Installation and configuration

Step 1. Download a hostprovider bundle

Hostprovider distributions for ADCM come in bundles. Regarding the SSH hostprovider, a bundle is a regular archive that includes a description and logic to establish an SSH connection to a host.

The steps for downloading a bundle are given below:

  1. Go to the Arenadata Cluster Manager product website and click Download.

    Switch to the Arenadata Cluster Manager download page
    Switch to the Arenadata Cluster Manager download page

    Another way — go to and select Arenadata Cluster Manager.

  2. In the list of ADCM releases that opens, click Download for the ADCM version that you need.

  3. On the next page, download a required bundle. SSH hostprovider bundles are called SSH Common Bundle.

Step 2. Upload a hostprovider bundle to ADCM

To upload a bundle to ADCM, follow the steps:

  1. Select the Bundles item in the left navigation menu and click Upload bundle.

  2. Select a bundle in the Open File Dialog.

    Upload a bundle
    Upload a bundle
    Upload a bundle
    Upload a bundle
  3. As a result of the performed actions, a bundle is displayed on the Bundles page.

    The successful result of uploading a bundle
    The result of successful uploading a bundle

Step 3. Create a hostprovider based on the uploaded bundle

To add a new hostprovider to ADCM on the base of the uploaded bundle, follow the steps:

  1. Select the Hostproviders item in the left navigation menu and click Create provider.

    Create a new hostprovider
    Create a new hostprovider
  2. In the opened window:

    • Select an uploaded bundle in the Type field.

    • Select a bundle version in the Version field. Several versions become available in the case of different versions of the same bundle being uploaded.

    • Enter a hostprovider name in the Name field.

    • Enter a hostprovider description in the Description field if necessary.

    • Click Create.

    Fill in hostprovider parameters
    Fill in hostprovider parameters
  3. As a result of the performed actions, the created hostprovider is displayed on the Hostproviders page.

    The successful result of adding a hostprovider
    The result of adding a hostprovider successfully

Step 4. Configure a hostprovider

Configuring an SSH hostprovider is an optional step and is required only for the Create users and Create hosts actions. To configure an SSH hostprovider, follow the steps:

  1. On the Hostproviders page, click a hostprovider name in the Name column.

    Go to configuring a hostprovider
    Go to configuring a hostprovider
  2. In the next window, switch on the Show advanced toggle, fill in hostprovider parameters, and click Save. The fields highlighted in red are mandatory.

    Configure a hostprovider
    Configure a hostprovider

    The assignment of parameters is listed below.

    Hostprovider configuration parameters
    Parameter Description

    Ssh keys

    A set of public keys that will be used to create users during the Create users action. Enter each key separately — by clicking the plus one dark plus one light icon in the Ssh keys node and editing the new list element Ssh keys [N] subsequently. Each public key should be started with ssh-rsa  and ended with  username@hostname


    A port number that is used for connecting to a host via SSH (by default, 22)


    A user name that is used for connecting to a host via SSH. The specified user should exist on the host


    A user password that is used for connecting to a host via SSH. If you do not use a password, leave this field blank

    SSH private key

    A private SSH key that is used for connecting to a host via SSH. If you do not use SSH keys, leave this field blank

    Ansible become

    A flag that grants the superuser privileges to the user specified in the Username field. The default value should be used (flag is set)

    Ansible become password

    A password that is used during granting of the superuser privileges to the user specified in the Username field. Can be left at the default value

    SSH args

    SSH arguments for Ansible. Each parameter requires the following format: -o <name>=<value>. Several parameters are separated by space: -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null.

    Thus, StrictHostKeyChecking=no and UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null parameters disable strict host key checking for SSH. Otherwise, when this checking is enabled, the SSH client connects only to the known hosts that are stored in the known hosts list.

    Can be left at the default value

  • The Ssh keys parameter is used only during the Create users action — to create users (specified in public keys) and give them access to hosts by the appropriate private keys.

  • Other hostprovider options are used during the Create hosts action, which allows you to add several hosts simultaneously. When you add each host separately via the Create host action, you should define all eponymous options at the host level (inheriting hostprovider settings is not supported).

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