In order to configure ADCM, you can use the global configuration parameters that are located on the Settings page. The page can be accessed from the bottom left part of the screen.

You can modify parameters and save them by clicking Save. You can search for a parameter using the Search input field. You can look through the ADCM previous configuration versions history and compare any two versions using the context menu in the version list located above the Search input field.
Configuration parameters that are available for editing are listed in tables located in the sections below.
Global options
Right after you started ADCM, you should check if the host and port in use are specified correctly. You can do this in the Global Options section.
Parameter | Description |
ADCM’s URL to receive information from the host |
Bundle verification public key |
Bundle verification GPG public key to verify the bundle signature (the SIG file) when the bundle is uploaded to ADCM |
Data retention policy
ADCM provides the way to erase the data related to jobs. Such data is, essentially, the job logs that are displayed in the Jobs section. Time period can be specified for the database and for the container file system. When the specified time period to store the logs expires, the logs are deleted from the database and from the container file system. The default value for both time periods is 365
ADCM also provides the way to erase the data related to objects (for example, cluster or service) configurations. The default value for the time period is 0
days. The 0
value means an infinite storage period (configurations are not being deleted).
In addition, you can configure the data retention period for auditing operations and authorizations in ADCM.
Parameter | Description |
Job log retention period from file system |
Number of days after which the logs are deleted from the file system |
Job log retention period from database |
Number of days after which the logs are deleted from the database |
Objects configurations retention period |
Number of days after which the objects configuration is deleted from the database. |
Audit data retention period |
Data storage period (in days) for operations and authorizations in ADCM |
Enable audit data archiving |
Enables archiving of data on operations and authorizations after the period specified in the Audit data retention period field |
LDAP integration
See the configuration settings at the page about enabling LDAP.
Authentication policy
Below are the settings for the password policy. The password length must be between the specified minimum and maximum values. In addition, you can set the allowed number of login attempts to counteract brute-forcing methods. If a user exceeds the specified number of login attempts, a user account is blocked for a specified period of time.
After the user’s blocking period expires, the login attempts counter for this user is reset to zero. Users with ADCM administrator rights have the ability to reset the login attempts counters of other users.
Parameter | Description |
Minimum password length |
Minimum allowed password length |
Maximum password length |
Maximum allowed password length |
Login attempt limit |
Number of login attempts allowed before the user account is locked |
Blocking time period |
Defines a period (in minutes) of inactivity after which old failed login attempts will be cleared |