS kernel (system) code. This is a system-wide metric, it includes all the processes on the host machine, not just clickhouse-server. The value for a single CPU core will be in the |
OSSystemTimeCPUN |
The ratio of time the CPU core was running OS kernel (system) code. This is a system-wide metric, it includes all the processes on the host machine, not just clickhouse-server. The value for a single CPU core will be in the |
OSSystemTimeNormalized |
The value is similar to OSSystemTime but divided to the number of CPU cores to be measured in the |
OSThreadsRunnable |
The total number of runnable threads, as the OS kernel scheduler seeing it |
OSThreadsTotal |
The total number of threads, as the OS kernel scheduler seeing it |
OSUptime |
The uptime of the host server (the machine where ClickHouse is running), in seconds |
OSUserTime |
The ratio of time the CPU core was running userspace code. This is a system-wide metric, it includes all the processes on the host machine, not just clickhouse-server. This includes also the time when the CPU was under-utilized due to the reasons internal to the CPU (memory loads, pipeline stalls, branch mispredictions, running another SMT core). The value for a single CPU core will be in the |
OSUserTimeCPUN |
The ratio of time the CPU core was running userspace code. This is a system-wide metric, it includes all the processes on the host machine, not just clickhouse-server. This includes also the time when the CPU was under-utilized due to the reasons internal to the CPU (memory loads, pipeline stalls, branch mispredictions, running another SMT core). The value for a single CPU core will be in the |
OSUserTimeNormalized |
The value is similar to OSUserTime but divided to the number of CPU cores to be measured in the |
ReplicasMaxAbsoluteDelay |
Maximum difference in seconds between the most fresh replicated part and the most fresh data part still to be replicated, across Replicated tables. A very high value indicates a replica with no data |
ReplicasMaxInsertsInQueue |
Maximum number of INSERT operations in the queue (still to be replicated) across Replicated tables |
ReplicasMaxMergesInQueue |
Maximum number of merge operations in the queue (still to be applied) across Replicated tables |
ReplicasMaxQueueSize |
Maximum queue size (in the number of operations like get, merge) across Replicated tables |
ReplicasMaxRelativeDelay |
Maximum difference between the replica delay and the delay of the most up-to-date replica of the same table, across Replicated tables |
ReplicasSumInsertsInQueue |
Sum of INSERT operations in the queue (still to be replicated) across Replicated tables |
ReplicasSumMergesInQueue |
Sum of merge operations in the queue (still to be applied) across Replicated tables |
ReplicasSumQueueSize |
Sum queue size (in the number of operations like get, merge) across Replicated tables |
TCPThreads |
Number of threads in the server of the TCP protocol (without TLS) |
TotalBytesOfMergeTreeTables |
Total amount of bytes (compressed, including data and indices) stored in all tables of MergeTree family |
TotalPartsOfMergeTreeTables |
Total amount of data parts in all tables of MergeTree family. Numbers larger than |
TotalRowsOfMergeTreeTables |
Total amount of rows (records) stored in all tables of MergeTree family |
UncompressedCacheBytes |
Total size of uncompressed cache in bytes. Uncompressed cache does not usually improve the performance and should be mostly avoided |
UncompressedCacheCells |
Total number of entries in the uncompressed cache. Each entry represents a decompressed block of data. Uncompressed cache does not usually improve performance and should be mostly avoided |
Uptime |
The server uptime in seconds. It includes the time spent for server initialization before accepting connections |
jemalloc.arenas.all.dirty_purged |
An internal metric of the low-level memory allocator (see jemalloc) |
jemalloc.arenas.all.muzzy_purged |
An internal metric of the low-level memory allocator (see jemalloc) |
jemalloc.arenas.all.pactive |
An internal metric of the low-level memory allocator (see jemalloc) |
jemalloc.arenas.all.pdirty |
An internal metric of the low-level memory allocator (see jemalloc) |
jemalloc.arenas.all.pmuzzy |
An internal metric of the low-level memory allocator (see jemalloc) |
jemalloc.background_thread.num_runs |
An internal metric of the low-level memory allocator (see jemalloc) |
jemalloc.background_thread.num_threads |
An internal metric of the low-level memory allocator (see jemalloc) |
jemalloc.background_thread.run_intervals |
An internal metric of the low-level memory allocator (see jemalloc) | |
An internal metric of the low-level memory allocator (see jemalloc) |
jemalloc.allocated |
An internal metric of the low-level memory allocator (see jemalloc) |
jemalloc.epoch |
An internal incremental update number of the statistics of jemalloc, used in all other jemalloc metrics |
jemalloc.mapped |
An internal metric of the low-level memory allocator (see jemalloc) |
jemalloc.metadata |
An internal metric of the low-level memory allocator (see jemalloc) |
jemalloc.metadata_thp |
An internal metric of the low-level memory allocator (see jemalloc) |
jemalloc.resident |
An internal metric of the low-level memory allocator (see jemalloc) |
jemalloc.retained |
An internal metric of the low-level memory allocator (see jemalloc) |
View metrics
You can view monitoring metrics for ADQM in the system.metrics,, and system.asynchronous_metrics system tables.
A query example:
SELECT * FROM system.metrics LIMIT 5;
The output:
┌─metric──────────┬─value─┬─description─────────────────────────────────────┐ │ Query │ 1 │ Number of executing queries │ │ Merge │ 0 │ Number of executing background merges │ │ PartMutation │ 0 │ Number of mutations (ALTER DELETE/UPDATE) │ │ ReplicatedFetch │ 0 │ Number of data parts being fetched from replica │ │ ReplicatedSend │ 0 │ Number of data parts being sent to replicas │ └─────────────────┴───────┴─────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
Depending on the way ADQM monitoring is installed, you can also view metrics in web interfaces:
Graphite and Grafana — if ADQM monitoring is set up via a separate monitoring cluster (or Enterprise Tools cluster in case of offline installation).
Prometheus and Grafana — if the Monitoring service is added to ADQM.