Use DBeaver to connect to ADQM

To connect to ADQM, you can use DBeaver — a third-party client tool that supports different databases. For information on how to install DBeaver, refer to Installation.

To connect to an ADQM server, launch DBeaver and follow the steps below.

  1. Select ClickHouse in the Connect to a database window (Database → New Database Connection).

    Select a database type
    Select a database type
    Select a database type
    Select a database type
  2. In the connection settings, specify the ADQM host, username, and password (a user should be defined in the users section in the users.xml configuration file of the ADQM server). The default username and empty password are used by default. Ensure that user configuration defines networks from which connections to ADQM are allowed. For an example on how to allow the default user to connect to ADQM via DBeaver from any IP address, refer to the Connect to ADQM article.

    In the Database/Schema field, enter the database name (if you leave this field empty, DBeaver will connect to the default database).

    Connection settings
    Connection settings
    Connection settings
    Connection settings
  3. If you need to run analytical queries that take longer than 30 seconds, it is recommended to increase the socket_timeout property value on the Driver properties tab (for example, set it to 300000 milliseconds).

    Driver properties
    Driver properties
    Driver properties
    Driver properties
  4. If you connect to an ADQM server for the first time, download the ClickHouse JDBC driver.

    Select a ClickHouse driver
    Select a ClickHouse driver
    Select a ClickHouse driver
    Select a ClickHouse driver

After the connection is established, DBeaver will display the database on the Database Navigator tab.

DBeaver Database Navigator
DBeaver Database Navigator
DBeaver Database Navigator
DBeaver Database Navigator
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