View jobs

The Jobs page in the ADB Control web interface displays information on planned and completed system jobs in ADB Control/ADB Backup Manager. This page includes multiple tabs, each of which is described in detail below.

The Jobs page
The Jobs page
The Jobs page
The Jobs page



The Monitoring → Schedule tab on the Jobs page displays scheduled system jobs in ADB Control.

The Monitoring → Schedule tab
The Monitoring → Schedule tab
The Monitoring → Schedule tab
The Monitoring → Schedule tab

On the tab, there is a table with the following information.

The "Monitoring → Schedule" tab fields
Field Description

Job name

A system job name. You can get a full job description by pointing a cursor at its name

Previous fire time

A timestamp of the previous job launch in the DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss format

Next fire time

A timestamp of the next scheduled job launch in the DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss format

In the Job name column header of the table with a list of scheduled jobs, there is a filter that you can use to select data by the job name. You can search by the first characters entered. To open a filter, click the openside dark openside light icon. The filtered dark filtered light icon means that a filter is defined for the column. To reset all filters, click Reset.


The Monitoring → Audit tab on the Jobs page displays all jobs launched in ADB Control during the specified time period. Current day data is displayed by default.

The Monitoring → Audit tab
The Monitoring → Audit tab
The Monitoring → Audit tab
The Monitoring → Audit tab

On the tab, there is a table with the following information.

The "Monitoring → Audit" tab fields
Field Description

Job name

A job name.

If the job has the Error status, the Job name table column contains error dark error light. When you click this button, under the current table row a block appears with a message on the source error, which can be copied by clicking copy hover dark copy hover light in the top right corner of the block

Job group

A job group name

Host ID

An identifier of the host where the job was launched (in the <IP address>:<port> format)


A job status. Possible values:

  • Done

  • Error

  • Unknown

  • Running

Start date

A job start timestamp in the DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss format

End date

A job end timestamp in the DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss format

In the column headers of the table with a list of launched jobs, there are filters that you can use to select specific data. To open a filter, click the openside dark openside light icon. For those columns where the set of possible values is limited (e.g. Job name), you can select a value from the drop-down list. For some columns (e.g. Host ID), the search value should be entered. For columns that show date and time (e.g. Start date), the time range can be selected from the calendar.

The filtered dark filtered light icon means that a filter is defined for the column. To reset all filters, click Reset.

Backup manager


The Backup manager → Schedule tab on the Jobs page displays scheduled system jobs in ADB Backup Manager.

The Backup manager → Schedule tab
The Backup manager → Schedule tab
The Backup manager → Schedule tab
The Backup manager → Schedule tab

On the tab, there is a table with the following information.

The "Backup manager → Schedule" tab fields
Field Description

Job name

A system job name. You can get a full job description by pointing a cursor at its name

Cluster name

A name of the cluster for which the job is scheduled. The DEFAULT value is used for common jobs that are not related to any specific cluster

Previous fire time

A timestamp of the previous job launch in the DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss format

Next fire time

A timestamp of the next scheduled job launch in the DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss format

Above the table with a list of scheduled jobs, the Cluster filter is located. You can use this filter to select the ADB cluster for which you want to display data in the table. By default, all clusters are selected.

In the Job name column header of the table with a list of scheduled jobs, there is a filter that you can use to select data by the job name. You can search by the first characters entered. To open a filter, click the openside dark openside light icon. The filtered dark filtered light icon means that a filter is defined for the column. To reset all filters, click Reset.


The Backup manager → Audit tab on the Jobs page displays all jobs launched in ADB Backup Manager during the specified time period. Current day data is displayed by default.

The Backup manager → Audit tab
The Backup manager → Audit tab
The Backup manager → Audit tab
The Backup manager → Audit tab

On the tab, there is a table with the following information.

The "Backup manager → Audit" fields
Field Description

Job name

A job name.

If the job has the Error status, the Job name table column contains error dark error light. When you click this button, under the current table row a block appears with a message on the source error, which can be copied by clicking copy hover dark copy hover light in the top right corner of the block

Cluster name

A name of the cluster where the job was launched. The DEFAULT value is used for common jobs that are not related to any specific cluster

Scheduler name

A scheduler name

Host ID

A name of the host where the job was launched


A job status. Possible values:

  • Done

  • Error

  • Unknown

  • Running

Start date

A job start timestamp in the DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss format

End date

A job end timestamp in the DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss format

Above the table with a list of launched jobs, the Cluster filter is located. You can use this filter to select the ADB cluster for which you want to display data in the table. By default, all clusters are selected.

In the column headers of the table with a list of launched jobs, there are filters that you can use to select specific data. To open a filter, click the openside dark openside light icon. For those columns where the set of possible values is limited (e.g. Job name), you can select a value from the drop-down list. For some columns (e.g. Host ID), the search value should be entered. For columns that show date and time (e.g. Start date), the time range can be selected from the calendar.

The filtered dark filtered light icon means that a filter is defined for the column. To reset all filters, click Reset.

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