Create roles

This functional is available only to the user with appropriate permissions.

In order to create a new role:

  1. Log into ADCM console.

  2. Navigate to the Roles subsection of the Access manager section. Roles list opens.

    Roles subsection
    Roles subsection
  3. Click Create role. Create role window opens.

    Create role window
    Create role window
  4. Fill in the Role name field.

  5. Add permissions. Use buttons with product names as filters to select permissions. You should add at least one permission.

  6. Click Create. The new role is created.


You can not mix permissions related to the objects of different hierarchy.

Cluster hierarchy:

  • Cluster

  • Service

  • Component

  • Host

Hostprovider hierarchy:

  • Hostprovider

  • Host

Since host object belongs to both hierarchies, it has all kinds of permissions, so you can launch actions related to both hierarchies when working with hosts.

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