Add components

In ADCM a component means a part of a service that should be deployed on one or several cluster hosts. For example, ADB service consists of such components as ADB Master, ADB Segment, ADB Standby, etc.

Initially, there are no components on any of cluster hosts. You should map components to hosts manually.

The steps for adding components to hosts are listed below:

  1. Select a cluster on the Clusters page. To do this, click a cluster name in the Name column.

    Select a cluster
    Select a cluster
  2. Open the Mapping tab on the cluster page.

    Switch to mapping service components
    Switch to mapping service components
  3. In the window that opens, map components to hosts. To assign hosts for each component, click Add hosts and select hosts in the pop-up window.

    Select hosts for a service component
    Select hosts for a component
    Mandatory components

    Each service can have mandatory and optional components. Mandatory components are highlighted in red. The ADCM UI also displays how many mandatory components should be installed.

    Mandatory components
    Mandatory components
    Without assigning a necessary number of hosts to mandatory components, the component mapping cannot be saved.

    The typical scheme of mapping components in ADB clusters is described in the table below. It is based on the Enterprise Edition of ADB.

    Example of mapping ADB components to hosts
    Host Service Component Notes

    Master host


    ADB Master

    Should be installed only on one Master host


    NTP Master

    Should be installed only on one Master host

    Secondary Master Host (Standby)


    ADB Standby

    Should be installed on the Standby Master host


    NTP Secondary

    Can be installed optionally on the Standby Master host

    Segment host (1..N)


    ADB Segment

    Should be installed on one or more Segment hosts


    NTP Slave

    Can be installed optionally on one or more Segment hosts



    Should be installed on one or more Segment hosts and, optionally, on the Master host

    ADB Control/ADBM host

    ADB Control

    ADB Control server

    It is recommended to use a separate host for this component


    ADBM server

    Can be installed on the same host with ADB Control server

    Do not install ADB Control server or ADBM server on the same host with the ADB Master or ADB Segment components. This feature is reserved for informational purposes only. Use a separate host for these components.
  4. After component distribution is completed, click Save.

    Save mapping of service components
    Save mapping of components

Starting with ADCM 2.2.0, you can use another mapping mode — by hosts. To do this, switch on the Hosts mode toggle and map components to hosts by clicking Add components for each host sequentially.

Use mapping by hosts
Use mapping by hosts
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