Connect to ADQM


You can use different tools (depending on your tasks) to connect to ADQM, including:

After ADQM installation, you can use ClickHouse web interface and clickhouse-client out of the box. If you need to utilize third-party tools, install and configure them according to your requirements.

Configure user access to ADQM servers

To allow access to ADQM via ClickHouse web interface, JDBC driver or any third-party client tool (including, DBeaver), specify networks from which connections to ADQM are allowed in the ADQM user configuration.

For example, to allow the default user to access an ADQM server from any IP address, add the ::/0 item (or if IPv6 is not supported) to the list of networks from which the user can connect to ADQM. You can do this in one of the following ways:

  • Add the ::/0 value for the Default user IP parameter in the ADCM web interface (Clusters → ADQM cluster → Services → ADQMDB → Primary Configuration) and save changes.

    Specify IP addresses with access to ADQM servers
    Specify IP addresses with access to ADQM servers
  • Add the <ip>::/0</ip> item to the networks section of a user configuration in the users.xml file:

            <networks incl="networks" replace="replace">
Regardless of the chosen method — run Reconfig and restart for the ADQMDB service in the ADCM web interface to apply changes.
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