LDAP authentication

ADB Control supports LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) user authentication. Unlike basic authentication, you do not need to add users manually via ADB Control when using LDAP. User accounts and passwords are checked on the selected LDAP server.

To configure LDAP authentication, follow the steps:

  1. Ensure the target LDAP server is configured and available. ADB Control supports two LDAP implementations: Microsoft Active Directory (MS AD) and 389 Directory server as a part of FreeIPA.

  2. Open the ADB Control service configuration page in ADCM.

  3. Activate the UI LDAP authentication switcher.

  4. Fill in the following fields.

    Field Description Example in MS AD

    LDAP type

    A type of the LDAP server. Possible values:

    • MSAD — Microsoft Active Directory;

    • FreeIPA — 389 Directory server as a part of FreeIPA.



    A URI for connecting to the LDAP server. Requires the following format: <schema>://<host>:<port>. For example, ldap://example.com:389, ldaps://example.com:636. If a port number is not specified, the standard ports are used: 389 for LDAP and 636 for LDAPS


    Internal CA certificate in PEM format (optional)

    The internal CA certificate or certificate chain in PEM format that signed the LDAP server certificate


    Users baseDN

    A limitation of the search scope of objects in the LDAP directory that is used in users search requests


    Groups baseDN

    A limitation of the search scope of objects in the LDAP directory that is used in groups search requests


    Users OUs

    A list of OU for user search. If the option is set, users will be searched only in the specified OUs, otherwise — within full Users baseDN. Enter each OU value on a separate line using the ou=<name> format (e.g. ou=users1)


    Groups OUs

    A list of OU for group search. If the option is set, groups will be searched only in the specified OUs, otherwise — within full Groups baseDN. Enter each OU value on a separate line using the ou=<name> format (e.g. ou=groups1)



    A group name that is used for service requests to the LDAP server



    A user name that is used for service requests to the LDAP server



    A user password that is used for service requests to the LDAP server

    A password of the admin user

    Size limit

    A maximum number of records that can be returned by the LDAP server


    Lowercase login

    Whether or not to convert user names to lowercase


    • Different LDAP implementations use different names for object types and identifiers. It is recommended to refine the settings format for a specific LDAP implementation from the LDAP server administrator.

    • To use LDAP over SSL (LDAPS) starting with ADB Control 4.10.3, do the following:

      • Use the ldaps protocol in the LDAP URI field.

      • Fill in the HTTPS parameters enable section.

      • Fill in the Internal CA certificate in PEM format (optional) field. The certificate should be replicated to all hosts used by ADB Control (imported to truststore.jks). The SAN (subject alternative names) section of the certificate should contain names and addresses of all data hosts.

  5. Click Save. Then apply the Reconfigure & Restart action to the ADB Control service.

    Configure LDAP authentication for ADB Control via ADCM
    Configure LDAP authentication for ADB Control via ADCM
  6. In the ADB Control web interface, map LDAP user groups to ADB Control roles. This is necessary for LDAP users to get the appropriate permissions to work in ADB Control. For more information, see Authorization.

If all steps are completed successfully, users can connect to ADB Control using the accounts registered for them on the LDAP server.

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