View restores in ADBM

List of restores

All restore operations that are launched by users in ADBM (via the Common restore, Partial restore actions or Disaster recovery) are displayed on the Restores tab. To open this tab, follow the steps:

  1. Open the Backup Manager page via the ADB Control web interface.

  2. In the table that is located in the Clusters section of the opened page, click the ADB cluster name.

    Select the ADB cluster
    Select the ADB cluster
    Select the ADB cluster
    Select the ADB cluster
  3. Select the Restores tab.

    The Restores tab
    The Restores tab
    The Restores tab
    The Restores tab

On the page that opens, there is a table with the following information on the data restores.

Restore list fields
Field Description

Restore point

A restore point that was selected to restore data


A restore status. Possible values:

  • Init — the restore is being initialized;

  • Running — the restore is running;

  • Stopped — the restore is stopped;

  • Failed — the restore launch is failed;

  • Done — the restore launch is successful.

Start time

A start timestamp of the restore operation in the DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss format

Update time

A timestamp of the last restore status update in the DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss format

Restore type

A data restore type. Possible values:

  • Self-restore — a standard data restore operation that is launched via the Common restore action;

  • Table-restore — a table-level data restore operation that is launched via the Partial restore action;

  • Copy — a data restore operation that is launched during copying data between two clusters as a part of Disaster recovery with the Copy type (cold standby).

  • Streaming — a data restore operation that is launched during copying data between two clusters as a part of Disaster recovery with the Streaming type (warm standby).

In the column headers of the table with a list of restore operations, there are filters that you can use to select specific data. To open a filter, click the openside dark openside light icon. For those columns where the set of possible values is limited (e.g. Status), you can select a value from the drop-down list. For some columns (e.g. Restore point), the search value should be entered. For columns that show date and time (e.g. Start time), the time range can be selected from the calendar.

The filtered dark filtered light icon means that a filter is defined for the column. To reset all filters, click Reset.


By default, the table on the Restores tab shows the current-day restore operations. To view all restores, use the time filters.

Restore details

To view the restore details, click the restore point name (Restore point) in the table on the Restores tab.

Select a restore operation
Select a restore operation
Select a restore operation
Select a restore operation

The next page displays the following information:

  • The table with general restore information.

  • The Parameters tab with additional information on parameters.

  • The Tables tab with information on the restored tables.

The Tables tab is displayed only for the Partial restore actions starting with ADBM 2.2.2.

In the table, there are the following fields.

Fields of the table
Field Description


A restore status. See Status above

Restore type

A data restore type. See Restore type above

Start time

A start timestamp of the restore operation in the DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss format

Update time

A timestamp of the last restore status update in the DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss format

Restore details: general table
Restore details: general table
Restore details: general table
Restore details: general table

On the Parameters tab, there are the following fields.

Fields of the Parameters tab
Field Description


A configuration version. To view the configuration details, click the version number


A maximum number of processes that is selected to restore one segment


The flags that are selected for the restore operation (see Delta, Restore mirrors, Force in the Common restore description)


A name of the action within which the restore operation was launched. To view the action details, click the name


A name of the latest backup that was created before the selected restore point. To view the backup details, click the name


A type of the latest backup that was created before the selected restore point


A creation timestamp of the latest backup that was completed before the selected restore point

Table suffix

The suffix that is added to all table names in the target database during the restore process. Displayed only for the Partial restore actions starting with ADBM 2.2.2

Target database

The target database where tables are restored during the restore process. Displayed only for the Partial restore actions starting with ADBM 2.2.2


A list of source databases selected for the data restore (from their backups)

Restore details: Parameters
Restore details: Parameters
Restore details: Parameters
Restore details: Parameters

On the Tables tab, there are the following fields.

Fields of the Tables tab
Field Description


A name of the target database where the selected table is restored


A name of the target schema where the selected table is restored

Table name

A name of the restored table (after the restore operation)


A table restore status. See Status above

If you click the added actions dark added actions light icon in the Database column, you can see the original names of the database, schema, and table from which the table data was restored — in the new row that appears.
Restore details: Tables
Restore details: Tables
Restore details: Tables
Restore details: Tables

In the column headers of the table on the Tables tab there are filters that you can use to select specific data. To open a filter, click the openside dark openside light icon. For those columns where the set of possible values is limited (e.g. Status), you can select a value from the drop-down list. For some columns (e.g. Database), the search value should be entered.

The filtered dark filtered light icon means that a filter is defined for the column. To reset all filters, click Reset.

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