SSL encryption

You can secure communication between ADB Control web server and clients using the HTTPS protocol, which is based on SSL encryption. To configure an access to ADB Control via HTTPS, follow the steps:

  1. Open the ADB Control service configuration page in ADCM.

  2. Set the Show advanced flag.

  3. Activate the HTTPS parameters enable switcher.

  4. Fill in the following fields if you need to use your own certificates.


    If no settings are filled in, ADB Control will create certificates by itself.

    Parameter Description Default value

    Server certificate

    Server certificate contents in the CRT format (*.crt file)


    Server private key

    Server private key contents (*.key file)


    Verify system endpoints' certificates

    A flag that indicates whether to verify certificates of system endpoints


    Server JKS keystore path

    A path to the keystore file in the JKS format for the ADB Control server part. For example, /opt/adcc/ssl/keystore.jks


    Server JKS keystore password

    A password that is used for connecting to Server JKS keystore path


    Server JKS truststore path

    A path to the truststore file in the JKS format for the ADB Control server part. For example, /opt/adcc/ssl/truststore.jks


    Server JKS truststore password

    A password that is used for connecting to Server JKS truststore path


    Client JKS keystore path

    A path to the keystore file in the JKS format for the ADB Control client part (ADB Control/ADBM agents). For example, /opt/ssl/keystore.jks


    Client JKS keystore password

    A password that is used for connecting to Client JKS keystore path


    Client JKS truststore path

    A path to the truststore file in the JKS format for the ADB Control client part (ADB Control/ADBM agents). For example, /opt/ssl/truststore.jks


    Client JKS truststore password

    A password that is used for connecting to Client JKS truststore path


    adbc ssl1
    Fill in the HTTPS parameters
    • The adcc_default.crt and adcc_default.key files for a self-signed certificate are created by default on the host where ADB Control is deployed. They are located in the /opt/adcc/ssl folder. You can specify these files for testing purposes.

    • For production systems, you should use a trusted certificate authority (CA) to sign certificates. To create a real SSL certificate and register it with the CA, use the openssl utility.

    • In case of expanding ADB, SSL certificates should be re-generated to add the corresponding ServerAltNames for new ADB hosts.

    • To connect an external ADB cluster to existing ADB Control with SSL enabled, certificates with ServerAltNames for hosts of both ADB clusters should be specified in the settings of a main and an external ADB cluster.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Apply the Reconfigure & Restart action to the ADB Control service.

    adbc ssl2
    Apply changes

    As a result, the following record is added to the /opt/adcc/nginx.conf configuration file on the host where ADB Control is deployed:

    server {
        listen 8443 default_server ssl;
        server_name _;
        ssl_certificate      /etc/nginx/conf.d/adcc_ssl.crt;
        ssl_certificate_key  /etc/nginx/conf.d/adcc_ssl.key;
        ssl_prefer_server_ciphers   on;
        return 302$request_uri;

After all steps are completed successfully, every attempt to connect to ADB Control via http://<ADB Control IP address>:81 will be automatically redirected to https://<ADB Control IP address>:8443. Due to using a self-signed certificate, the Not secure message will be shown in a web browser.

adbc ssl3 dark
Access via HTTPS
adbc ssl3 light
Access via HTTPS
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