Overview of the Hostproviders tab in the ADCM UI

After you upload an infrastructure bundle, you can create and manage hostproviders on the Hostproviders tab in the ADCM web interface via the hostprovider actions that are described below.

ADCM supports the following types of hostproviders:

List of hostproviders

On the Hostproviders tab, you can see the list of created hostproviders in tabular form which contains information described below.

The Hostproviders tab
The Hostproviders tab
Fields of the Hostproviders tab
Field Description


Name of the hostprovider specified during the hostprovider creation


Type of the hostprovider. Possible values:

  • SSH Common

  • Yandex Compute VM Provider

  • VMware vCloud Director

  • CloudRu_Advanced Provider

  • Croc Provider

  • ADB Cloud bundle

  • ADQM Cloud Bundle


Version of the bundle used to create the hostprovider


Status of the hostprovider. The only possible value is created


Description of the hostprovider specified during the hostprovider creation


Icon that indicates the presence of concerns in the current hostprovider configuration, e.g. mandatory fields being not specified. A pop-up window with the error description appears when hovering over the concern red dark concern red light icon


Icons for managing the hostprovider:

  • actions default dark actions default light — opens the drop-down list with actions to manage the hostprovider.

  • upgrade default — indicates whether a new version of the bundle is available and allows you to upgrade the hostprovider. If no version is available, the icon image is changed to upgrade dark disabled upgrade light disabled.

  • delete — deletes the information about the hostprovider from ADCM.

The delete option is also available on the hostprovider page.

To sort the hostproviders alphabetically, click the arrow down dark arrow down light icon in the Name column.

To search for a hostprovider in the list, enter the desired hostprovider name in the Search provider field.

To filter hostproviders by type, select the required value from the drop-down list in the field next to Type. To reset your filters, click the reset dark reset light icon.

Hostprovider actions

ADCM allows you to create and configure hostproviders.

To create and configure a new hostprovider, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Hostproviders tab.

  2. On the page that opens, click Create hostprovider.

  3. For further action, refer to the following links, depending on the hostprovider type:

After you create and configure the hostprovider, you can manage it on the Hostproviders tab. Click the actions default dark actions default light icon in the Actions column to select one of the available hostprovider actions.

For more information on actions for each hostprovider type, refer to the following links:

For the VCloud (VMware), ADB Cloud Bundle, and ADQM Cloud Bundle hostproviders, actions are not provided in current versions.

When you choose an action, ADCM displays a standard dialog box.

Dialog box to run the Create users action
Dialog box to run the Create users action

In this dialog box, you can run the action with raising a non-blocking concern and select the Verbose checkbox to see additional execution details on the Jobs page. For some actions, such as Create hosts, you should first fill in additional options in a separate tab.

Hostprovider details

To get detailed information about the hostprovider, click on the hostprovider name in the Name column of the table located on the Hostproviders tab.

The SSH hostprovider page
The SSH hostprovider page

At the top of the hostprovider page, the following is displayed:

  • bundle version;

  • number of hosts created on the basis of the hostprovider;

  • buttons Actions and Delete.

Also, this page includes the following tabs:

  • Primary configuration — allows you to configure the general hostprovider settings. For more information on configuration parameters, see the links above.

  • Configuration groups — allows you to set hostprovider configuration groups.

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