Policies migration


ADCM performs migration of policies on upgrade. This will match the policies assigned via users with the policies assigned via user groups. If you had role model configured for an ADCM version earlier than 2023.09.28.17, then upgrading to the current version will create user groups containing all users affected by the policies, and the policies will become reconfigured to those user groups.


Let us have three users: user1, user2, and user3.

User list before migration
User list before migration

Let the user1 user to be under three policies: policy 1, policy 2, and policy 3. Let the user2 user to be under the same policies and let the user3 user to be only under policy 3.

Policy list before migration
Policy list before migration

Inside the policies we can see the users they affect.

Policy 3 before migration
Policy 3 before migration

Now let us perform the ADCM upgrade. When upgrading, ADCM will automatically create user groups for all users in the policies.

Group list after migration
Group list after migration

In this case, user1 and user2 will be in the migration_rbac_0012_group_4ce0f4c83959b…​ user group. The migration_rbac_0012_group_a7fa0ece6a4e7…​ user group will contain all three users: user1, user2, and user3. Full names of the groups are not given here for brevity.

User list after migration
User list after migration

Then the policies policy 1 and policy 2 will be associated with the same migration_rbac_0012_group_4ce0f4c83959b…​ user group, and policy 3 will be associated only with migration_rbac_0012_group_a7fa0ece6a4e7…​.

Policy list after migration
Policy list after migration

Groups are substituted for users inside the policies.

Policy 3 after migration
Policy 3 after migration
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